blob: 17c0176973d7f08c80638d6486761caabaf83c8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
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* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
Perform copy junit test operations on DataObjects.
mfobrien 02/12/07 -
dmahar 11/23/06 -
mfobrien 09/12/06 - Add bidirectional property copy support
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.helper.copyhelper;
import commonj.sdo.Property;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOConstants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOCopyHelper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.SDOTestCase;
public class SDOCopyHelperTestCases extends SDOTestCase {
protected SDOCopyHelper copyHelper;
protected String rootTypeName = "rootTypeName";
protected String rootTypeUri = "rootTypeTypeUri";
protected String containedTypeName = "containedTypeName";
protected String containedTypeUri = "containedTypeTypeUri";
protected String containedType1Name = "containedType1Name";
protected String containedType1Uri = "containedType1TypeUri";
protected String containedByContainedTypeName = "containedByContainedTypeName";
protected String containedBycontainedType1Uri = "containedBycontainedTypeTypeUri";
protected SDODataObject root;
protected SDODataObject containedDataObject;
protected SDODataObject containedDataObject1;
protected SDODataObject containedByContainedDataObject;
protected SDOType rootType;
protected SDOType containedType;
protected SDOType containedType1;
protected SDOType containedByContainedType;
protected SDOProperty rootProperty1;
protected SDOProperty rootProperty2;
protected SDOProperty rootProperty3;
protected SDOProperty rootProperty4;
protected SDOProperty containedProperty1;
protected SDOProperty containedProperty2;
protected SDOProperty containedProperty_ChangeSummary;
protected SDOProperty contained1Property1;
protected SDOProperty containedByContainedProperty1;
protected SDOProperty containedByContainedProperty2;
// Data structures for UC02xx (bidirectional property between internal nodes)
protected String containedType3Name = "containedType3Name";
protected String containedType3Uri = "containedType3TypeUri";
protected SDOType containedByContainedType3;
protected SDODataObject containedByContainedDataObject3;
protected String containedByContainedTypeName3 = "containedByContainedTypeName3";
protected String containedBycontainedType3Uri = "containedBycontainedTypeType3Uri";
protected SDOProperty containedByContainedProperty3;
protected SDOProperty contained1Property3;
protected SDOType containedType3;
protected SDOProperty containedProperty3;
protected List objects;
public SDOCopyHelperTestCases(String name) {
* Structure:
* root
* rootproperty1 --> is DataType; SDOString <---> value: "test"
* rootproperty2 --> not DataType <---> value: containedDataObject
* root's child:
* containedDataObject1
* contained1Property1 --> not DataType; bidirectional <---> value: containedByContainedDataObject
* containedDataObject
* containedProperty1 --> is DataType; SDOString <---> value: "test1"
* containedProperty2 --> not DataType <---> value: containedByContainedDataObject
* containedProperty_ChangeSummary --> not DataType <---> value: chSum(ChangeSummary)
* containedDataObject's child:
* containedByContainedDataObject
* containedByContainedProperty1 --> not DataType; bidirectional <---> value: containedDataObject1
* Covered test cases:
* Test Case 1: copied root's DataType property rootproperty1 has same value
* Test Case 2: copied root's not DataType property rootproperty2 has a copied DataObject from containedDataObject
* Test Case 3: there exists dataobject's bidirectional not containment property has another DataObject as value
* Test Case 4: there exists dataobject's unidirectional not containment property has another DataObject as value
* Test Case 5: there exists dataobject's not containment property has another DataObject
* that is not in containment tree as value
* Test Case 6: copied containedProperty's ChangeSummary Type property containedProperty_ChangeSummary
* has a copied ChangeSummary from source's ChangeSummary chSum
public void setUp() {
SDOType changeSummaryType = (SDOType) aHelperContext.getTypeHelper().getType(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.CHANGESUMMARY);
// first we set up root data object
rootType = new SDOType(rootTypeUri, rootTypeName);// root's type
rootProperty1 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// root's property1
SDOType rootProperty1_type = SDOConstants.SDO_STRING;// string type
rootProperty1_type.setDataType(true);// datatype
rootType.addDeclaredProperty((Property)rootProperty1);// add this property to root type's declared list
