blob: 4de2dca7c54964ff67bd1f4d4786b71c81b62d60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
* Dies Koper - avoid generating constraints on platforms that do not support constraint generation
* Dies Koper - add support for creating indices on tables
* 09/09/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
* - 356197: Add new VPD type to MultitenantType
* 09/14/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
* - 357533: Allow DDL queries to execute even when Multitenant entities are part of the PU
* 12/07/2012-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support (foreign key metadata support)
* 02/04/2013-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.EclipseLinkException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseTable;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.SQLCall;
* <p>
* <b>Purpose</b>: Allow a generic way of creating tables on the different platforms.
* <p>
public class TableDefinition extends DatabaseObjectDefinition {
protected List<FieldDefinition> fields; //FieldDefinitions
protected Map<String, ForeignKeyConstraint> foreignKeyMap; //key is the name of ForeignKeyConstraint
protected List<UniqueKeyConstraint> uniqueKeys;
protected List<IndexDefinition> indexes;
protected String creationPrefix;
protected String creationSuffix;
private boolean createSQLFiles;
private boolean createVPDCalls;
private String tenantFieldName;
//holds onto the name and delimiting info.
protected DatabaseTable table;
protected boolean hasUserDefinedForeignKeyConstraints;
public TableDefinition() {
createVPDCalls = false;
hasUserDefinedForeignKeyConstraints = false;
this.fields = new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>();
this.indexes = new ArrayList<IndexDefinition>();
this.foreignKeyMap = new HashMap<String, ForeignKeyConstraint>();
this.uniqueKeys = new ArrayList<UniqueKeyConstraint>();
this.creationPrefix = "CREATE TABLE ";
this.creationSuffix = "";
* Add the field to the table, default sizes are used.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addField(String fieldName, Class type) {
this.addField(new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type));
* Add the field to the table.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addField(String fieldName, Class type, int fieldSize) {
this.addField(new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, fieldSize));
* Add the field to the table.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addField(String fieldName, Class type, int fieldSize, int fieldSubSize) {
this.addField(new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, fieldSize, fieldSubSize));
* Add the field to the type to a nested type.
* @param typeName is the name of the nested type.
public void addField(String fieldName, String typeName) {
addField(new FieldDefinition(fieldName, typeName));
* Add the field to the table.
public void addField(FieldDefinition field) {
* Execute the SQL alter table to add the field to the table.
public void addFieldOnDatabase(final AbstractSession session, FieldDefinition field){
new SQLCall( buildAddFieldWriter(session, field, new StringWriter()).toString() ) );
* Return the alter table statement to add a field to the table.
public Writer buildAddFieldWriter(AbstractSession session, FieldDefinition field, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("ALTER TABLE " + getFullName() + " ");
session.getPlatform().writeAddColumnClause(writer, session, this, field);
writer.write(" ");
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Add a foreign key constraint to the table.
* If there is a same name foreign key constraint already, nothing will happen.
public void addForeignKeyConstraint(String name, String sourceField, String targetField, String targetTable) {
ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey = new ForeignKeyConstraint(name, sourceField, targetField, targetTable);
* Add a unique key constraint to the table.
public void addUniqueKeyConstraint(String name, String sourceField) {
UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey = new UniqueKeyConstraint(name, sourceField);
* Add a unique key constraint to the table.
public void addUniqueKeyConstraint(String name, String[] sourceFields) {
UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey = new UniqueKeyConstraint(name, sourceFields);
* Add a foreign key constraint to the table.
* If there is a same name foreign key constraint already, nothing will happen.
public void addForeignKeyConstraint(ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey) {
if (! hasUserDefinedForeignKeyConstraints) {
if (!foreignKeyMap.containsKey(foreignKey.getName())) {
foreignKeyMap.put(foreignKey.getName(), foreignKey);
* Add a unique key constraint to the table.
public void addUniqueKeyConstraint(UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey) {
* Add an index to the table.
public void addIndex(IndexDefinition index) {
* Add the field to the table, default sizes are used.
* Identity fields are used on Sybase for native sequencing,
* The field must be of number type and cannot have a subsize.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addIdentityField(String fieldName, Class type) {
FieldDefinition fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type);
* Add the field to the table, default sizes are used.
