blob: d12b69b873965a0f2e948a6f464e8eb5d5c7212d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsing;
// Java imports
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;
// TopLink imports
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;
* <p><b>Purpose</b>: Maintain the generation context for an EJBQL query
* <p><b>Responsibilities</b>:<ul>
* <li> Maintain a table of expression builders and alias's
* <li> Maintain the base query class
* <li> Maintain a handle to the session
* <li> Maintain a handle to the parse tree
* </ul>
* @author Jon Driscoll and Joel Lucuik
* @since TopLink 4.0
public class GenerationContext {
protected AbstractSession session;
protected ParseTreeContext parseTreeContext;
protected Class baseQueryClass;
protected Expression baseExpression;
protected Hashtable expressions;
protected ParseTree parseTree;
protected boolean isNotIndicatedInMemberOf = false;
//If a NOT MEMBER OF is encountered, we need to store the MEMBER OF
//so that the right side of the member of can use the stored expression
//from the left
protected MemberOfNode memberOfNode = null;
public GenerationContext() {
expressions = new Hashtable();
public GenerationContext(ParseTreeContext newContext, AbstractSession newSession, ParseTree newParseTree) {
parseTreeContext = newContext;
session = newSession;
parseTree = newParseTree;
public void addExpression(Expression expression, String aliasName) {
expressions.put(aliasName, expression);
public Expression expressionFor(String aliasName) {
Expression exp = (Expression) expressions.get(aliasName);
if (exp == null && (! expressions.isEmpty()) && isSelectGenerationContext()) {
GenerationContext outerContext = ((SelectGenerationContext) this).getOuterContext();
if (outerContext != null) {
return outerContext.expressionFor(aliasName);
return exp;
public Class getBaseQueryClass() {
return baseQueryClass;
public ParseTreeContext getParseTreeContext() {
return parseTreeContext;
public ParseTree getParseTree() {
return parseTree;
public AbstractSession getSession() {
return session;
public void setBaseQueryClass(java.lang.Class newBaseQueryClass) {
baseQueryClass = newBaseQueryClass;
* Caches the specified expression under the variable name for the base
* query class.
public void setBaseExpression(String variable, Expression expr) {
// Store the expression for faster access
baseExpression = expr;
// Store it into the cache
addExpression(expr, variable);
/** */
public Expression getBaseExpression() {
return baseExpression;
public void setParseTree(ParseTree parseTree) {
this.parseTree = parseTree;
public void setParseTreeContext(ParseTreeContext newParseTreeContext) {
parseTreeContext = newParseTreeContext;
public void setSession(AbstractSession newSession) {
session = newSession;
//Answer true if we need to use parallel expressions
//This will be the case if a 1:1 is SELECTed in the EJBQL.
public boolean useParallelExpressions() {
return false;
//Answer true if we want VariableNodes to check if they're
//SELECTed first, to determine how to instantiate the ExpressionBuilder
public boolean shouldCheckSelectNodeBeforeResolving() {
return false;
//Set and get the contained MemberOfNode. This is for handling NOT MEMBER OF.
public void setMemberOfNode(MemberOfNode newMemberOfNode) {
memberOfNode = newMemberOfNode;
public MemberOfNode getMemberOfNode() {
return memberOfNode;
//Answer true if we have a MemberOfNode contained. This is for handling NOT MEMBER OF
public boolean hasMemberOfNode() {
return memberOfNode != null;
public boolean isSelectGenerationContext() {
return false;
//Answer true if we should use outer joins in our get() (vs getAllowingNull())
public boolean shouldUseOuterJoins() {
return false;
/** */
public Expression joinVariables(Set variables) {
return null;