rootProperty2 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);//root's property2
rootProperty2.setContainment(true);// containment property
SDOType rootProperty2_type = new SDOType("notDataTypeUri", "notDataType");
rootProperty2_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
rootProperty3 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// root's property3
rootProperty3.setContainment(true);// containment property
SDOType rootProperty3_type = new SDOType("notDataTypeUri1", "notDataType1");
rootProperty3_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
rootProperty4 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);
SDOType rootProperty4_type = new SDOType("listPropertyUri", "listProperty");
SDOProperty rootProperty_NotContainment = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);
SDOType rootProperty_NotContainment_type = new SDOType(//
"rootProperty_NotContainmenturi", "rootProperty_NotContainment");
// 20060913: opposite property 3
contained1Property3 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedDataObject3's property3
contained1Property3.setContainment(false);// non-containment property
SDOType contained1Property3_type = new SDOType(//
"contained1Property3Uri", "contained1Property3_notdataType");
contained1Property3_type.setDataType(false);// non-datatype
objects = new ArrayList();
SDOType obj1Type = new SDOType("listelm1", "listelm1");
SDOProperty obj1Property = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);
SDOType obj1PropertyType = SDOConstants.SDO_STRING;
SDODataObject obj1 = (SDODataObject)dataFactory.create(obj1Type);
obj1.set(obj1Property, "test");
// second, we create another dataobject contained by root
containedType = new SDOType(containedTypeUri, containedTypeName);
containedProperty1 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedDataObject's property1
SDOType containedProperty1_type = SDOConstants.SDO_STRING;// String Type
containedProperty1_type.setDataType(true);// dataType
containedProperty2 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedDataObject's property2
containedProperty2.setContainment(true);// containment property
SDOType containedProperty2_type = new SDOType(//
"containedProperty2Uri", "containedProperty2_notdataType");
containedProperty2_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
// 20060914 new bidirectional hosting node
containedProperty3 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedDataObject's property2
containedProperty3.setContainment(true);// containment property
SDOType containedProperty3_type = new SDOType(//
"containedProperty3Uri", "containedProperty3_notdataType");
containedProperty3_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
containedProperty_ChangeSummary = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);
containedDataObject = (SDODataObject)dataFactory.create(containedType);
// then, we create one dataobject as root's noncontainment property' value
containedType1 = new SDOType(containedType1Uri, containedType1Name);
contained1Property1 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedDataObject1's property1
contained1Property1.setContainment(false);// not containment property
SDOType contained1Property1_type = new SDOType(//
"contained1Property1Uri", "contained1Property1_notdataType");
contained1Property1_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
// TODO: 20060906 bidirectional
// bidirectional to containedByContainedDataObject
// Note: the property parameter is null so this set will have no effect until the 2nd set later
containedDataObject1 = (SDODataObject)dataFactory.create(containedType1);
// finally, we create a dataobject contained by containedDataObject
containedByContainedType = new SDOType(containedBycontainedType1Uri, containedByContainedTypeName);
containedByContainedProperty1 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedByContainedDataObject's property1
containedByContainedProperty1.setContainment(false);// not containment property
SDOType containedByContainedProperty1_type = new SDOType(//
"containedByContainedProperty1Uri", "containedByContainedProperty1_notdataType");
containedByContainedProperty1_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
// TODO: 20060906 bidirectional
// bidirectional to containedDataObject1
// reset opposite set above when property paramenter used to be null
containedByContainedProperty2 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedByContainedDataObject's property1
containedByContainedProperty2.setContainment(false);// not containment property
SDOType containedByContainedProperty2_type = new SDOType(//