* Identity fields are used on Sybase for native sequencing,
* The field must be of number type and cannot have a subsize.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addIdentityField(String fieldName, Class type, int fieldSize) {
FieldDefinition fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, fieldSize);
* Add the field to the table, default sizes are used.
* This field is set as part of the primary key.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addPrimaryKeyField(String fieldName, Class type) {
FieldDefinition fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type);
* Add the field to the table, default sizes are used.
* This field is set as part of the primary key.
* @param type is the Java class type corresponding to the database type.
public void addPrimaryKeyField(String fieldName, Class type, int fieldSize) {
FieldDefinition fieldDef = new FieldDefinition(fieldName, type, fieldSize);
* Return the alter table statement to add the constraints.
* This is done separately from the create because of dependencies.
public Writer buildConstraintCreationWriter(AbstractSession session, ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("ALTER TABLE " + getFullName());
writer.write(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
if (!session.getPlatform().shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter()) {
writer.write(foreignKey.getName() + " ");
foreignKey.appendDBString(writer, session);
if (session.getPlatform().shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter()) {
writer.write(" CONSTRAINT " + foreignKey.getName());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Return the alter table statement to drop the constraints.
* This is done separately to allow constraints to be dropped before the tables.
public Writer buildConstraintDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("ALTER TABLE " + getFullName());
writer.write(session.getPlatform().getConstraintDeletionString() + foreignKey.getName());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Return the alter table statement to add the constraints.
* This is done separately from the create because of dependencies.
public Writer buildUniqueConstraintCreationWriter(AbstractSession session, UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("ALTER TABLE " + getFullName());
writer.write(" ADD CONSTRAINT ");
if (!session.getPlatform().shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter()) {
writer.write(uniqueKey.getName() + " ");
uniqueKey.appendDBString(writer, session);
if (session.getPlatform().shouldPrintConstraintNameAfter()) {
writer.write(" CONSTRAINT " + uniqueKey.getName());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Return the alter table statement to drop the constraints.
* This is done separately to allow constraints to be dropped before the tables.
public Writer buildUniqueConstraintDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("ALTER TABLE " + getFullName());
writer.write(session.getPlatform().getUniqueConstraintDeletionString() + uniqueKey.getName());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Return the index creation statement.
public IndexDefinition buildIndex(AbstractSession session, String key, List<String> columnNames, boolean isUniqueSetOnField) {
String indexName = buildIndexName(getName(), key, session.getPlatform().getIndexNamePrefix(isUniqueSetOnField), session.getPlatform().getMaxIndexNameSize(), session.getPlatform());
IndexDefinition index = new IndexDefinition();
return index;
* Return the index drop statement.
public Writer buildIndexDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, String key, Writer writer, boolean isUniqueSetOnField) {
String indexName = buildIndexName(getName(), key, session.getPlatform().getIndexNamePrefix(isUniqueSetOnField),
session.getPlatform().getMaxIndexNameSize(), session.getPlatform());
IndexDefinition index = new IndexDefinition();
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
return writer;
* Return the beginning of the sql create statement - the part before the name.
* Unless temp table is created should be "CREATE TABLE "
public String getCreationPrefix() {
return creationPrefix;
* Set the beginning of the sql create statement - the part before the name.
* Use to create temp. table.
public void setCreationPrefix(String creationPrefix) {
this.creationPrefix = creationPrefix;
* Return the end of the sql create statement - the part after the field list.
* Unless temp table is created should be empty.
public String getCreationSuffix() {
return creationSuffix;
* Return the schema associated with this table.
public String getDatabaseSchema() {
return getTable().getTableQualifier();
* Set the end of the sql create statement - the part after the field list.
public void setCreationSuffix(String creationSuffix) {
this.creationSuffix = creationSuffix;
* Return the create table statement.
