blob: 7fe7f0d6188d289cec6b331740f720af071af4ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* David McCann - 2.3 - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.helper.typehelper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLConstants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOConstants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.DefaultSchemaLocationResolver;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOHelperContext;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOXSDHelper;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import commonj.sdo.helper.DataFactory;
import commonj.sdo.helper.HelperContext;
import commonj.sdo.helper.TypeHelper;
import commonj.sdo.helper.XSDHelper;
import commonj.sdo.impl.HelperProvider;
public class SDOTypeHelperAppInfoTestCases extends junit.framework.TestCase {
private boolean customContext;
protected DocumentBuilderFactory dbf;
protected Document doc;
protected HelperContext aHelperContext;
protected XSDHelper xsdHelper;
protected DataFactory dataFactory;
protected TypeHelper typeHelper;
protected Element aiElement;
protected Element aiElementProp;
protected SDOType sdoTypeType;
private static final String CUSTOM_CTX = "customContext";
private static final String APP_INFO = "xsd:appinfo";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String URI = "uri";
private static final String TYPE = "type";
private static final String ATT = "attribute";
private static final String TYPENO = "Typeno";
private static final String PROPNO = "Propno";
private static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";
private static final String KEY = "key";
private static final String PROPERTY = "property";
private static final String MYDO = "myDO";
private static final String MYPROP = "myProperty";
private static final String MYURI = "myUri";
private static final String TYPE_APP_INFO = "";
private static final String PROPERTY_APP_INFO = "";
private static final String TYPE_APP_INFO_STRING = "<xsd:appinfo source=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"><key xmlns=\"\"><attribute>Typeno</attribute></key></xsd:appinfo>";
private static final String PROPERTY_APP_INFO_STRING = "<xsd:appinfo source=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\"><key xmlns=\"\"><attribute>Propno</attribute></key></xsd:appinfo>";
public SDOTypeHelperAppInfoTestCases(String name) {
customContext = Boolean.getBoolean(CUSTOM_CTX);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] arguments = { "-c", "org.eclipse.persistence.testing.sdo.helper.typehelper.SDOTypeHelperAppInfoTestCases" };
public void setUp() {
HelperContext aHelperContext;
if (customContext) {
// default to instance of a HelperContext
aHelperContext = new SDOHelperContext();
} else {
// default to static context (Global)
aHelperContext = HelperProvider.getDefaultContext();
typeHelper = aHelperContext.getTypeHelper();
dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
try {
doc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
fail("setUp failed: \n" + e.getMessage());
xsdHelper = aHelperContext.getXSDHelper();
typeHelper = aHelperContext.getTypeHelper();
dataFactory = aHelperContext.getDataFactory();
// setup AppInfoElement for Type:
// <xsd:appinfo source="">
// <key xmlns="">
// <attribute>Typeno</attribute>
// </key>
// </xsd:appinfo>
Element attElement = doc.createElementNS(TYPE_APP_INFO, ATT);
Element keyElement = doc.createElementNS(TYPE_APP_INFO, KEY);
keyElement.setAttribute(XMLNS, TYPE_APP_INFO);
aiElement = doc.createElementNS(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI, APP_INFO);
// setup AppInfoElement for Property:
// <xsd:appinfo source="">
// <key xmlns="">
// <attribute>Propno</attribute>
// </key>
// </xsd:appinfo>
Element attElementProp = doc.createElementNS(PROPERTY_APP_INFO, ATT);
Element keyElementProp = doc.createElementNS(PROPERTY_APP_INFO, KEY);
keyElementProp.setAttribute(XMLNS, PROPERTY_APP_INFO);
aiElementProp = doc.createElementNS(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI, APP_INFO);
sdoTypeType = (SDOType) typeHelper.getType(SDOConstants.SDO_URL, SDOConstants.TYPE);
* Tests setting appinfo elements on a Type and Property via
* dataObject.set(Property, Object) API.
* Positive test.
public void testAppInfoElements() {
List<Element> aieList = new ArrayList<Element>();
List<Element> aiePropList = new ArrayList<Element>();
// create the data object
SDODataObject dataObject = (SDODataObject) dataFactory.create(sdoTypeType);
dataObject.set(NAME, MYDO);
dataObject.set(URI, MYURI);
dataObject.set(SDOConstants.APPINFO_PROPERTY, aieList);
// create a property
SDODataObject prop = (SDODataObject) dataObject.createDataObject(PROPERTY);
prop.set(NAME, MYPROP);
prop.set(TYPE, SDOConstants.SDO_STRING);
prop.set(SDOConstants.APPINFO_PROPERTY, aiePropList);
// create the type
SDOType newType = (SDOType) typeHelper.define(dataObject);
//DefaultSchemaLocationResolver resolver = new DefaultSchemaLocationResolver(new HashMap<QName, String>());
//List<Object> types = new ArrayList<Object>();
//String generatedSchema = ((SDOXSDHelper)xsdHelper).generate(types, resolver);
// validate that AppInfoElements were handled correctly on Type and Property
// Type
assertNotNull("Type [newType] is null", newType);
assertTrue("Type does not have AppInfoElements set as expected", newType.getAppInfoElements() != null);
assertTrue("Expected AppInfoElements list of size [1] on Type, but was [" + newType.getAppInfoElements().size() + "]", newType.getAppInfoElements().size() == 1);
String val = ((Element)newType.getAppInfoElements().get(0)).getAttribute(SDOConstants.APPINFO_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE);
assertNotNull("AppInfoElement source on Type is empty/null", val != null && val.length() > 0);
assertTrue("Expected AppInfoElement source ["+TYPE_APP_INFO+"] on Type but was [" + val + "]", val.equals(TYPE_APP_INFO));
String appInfoString = xsdHelper.getAppinfo(newType, TYPE_APP_INFO);
assertEquals("Expected getAppInfo() to return ["+TYPE_APP_INFO_STRING+"] but was ["+appInfoString+"]", TYPE_APP_INFO_STRING, appInfoString);
// Property
SDOProperty myProp = newType.getProperty(MYPROP);
assertNotNull("Property [myProperty] is null", myProp);
assertTrue("Property does not have AppInfoElements set as expected", myProp.getAppInfoElements() != null);
assertTrue("Expected AppInfoElements list of size [1] on Property, but was [" + myProp.getAppInfoElements().size() + "]", myProp.getAppInfoElements().size() == 1);
val = ((Element)myProp.getAppInfoElements().get(0)).getAttribute(SDOConstants.APPINFO_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE);
assertNotNull("AppInfoElement source on Property is empty/null", val != null && val.length() > 0);
assertTrue("Expected AppInfoElement source ["+PROPERTY_APP_INFO+"] on Property but was [" + val + "]", val.equals(PROPERTY_APP_INFO));
appInfoString = xsdHelper.getAppinfo(myProp, PROPERTY_APP_INFO);
assertEquals("Expected getAppInfo() to return ["+PROPERTY_APP_INFO_STRING+"] but was ["+appInfoString+"]", PROPERTY_APP_INFO_STRING, appInfoString);
* Test error handling by setting a single Element as opposed to the
* expected List<Element>.
* Negative test.
public void testSingleAppInfoElement() {
// create the data object
SDODataObject dataObject = (SDODataObject) dataFactory.create(sdoTypeType);
dataObject.set(NAME, MYDO);
dataObject.set(URI, MYURI);
// the following should cause an IllegalArgumentException
try {
dataObject.set(SDOConstants.APPINFO_PROPERTY, aiElement);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iaex) {
// success
} catch (Exception x) {
fail("An unexpected exception occurred: \n" + x.getMessage());