"containedByContainedProperty2Uri", "containedByContainedProperty2_notdataType");
containedByContainedProperty2_type.setDataType(false);// not datatype
// opposite property 3
/* containedByContainedProperty3 = new SDOProperty(aHelperContext);// containedByContainedDataObject2's property3
containedByContainedProperty3.setContainment(false);// non-containment property
SDOType containedByContainedProperty3_type = new SDOType(//
"containedByContainedProperty3Uri", "containedByContainedProperty3_notdataType");
containedByContainedProperty3_type.setDataType(false);// non-datatype
// containedByContainedType.addDeclaredProperty(containedByContainedProperty3);
containedByContainedDataObject = (SDODataObject)dataFactory.create(//
// set up relationship
root = (SDODataObject)dataFactory.create(rootType);
root.set(rootProperty1, "test");
root.set(rootProperty2, containedDataObject);// child: containedDataObject
root.set(rootProperty3, containedDataObject1);// child: containedDataObject1
root.set(rootProperty4, objects);
containedDataObject.set(containedProperty1, "test1");
// child: containedByContainedDataObject
containedDataObject.set(containedProperty2, containedByContainedDataObject);
// set opposite property
containedDataObject1.set(contained1Property1, containedByContainedDataObject);
// set opposite property
containedByContainedDataObject.set(containedByContainedProperty1, containedDataObject1);
// UC02xx: setup some bidirectional properties that have the same copy root
// but are 1 level down from the source root so that copy root != source root
// new CBCDO2 off off CDO
containedByContainedType3 = new SDOType(containedBycontainedType3Uri, containedByContainedTypeName3);
// add property to do
// 20060913
//containedType3 = new SDOType(containedType3Uri, containedType3Name);
// add property to do
// new DO
containedByContainedDataObject3 = (SDODataObject)aHelperContext.getDataFactory().create(//
// 2 new opposite properties CBCP2 and C1P2 between CBCDO and CBCDO2
// set opposite property
// containedByContainedDataObject3.set(contained1Property3, containedByContainedDataObject);
// set opposite property
containedByContainedDataObject.set(containedByContainedProperty3, containedByContainedDataObject3);
// child: containedByContainedDataObject
// containedDataObject.set(containedProperty3, containedByContainedDataObject3);
// attach opposite properties between CBCDO and CBCDO2
// bidirectional to containedDataObject1
// reset opposite set above when property paramenter used to be null
* DataObject heiarchy
* Eclipse debug output of the [root] object at the end of the setUp() function above
* Abridged and Full versions
root SDODataObject (id=79)
instanceProperties ArrayList<E> (id=87)
elementData Object[10] (id=105)
[0] SDOProperty (id=80)
containingType null
global false
hasMany false
isContainment false
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty1-datatype"
type SDOType (id=22)
typeName "String"
[1] SDOProperty (id=81)
containingType null
global false
hasMany false
isContainment true
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty2-notdatatype"
type SDOType (id=31)
typeName "notDataType"
[2] SDOProperty (id=82)
containingType null
global false
hasMany false
isContainment true
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty3-notdatatype"
type SDOType (id=32)
typeName "notDataType1"
[3] SDOProperty (id=83)
containingType null
global false
hasMany true
isContainment true
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty4-list"
type SDOType (id=33)
typeName "listProperty"
[4] SDOProperty (id=34)
containingType null
global false
hasMany false
isContainment false
propertyName "rootProperty_NotContainment"
type SDOType (id=37)
typeName "rootProperty_NotContainment"
properties DefaultValueStore (id=89)
typePropertiesIsSetStatus boolean[5] (id=99)
[0] true
[1] true
[2] true
[3] true
[4] false
typePropertyValues Object[5] (id=101)
[0] "test"
[1] SDODataObject (id=56)
[2] SDODataObject (id=57)
[3] ListWrapper (id=140)
[4] null
type SDOType (id=84)
aliasNames null
allProperties ArrayList<E> (id=144)
allPropertiesArr Property[5] (id=145)
baseTypes ArrayList<E> (id=147)
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties ArrayList<E> (id=148)
declaredPropertiesMap HashMap<K,V> (id=149)
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues HashMap<K,V> (id=150)
typeName "rootTypeName"
typeUri "rootTypeTypeUri"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
root SDODataObject (id=79)
changeSummary null
container null
containmentPropertyName null
instanceProperties ArrayList<E> (id=87)
elementData Object[10] (id=105)
[0] SDOProperty (id=80)
aliasNames ArrayList<E> (id=106)
attribute false