public Writer buildCreationWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write(getCreationPrefix() + getFullName() + " (");
for (Iterator<FieldDefinition> itetrator = getFields().iterator(); itetrator.hasNext();) {
FieldDefinition field =;
field.appendDBString(writer, session, this);
if (itetrator.hasNext()) {
writer.write(", ");
List<String> keyFields = getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
if ((!keyFields.isEmpty()) && session.getPlatform().supportsPrimaryKeyConstraint()) {
writer.write(", ");
if (session.getPlatform().requiresNamedPrimaryKeyConstraints()) {
writer.write("CONSTRAINT " + getFullName() + "_PK ");
writer.write("PRIMARY KEY (");
for (Iterator<String> iterator = keyFields.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
writer.write(", ");
if (session.getPlatform().requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate()) {
for (UniqueKeyConstraint constraint : getUniqueKeys()) {
writer.write(", ");
constraint.appendDBString(writer, session);
//let the platform write out the CreationSuffix and the platform's default tableCreationSuffix
session.getPlatform().writeTableCreationSuffix(writer, getCreationSuffix());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Return the drop table statement.
public Writer buildDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) throws ValidationException {
try {
writer.write("DROP TABLE " + getFullName() + session.getPlatform().getDropCascadeString());
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
public Writer buildVPDCreationPolicyWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
try {
writer.write(session.getPlatform().getVPDCreationPolicyString(getName(), session));
return writer;
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
public Writer buildVPDCreationFunctionWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
try {
writer.write(session.getPlatform().getVPDCreationFunctionString(getName(), tenantFieldName));
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Build the create schema DDL.
protected Writer buildDatabaseSchemaCreationWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer, Set<String> createdDatabaseSchemas) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
// Tag that we created a schema (to avoid creating it again)
return writer;
* Build the drop schema DDL.
protected Writer buildDatabaseSchemaDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
try {
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
public Writer buildVPDDeletionWriter(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
try {
writer.write(session.getPlatform().getVPDDeletionString(getName(), session));
} catch (IOException ioException) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);
return writer;
* Build the foreign key constraints.
protected void buildFieldTypes(AbstractSession session) {
// The ForeignKeyConstraint object is the newer way of doing things.
// We support FieldDefinition.getForeignKeyFieldName() due to backwards compatibility
// by converting it. To allow mixing both ways, we just add converted one to foreignKeys list.
for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
if (field.getForeignKeyFieldName() != null) {
addForeignKeyConstraint(buildForeignKeyConstraint(field, session.getPlatform()));
* Build a foreign key constraint using FieldDefinition.getForeignKeyFieldName().
protected ForeignKeyConstraint buildForeignKeyConstraint(FieldDefinition field, DatabasePlatform platform) {
Vector sourceFields = new Vector();
Vector targetFields = new Vector();
ForeignKeyConstraint fkConstraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint();
DatabaseField tempTargetField = new DatabaseField(field.getForeignKeyFieldName());
DatabaseField tempSourceField = new DatabaseField(field.getName());
String tempName = buildForeignKeyConstraintName(this.getName(), tempSourceField.getName(), platform.getMaxForeignKeyNameSize(), platform);
return fkConstraint;
* Build a foreign key constraint.
protected ForeignKeyConstraint buildForeignKeyConstraint(List<String> fkFieldNames, List<String> pkFieldNames, TableDefinition targetTable, DatabasePlatform platform) {
assert fkFieldNames.size() > 0 && fkFieldNames.size() == pkFieldNames.size();
ForeignKeyConstraint fkConstraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint();
for(int i=0; i<fkFieldNames.size(); i++) {
String fkFieldName = fkFieldNames.get(0);
String name = buildForeignKeyConstraintName(this.getName(), fkFieldName, platform.getMaxForeignKeyNameSize(), platform);
return fkConstraint;
* Return foreign key constraint name built from the table and field name with the specified maximum length. To
* make the name short enough we
* 1. Drop the "FK_" prefix.
* 2. Drop the underscore characters if any.
* 3. Drop the vowels from the table and field name.
