blob: 984f1152f3ed4ebc3666e62065385971cc9889a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
// JDK
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* The resource bundle containing all the problem messages.
* @version 10.1.3
* @author Pascal Filion
public final class SCProblemsResourceBundle extends ListResourceBundle
* The association of a key and the value that will be loaded into the table
* when the resource bundle is loaded
private static final Object[][] contents =
// Login
{ "0801", "''{0}'' - Login - The Connection URL has to be specified." },
{ "0802", "''{0}'' - Login - The driver class has to be specified." },
{ "0803", "''{0}'' - Login - The data source name has to be specified." },
{ "0810", "''{0}'' - Login - The platform class is unknown: {1}."},
// Broker
{ "0804", "''{0}'' - Session Broker - It has to have at least one session, either a server or a database session." },
// DatabaseSession
{ "0805", "''{0}'' - Database Session - It has to have at least one XML file or a class specified." },
// UserDefinedTransportManager
{ "0806", "''{0}'' - The transport class has to be specified." },
// DatabaseSessionAdapter
{ "0807", "''{0}'' - The location of the log file has to be specified." },
// ReadConnectionPool
{ "0808", "''{0}'' - Only Non-JTS Connection URL or Non-JTS Data Source can be set, not both." },
// CustomServerPlatform
{ "0811", "''{0}'' - An external transaction controller class (JTA) has to be specified." },
{ "0812", "''{0}'' - A server class has to be specified" },
{ "0813", "''{0}'' - Note: 9.0.4 JTA have been deprecated, see Server Platform tab and release notes for more details."},
// // 0813 - Complete message
// "Note: 9.0.4 external transaction controllers have been deprecated, \n" +
// "a server platform should now be used to integrate with a J2EE server, \n" +
// "see tab Server Platform to configure a server platform, if you used a \n" +
// "custom external transaction controller you may need to implement \n" +
// "a custom server platform." },
{ "0814", "''{0}'' - Note: Cache Synchronization have been deprecated, see Cache Coordination tab and release notes for more details."},
{ "0815", "{0} - is no longer a supported platform, select another."},
* Returns the table of bundles.
* @return The association of a key and a value that will be loaded into the
* table when the resource bundle is loaded
protected Object[][] getContents()
return contents;