containingType null
defaultValue null
global false
hasMany false
indexInType 0
instancePropertiesMap null
isContainment false
namespaceQualified false
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty1-datatype"
propertyValues null
readOnly false
type SDOType (id=22)
aliasNames null
allProperties null
allPropertiesArr null
baseTypes null
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties null
declaredPropertiesMap null
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap HashMap<K,V> (id=110)
isAbstract false
isDataType true
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues HashMap<K,V> (id=111)
typeName "String"
typeUri "commonj.sdo"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xmlMapping null
xsd false
xsdLocalName null
[1] SDOProperty (id=81)
aliasNames ArrayList<E> (id=116)
attribute false
containingType null
defaultValue null
global false
hasMany false
indexInType 0
instancePropertiesMap null
isContainment true
namespaceQualified false
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty2-notdatatype"
propertyValues null
readOnly false
type SDOType (id=31)
aliasNames null
allProperties null
allPropertiesArr null
baseTypes null
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties null
declaredPropertiesMap null
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues null
typeName "notDataType"
typeUri "notDataTypeUri"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xmlMapping null
xsd false
xsdLocalName null
[2] SDOProperty (id=82)
aliasNames ArrayList<E> (id=120)
attribute false
containingType null
defaultValue null
global false
hasMany false
indexInType 0
instancePropertiesMap null
isContainment true
namespaceQualified false
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty3-notdatatype"
propertyValues null
readOnly false
type SDOType (id=32)
aliasNames null
allProperties null
allPropertiesArr null
baseTypes null
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties null
declaredPropertiesMap null
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues null
typeName "notDataType1"
typeUri "notDataTypeUri1"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xmlMapping null
xsd false
xsdLocalName null
[3] SDOProperty (id=83)
aliasNames ArrayList<E> (id=127)
attribute false
containingType null
defaultValue null
global false
hasMany true
indexInType 0
instancePropertiesMap null
isContainment true
namespaceQualified false
opposite null
propertyName "rootproperty4-list"
propertyValues null
readOnly false
type SDOType (id=33)
aliasNames null
allProperties null
allPropertiesArr null
baseTypes null
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties null
declaredPropertiesMap null
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues null
typeName "listProperty"
typeUri "listPropertyUri"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xmlMapping null
xsd false
xsdLocalName null
[4] SDOProperty (id=34)
aliasNames ArrayList<E> (id=133)
attribute false
containingType null
defaultValue null
global false
hasMany false
indexInType 0
instancePropertiesMap null
isContainment false
namespaceQualified false
opposite null
propertyName "rootProperty_NotContainment"
propertyValues null
readOnly false
type SDOType (id=37)
aliasNames null
allProperties null
allPropertiesArr null
baseTypes null
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties null
declaredPropertiesMap null
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues null
typeName "rootProperty_NotContainment"
typeUri "rootProperty_NotContainmenturi"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xmlMapping null
xsd false
xsdLocalName null
[5] null
[6] null
[7] null
[8] null
[9] null
modCount 2
size 5
openContentProperties ArrayList<E> (id=88)
elementData Object[10] (id=136)
modCount 0
size 0
openContentPropertiesMap null
properties DefaultValueStore (id=89)
dataObject SDODataObject (id=79)
openContentValues HashMap<K,V> (id=95)
typePropertiesIsSetStatus boolean[5] (id=99)
[0] true
[1] true
[2] true
[3] true
[4] false
typePropertyValues Object[5] (id=101)
[0] "test"
[1] SDODataObject (id=56)
[2] SDODataObject (id=57)
[3] ListWrapper (id=140)
[4] null
type SDOType (id=84)
aliasNames null
allProperties ArrayList<E> (id=144)
allPropertiesArr Property[5] (id=145)
baseTypes ArrayList<E> (id=147)
changeSummaryProperty null
declaredProperties ArrayList<E> (id=148)
declaredPropertiesMap HashMap<K,V> (id=149)
IDProp null
instancePropertiesMap null
isAbstract false
isDataType false
isSequenced false
open false
propertyValues HashMap<K,V> (id=150)
typeName "rootTypeName"
typeUri "rootTypeTypeUri"
xmlDescriptor null
xsd false
xsdList false
xsdLocalName null
xPathEngine XPathEngine (id=92)