* 4. Truncate the table name to zero length if necessary.
protected String buildForeignKeyConstraintName(String tableName, String fieldName, int maximumNameLength, DatabasePlatform platform) {
String startDelimiter = "";
String endDelimiter = "";
boolean useDelimiters = !platform.getStartDelimiter().equals("") && (tableName.startsWith(platform.getStartDelimiter()) || fieldName.startsWith(platform.getStartDelimiter()));
// we will only delimit our generated constraints if either of the names that composes them is already delimited
if (useDelimiters){
startDelimiter = platform.getStartDelimiter();
endDelimiter = platform.getEndDelimiter();
String adjustedTableName = tableName;
if(adjustedTableName.indexOf(' ') != -1 || adjustedTableName.indexOf('\"') != -1 || adjustedTableName.indexOf('`') != -1) {
//if table name has spaces and/or is quoted, remove this from the constraint name.
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < tableName.length(); i++) {
char c = tableName.charAt(i);
if(c != ' ' && c != '\"' && c != '`') {
adjustedTableName = buff.toString();
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < fieldName.length(); i++) {
char c = fieldName.charAt(i);
if(c != ' ' && c != '\"' && c != '`') {
String adjustedFieldName = buff.toString();
String foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + "FK_" + adjustedTableName + "_" + adjustedFieldName + endDelimiter;
if (foreignKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// First Remove the "FK_" prefix.
foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + adjustedTableName + "_" + adjustedFieldName + endDelimiter;
if (foreignKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove the underscore characters
foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedTableName + adjustedFieldName, maximumNameLength) + endDelimiter;
if (foreignKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name and field name.
String onlyAlphaNumericTableName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedTableName, 0);
String onlyAlphaNumericFieldName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedFieldName, 0);
foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + Helper.shortenStringsByRemovingVowelsToFit(onlyAlphaNumericTableName, onlyAlphaNumericFieldName, maximumNameLength) + endDelimiter;
if (foreignKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name and field name and truncate the table name.
String shortenedFieldName = Helper.removeVowels(onlyAlphaNumericFieldName);
String shortenedTableName = Helper.removeVowels(onlyAlphaNumericTableName);
int delimiterLength = startDelimiter.length() + endDelimiter.length();
if (shortenedFieldName.length() + delimiterLength >= maximumNameLength) {
foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + Helper.truncate(shortenedFieldName, maximumNameLength - delimiterLength) + endDelimiter;
} else {
foreignKeyName = startDelimiter + Helper.truncate(shortenedTableName, maximumNameLength - shortenedFieldName.length() - delimiterLength) + shortenedFieldName + endDelimiter;
return foreignKeyName;
protected UniqueKeyConstraint buildUniqueKeyConstraint(String name, List<String> fieldNames, int serialNumber, DatabasePlatform platform) {
assert fieldNames.size() > 0;
UniqueKeyConstraint unqConstraint = new UniqueKeyConstraint();
for (String fieldName : fieldNames) {
// If the name was not provided, default one, otherwise use the name provided.
if (name == null || name.equals("")) {
unqConstraint.setName(buildUniqueKeyConstraintName(getName(), serialNumber, platform.getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize()));
} else {
// Hack if off if it exceeds the max size.
if (name.length() > platform.getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize()) {
unqConstraint.setName(name.substring(0, platform.getMaxUniqueKeyNameSize() - 1));
} else {
return unqConstraint;
* Return unique key constraint name built from the table name and sequence
* number with the specified maximum length. To make the name short enough we
* 1. Drop the "UNQ_" prefix.
* 2. Drop the underscore characters if any.
* 3. Drop the vowels from the table name.
* 4. Truncate the table name to zero length if necessary.
protected String buildUniqueKeyConstraintName(String tableName, int serialNumber, int maximumNameLength) {
String uniqueKeyName = "UNQ_" + tableName + "_" + serialNumber;
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// First Remove the "UNQ_" prefix.
uniqueKeyName = tableName + serialNumber;
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove the underscore characters
uniqueKeyName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(tableName + serialNumber, maximumNameLength);
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name
String onlyAlphaNumericTableName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(tableName, 0);
String serialName = String.valueOf(serialNumber);
uniqueKeyName = Helper.shortenStringsByRemovingVowelsToFit(onlyAlphaNumericTableName, serialName, maximumNameLength);
if (uniqueKeyName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name and truncate the table name.
String shortenedTableName = Helper.removeVowels(onlyAlphaNumericTableName);
uniqueKeyName = Helper.truncate(shortenedTableName, maximumNameLength - serialName.length()) + serialName;
return uniqueKeyName;
* Return key constraint name built from the table and key name with the
* specified maximum length and index prefix. If indexPrefix is null,
* "IX_" is used for prefix. To make the name short enough we:
* <pre>
* 1. Drop the prefix.
* 2. Drop the underscore characters if any.
* 3. Drop the vowels from the table and key name.
* 4. Truncate the table name to zero length if necessary.
* </pre>
protected String buildIndexName(String tableName, String key, String indexPrefix, int maximumNameLength, DatabasePlatform platform) {
String startDelimiter = "";
String endDelimiter = "";
boolean useDelimiters = !platform.getStartDelimiter().equals("") && (tableName.startsWith(platform.getStartDelimiter()) || key.startsWith(platform.getStartDelimiter()));
// we will only delimit our generated indices if either of the names that composes them is already delimited
if (useDelimiters){
startDelimiter = platform.getStartDelimiter();
endDelimiter = platform.getEndDelimiter();
String adjustedTableName = tableName;
if(adjustedTableName.indexOf(' ') != -1 || adjustedTableName.indexOf('\"') != -1 || adjustedTableName.indexOf('`') != -1) {
//if table name has spaces and/or is quoted, remove this from the constraint name.
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < tableName.length(); i++) {
char c = tableName.charAt(i);
if(c != ' ' && c != '\"' && c != '`') {
adjustedTableName = buff.toString();
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
char c = key.charAt(i);
if(c != ' ' && c != '\"' && c != '`') {
String adjustedFieldName = buff.toString();
if (indexPrefix == null) {
indexPrefix = "IX_";
String indexName = startDelimiter + indexPrefix + adjustedTableName + "_" + adjustedFieldName + endDelimiter;
if (indexName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// First Remove the prefix.
indexName = startDelimiter + adjustedTableName + "_" + adjustedFieldName + endDelimiter;
if (indexName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove the underscore characters
indexName = startDelimiter + Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedTableName + adjustedFieldName, maximumNameLength) + endDelimiter;
if (indexName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name and field name.
String onlyAlphaNumericTableName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedTableName, 0);
String onlyAlphaNumericFieldName = Helper.removeAllButAlphaNumericToFit(adjustedFieldName, 0);
indexName = startDelimiter + Helper.shortenStringsByRemovingVowelsToFit(onlyAlphaNumericTableName, onlyAlphaNumericFieldName, maximumNameLength) + endDelimiter;
if (indexName.length() > maximumNameLength) {
// Still too long: remove vowels from the table name and field name and truncate the table name.
String shortenedFieldName = Helper.removeVowels(onlyAlphaNumericFieldName);
String shortenedTableName = Helper.removeVowels(onlyAlphaNumericTableName);
int delimiterLength = startDelimiter.length() + endDelimiter.length();
if (shortenedFieldName.length() + delimiterLength >= maximumNameLength) {
indexName = startDelimiter + Helper.truncate(shortenedFieldName, maximumNameLength - delimiterLength) + endDelimiter;
} else {
indexName = startDelimiter + Helper.truncate(shortenedTableName, maximumNameLength - shortenedFieldName.length() - delimiterLength) + shortenedFieldName + endDelimiter;
return indexName;
* Performs a deep copy of this table definition.
public Object clone() {
TableDefinition clone = (TableDefinition)super.clone();
if (fields != null) {
clone.setFields(new ArrayList<FieldDefinition>(fields.size()));
for (FieldDefinition fieldDef : getFields()) {
if (foreignKeyMap != null) {
clone.setForeignKeyMap(new HashMap(this.foreignKeyMap));
if (uniqueKeys != null) {
clone.setUniqueKeys(new ArrayList(this.uniqueKeys));
return clone;
* Execute the SQL alter table constraint creation string.
public void createConstraints(AbstractSession session, Writer schemaWriter) throws EclipseLinkException {
createUniqueConstraints(session, schemaWriter);
createForeignConstraints(session, schemaWriter);
void createUniqueConstraints(final AbstractSession session, final Writer schemaWriter) throws ValidationException {
if (schemaWriter == null) {
if ((!session.getPlatform().supportsUniqueKeyConstraints())
|| getUniqueKeys().isEmpty()
|| session.getPlatform().requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate()) {
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
buildUniqueConstraintCreationWriter(session, uniqueKey, schemaWriter).toString();
writeLineSeperator(session, schemaWriter);
void createForeignConstraints(final AbstractSession session, final Writer schemaWriter) throws ValidationException {
if (schemaWriter == null) {
if (session.getPlatform().supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) {
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeyMap().values()) {
if (! foreignKey.disableForeignKey()) {
buildConstraintCreationWriter(session, foreignKey, schemaWriter).toString();
writeLineSeperator(session, schemaWriter);
* Execute the SQL alter table constraint creation string.
public void createConstraintsOnDatabase(AbstractSession session) throws EclipseLinkException {
* Execute the DDL to create the database schema for this object.
public void createDatabaseSchema(AbstractSession session, Writer writer, Set<String> createdDatabaseSchemas) throws EclipseLinkException {
buildDatabaseSchemaCreationWriter(session, writer, createdDatabaseSchemas);
* Execute the DDL to create the database schema for this object.
public void createDatabaseSchemaOnDatabase(AbstractSession session, Set<String> createdDatabaseSchemas) throws EclipseLinkException {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new SQLCall(buildDatabaseSchemaCreationWriter(session, new StringWriter(), createdDatabaseSchemas).toString()));
void createUniqueConstraintsOnDatabase(final AbstractSession session) throws ValidationException, DatabaseException {
if ((!session.getPlatform().supportsUniqueKeyConstraints())
|| getUniqueKeys().isEmpty()
|| session.getPlatform().requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate()) {
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new org.eclipse.persistence.queries.SQLCall(buildUniqueConstraintCreationWriter(session, uniqueKey, new StringWriter()).toString()));
void createForeignConstraintsOnDatabase(final AbstractSession session) throws ValidationException, DatabaseException {
if ((!session.getPlatform().supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) || getForeignKeyMap().isEmpty()) {
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeyMap().values()) {
if (! foreignKey.disableForeignKey()) {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new SQLCall(buildConstraintCreationWriter(session, foreignKey, new StringWriter()).toString()));
* INTERNAL:<br/>
* Write the SQL create index string to create index if
* passed a writer, else delegate to a method that executes the string on
* the database.
* @throws ValidationException wraps any IOException from the writer
public void createIndexes(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
if (!session.getPlatform().supportsIndexes()) {
// Primary key
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesForPrimaryKeys()) {
List<String> primKeyList = getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
if (!primKeyList.isEmpty()) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, primKeyList.get(0), primKeyList, false);
if (writer == null) {
} else {
index.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Unique keys
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesOnUniqueKeys()) {
// indices for columns in unique key constraint declarations
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, uniqueKey.getName(), uniqueKey.getSourceFields(), false);
if (writer == null) {
} else {
index.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// indices for columns with unique=true declarations
for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
if (field.isUnique()) {
List<String> columnAsList = new ArrayList<String>();
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, field.getName(), columnAsList, true);
if (writer == null) {
} else {
index.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Foreign keys
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesOnForeignKeys()) {
// indices for columns in foreign key constraint declarations
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeys()) {
if (!foreignKey.isDisableForeignKey()) {
// Do not re-index pk.
boolean alreadyIndexed = false;
List<String> primaryKeys = getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
if ((primaryKeys.size() == foreignKey.getSourceFields().size())
&& primaryKeys.containsAll(foreignKey.getSourceFields())) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
// Also check unique fields.
if (foreignKey.getSourceFields().size() == 1) {
FieldDefinition field = getField(foreignKey.getSourceFields().get(0));
if ((field != null) && field.isUnique()) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueConstraint : getUniqueKeys()) {
if ((uniqueConstraint.getSourceFields().size() == foreignKey.getSourceFields().size())
&& uniqueConstraint.getSourceFields().containsAll(foreignKey.getSourceFields())) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
if (!alreadyIndexed) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, foreignKey.getName(), foreignKey.getSourceFields(), false);
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception failed) {
} else {
index.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Indexes
for (IndexDefinition index : getIndexes()) {
if (writer == null) {
} else {
index.buildCreationWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
public void writeLineSeperator(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
try {
if (this.createSQLFiles) {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* Return the delete SQL string.
public String deletionStringFor(DatabaseAccessor accessor) {
return "DROP TABLE " + this.getName();
* Execute the DDL to drop the database schema for this object.
public void dropDatabaseSchema(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) throws EclipseLinkException {
buildDatabaseSchemaDeletionWriter(session, writer);
* Execute the DDL to drop the database schema for this object.
public void dropDatabaseSchemaOnDatabase(AbstractSession session) throws EclipseLinkException {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new SQLCall(buildDatabaseSchemaDeletionWriter(session, new StringWriter()).toString()));
* Execute the SQL alter table constraint creation string.
public void dropConstraints(AbstractSession session, Writer schemaWriter) throws EclipseLinkException {
if (schemaWriter == null) {
} else {
if (session.getPlatform().supportsForeignKeyConstraints()){
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeyMap().values()) {
buildConstraintDeletionWriter(session, foreignKey, schemaWriter);
writeLineSeperator(session, schemaWriter);
if (session.getPlatform().supportsUniqueKeyConstraints()
&& (!session.getPlatform().requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate())) {
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
buildUniqueConstraintDeletionWriter(session, uniqueKey, schemaWriter);
writeLineSeperator(session, schemaWriter);
* Execute the SQL alter table constraint creation string. Exceptions are caught and masked so that all
* the foreign keys are dropped (even if they don't exist).
public void dropConstraintsOnDatabase(AbstractSession session) throws EclipseLinkException {
private void dropUniqueConstraintsOnDatabase(final AbstractSession session) throws ValidationException {
if ((!session.getPlatform().supportsUniqueKeyConstraints())
|| getUniqueKeys().isEmpty()
|| session.getPlatform().requiresUniqueConstraintCreationOnTableCreate()) {
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
try {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new SQLCall(buildUniqueConstraintDeletionWriter(session, uniqueKey, new StringWriter()).toString()));
} catch (DatabaseException ex) {/* ignore */
private void dropForeignConstraintsOnDatabase(final AbstractSession session) throws ValidationException {
if ((!session.getPlatform().supportsForeignKeyConstraints()) || getForeignKeyMap().isEmpty()) {
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeyMap().values()) {
try {
session.priviledgedExecuteNonSelectingCall(new SQLCall(buildConstraintDeletionWriter(session, foreignKey, new StringWriter()).toString()));
} catch (DatabaseException ex) {/* ignore */
* INTERNAL:<br/>
* Write the SQL drop index string to drop indexes if passed a writer,
* else delegate to a method that executes the string on the database.
* @throws ValidationException wraps any IOException from the writer
public void dropIndexes(AbstractSession session, Writer writer) {
if (!session.getPlatform().supportsIndexes()) {
// Primary key
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesForPrimaryKeys()) {
List<String> primKeyList = getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
if (!primKeyList.isEmpty()) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, primKeyList.get(0), primKeyList, false);
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception notThere) {
} else {
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Unique keys
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesOnUniqueKeys()) {
// indices for columns in unique key constraint declarations
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueKey : getUniqueKeys()) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, uniqueKey.getName(), uniqueKey.getSourceFields(), false);
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception notThere) {
} else {
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// indices for columns with unique=true declarations
for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
if (field.isUnique()) {
List<String> columnAsList = new ArrayList<String>();
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, field.getName(), columnAsList, true);
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception notThere) {
} else {
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Foreign keys
if (session.getPlatform().shouldCreateIndicesOnForeignKeys()) {
// indices for columns in foreign key constraint declarations
for (ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : getForeignKeys()) {
if (!foreignKey.isDisableForeignKey()) {
if (!foreignKey.isDisableForeignKey()) {
// Do not re-index pk.
boolean alreadyIndexed = false;
List<String> primaryKeys = getPrimaryKeyFieldNames();
if ((primaryKeys.size() == foreignKey.getSourceFields().size())
&& primaryKeys.containsAll(foreignKey.getSourceFields())) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
// Also check unique fields.
if (foreignKey.getSourceFields().size() == 1) {
FieldDefinition field = getField(foreignKey.getSourceFields().get(0));
if ((field != null) && field.isUnique()) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
for (UniqueKeyConstraint uniqueConstraint : getUniqueKeys()) {
if ((uniqueConstraint.getSourceFields().size() == foreignKey.getSourceFields().size())
&& uniqueConstraint.getSourceFields().containsAll(foreignKey.getSourceFields())) {
alreadyIndexed = true;
if (!alreadyIndexed) {
IndexDefinition index = buildIndex(session, foreignKey.getName(), foreignKey.getSourceFields(), false);
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception notThere) {
} else {
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
// Indexes
for (IndexDefinition index : getIndexes()) {
if (writer == null) {
try {
} catch (Exception notThere) {
} else {
index.buildDeletionWriter(session, writer);
writeLineSeperator(session, writer);
public Map<String, ForeignKeyConstraint> getForeignKeyMap() {
return foreignKeyMap;
public void setForeignKeyMap(Map<String, ForeignKeyConstraint> foreignKeyMap) {
this.foreignKeyMap = foreignKeyMap;
* Return the field the corresponds to the name.
public FieldDefinition getField(String fieldName) {
for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
if (field.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
return field;
return null;
public List<FieldDefinition> getFields() {
return fields;
* Returns the ForeignKeyConstraint list.
public Collection<ForeignKeyConstraint> getForeignKeys() {
return this.foreignKeyMap.values();
public List<UniqueKeyConstraint> getUniqueKeys() {
return uniqueKeys;
public void setIndexes(List<IndexDefinition> indexes) {
this.indexes = indexes;
public void setCreateVPDCalls(boolean createVPDCalls, String tenantFieldName) {
this.createVPDCalls = createVPDCalls;
this.tenantFieldName = tenantFieldName;
public List<IndexDefinition> getIndexes() {
return indexes;
public List<String> getPrimaryKeyFieldNames() {
List<String> keyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
if (field.isPrimaryKey()) {
return keyNames;
* Execute any statements required after the creation of the object
* @param session
* @param createSchemaWriter
public void postCreateObject(AbstractSession session, Writer createSchemaWriter, boolean createSQLFiles){
// create indices on table's primary and unique keys (if required)
createIndexes(session, createSchemaWriter);
* Execute any statements required before the deletion of the object
* @param session
* @param dropSchemaWriter
public void preDropObject(AbstractSession session, Writer dropSchemaWriter, boolean createSQLFiles) {
// drop indices on table's primary and unique keys (if required)
dropIndexes(session, dropSchemaWriter);
public void setFields(List<FieldDefinition> fields) {
this.fields = fields;
* Set the ForeignKeyConstraint list.
* If the list contains the same name foreign key constraints, only the first one of that name will be added.
public void setForeignKeys(List<ForeignKeyConstraint> foreignKeys) {
if (foreignKeys != null) {
for( ForeignKeyConstraint foreignKey : foreignKeys) {
this.foreignKeyMap.put(foreignKey.getName(), foreignKey);
public void setUniqueKeys(List<UniqueKeyConstraint> uniqueKeys) {
this.uniqueKeys = uniqueKeys;
* Set the foreign key constraints for this table.
public void setUserDefinedForeignKeyConstraints(Map<String, ForeignKeyConstraint> foreignKeyConstraints) {
foreignKeyMap = foreignKeyConstraints;
hasUserDefinedForeignKeyConstraints = true;
* If this table has a schema (and catalog specified) make sure it is
* created.
public boolean shouldCreateDatabaseSchema(Set<String> createdDatabaseSchemas) {
return hasDatabaseSchema() && ! createdDatabaseSchemas.contains(getDatabaseSchema());
* Subclasses who care should override this method.
public boolean shouldCreateVPDCalls(AbstractSession session) {
if (createVPDCalls) {
if (! session.getPlatform().supportsVPD()) {
throw ValidationException.vpdNotSupported(session.getPlatform().getClass().getName());
return createVPDCalls;
public void setCreateSQLFiles(boolean genFlag) {
this.createSQLFiles = genFlag;
public DatabaseTable getTable() {
return table;
public void setTable(DatabaseTable table) {
this.table = table;