blob: ccb339d437e308c61588b31326d18dbff600736a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Mike Norman - from Proof-of-concept, become production code
package dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub;
//javase imports
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Iterator;
//EclipseLink imports
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.PublisherException;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ElemInfo;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.PlsqlElemHelper;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.PlsqlElemInfo;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ViewCache;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ViewRow;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_ARGUMENTS;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.OBJECT_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.OVERLOAD;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.PACKAGE_NAME;
* Describe PL/SQL table type, including index-by tables
public class PlsqlTableType extends SqlCollectionType {
protected ElemInfo m_elemInfo;
public PlsqlTableType(SqlName sqlName, int typeCode, ElemInfo elemInfo, SqlType elemType,
int[] details, boolean generateMe, SqlType parentType, SqlReflector reflector) {
super(sqlName, typeCode, generateMe, parentType, reflector);
m_elemInfo = elemInfo;
m_elementType = elemType;
m_elemTypeLength = details[DETAILS_TYPE_LENGTH];
m_elemTypePrecision = details[DETAILS_TYPE_PRECISION];
m_elemTypeScale = details[DETAILS_TYPE_SCALE];
protected ElemInfo getElemInfo() {
return m_elemInfo;
public static ElemInfo getElemInfo(String _schema, String _typeName, String packageName,
String methodName, String methodNo, ViewCache viewCache) throws SQLException {
String schema = Util.getSchema(_schema, _typeName);
String typeName = Util.getType(_schema, _typeName);
if (typeName.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
typeName = typeName.substring(typeName.indexOf('.') + 1);
Iterator<ViewRow> iter;
if (packageName != null && packageName.length() > 0) {
iter = viewCache.getRows(ALL_ARGUMENTS, new String[0], new String[]{PACKAGE_NAME,
OBJECT_NAME, OVERLOAD}, new Object[]{packageName, methodName, methodNo},
// new String[0]);
new String[]{"SEQUENCE"});
else { // For toplevel publishing
iter = viewCache.getRows(ALL_ARGUMENTS, new String[0], new String[]{}, new Object[]{},
new String[0]);
PlsqlElemHelper[] info = PlsqlElemHelper.getPlsqlElemHelper(iter);
// element type is either right before or after the table type
int i0 = 0;
int i1 = -1;
for (i0 = 1; i0 < info.length - 1; i0++) {
if (schema != null && schema.equals(info[i0].typeOwner) && typeName != null
&& typeName.equals(info[i0].typeSubname)) {
if (info[i0 - 1].sequence == (info[i0].sequence + 1)
&& info[i0 - 1].dataLevel == (info[i0].dataLevel + 1)
&& info[i0 - 1].objectName.equals(info[i0].objectName)
&& (info[i0 - 1].overload == info[i0].overload || (info[i0 - 1].overload != null && info[i0 - 1].overload
.equals(info[i0].overload)))) {
i1 = i0 - 1;
else if (info[i0 + 1].sequence == (info[i0].sequence + 1)
&& info[i0 + 1].dataLevel == (info[i0].dataLevel + 1)
&& info[i0 + 1].objectName.equals(info[i0].objectName)
&& (info[i0 - 1].overload == info[i0].overload || (info[i0 - 1].overload != null && info[i0 - 1].overload
.equals(info[i0].overload)))) {
i1 = i0 + 1;
if (i1 == -1) {
i0 = 0;
if (schema != null && schema.equals(info[i0].typeOwner) && typeName != null
&& typeName.equals(info[i0].typeSubname)) {
i1 = 1;
i0 = info.length - 1;
if (schema != null && schema.equals(info[i0].typeOwner) && typeName != null
&& typeName.equals(info[i0].typeSubname)) {
i1 = i0 - 1;
if (i1 >= info.length || i1 < 0) {
throw new java.sql.SQLException("Error reflecting element type for collection type "
+ typeName);
PlsqlElemInfo peti = new PlsqlElemInfo(info[i1]);
return peti;
public TypeClass getComponentType() {
return m_elementType;
public static final int NUMBER_OF_DETAILS = 3;
public static final int DETAILS_TYPE_LENGTH = 0;
public static final int DETAILS_TYPE_PRECISION = 1;
public static final int DETAILS_TYPE_SCALE = 2;
public static TypeClass getComponentType(ElemInfo elemInfo, SqlReflector reflector, SqlType parentType,
int[] details) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
SqlType result = null;
try {
PlsqlElemInfo info = null;
info = (PlsqlElemInfo)elemInfo;
String elemTypeName = info.elemTypeName;
String elemSchemaName = info.elemTypeOwner;
String elemTypeMod = info.elemTypeMod;
String elemPackageName = info.elemTypePackageName;
String elemMethodName = info.elemTypeMethodName;
String elemMethodNo = info.elemTypeMethodNo;
int elemTypeSequence = info.elemTypeSequence;
details[0] = info.elemTypeLength;
details[1] = info.elemTypePrecision;
details[2] = info.elemTypeScale;
result = reflector.addPlsqlDBType(elemSchemaName, elemTypeName, null, elemTypeMod,
false, elemPackageName, elemMethodName, elemMethodNo, elemTypeSequence, parentType); // this
catch (SQLException e) {
if (result == null) {
result = SqlReflector.UNKNOWN_TYPE;
return result;
* Figure out the index type for PL/SQL INDEXBY TABLE
private static String getIndexType(SqlName sqlName, ViewCache viewCache) throws SQLException {
return "NUMBER";
* Create a PL/SQL table type. If -plsqlindexbytable is set and whenever possible, the method
* will return predefined scalar index-by table types, which will be mapped into Java arrays.
* @param sqlName
* @param typeCode
* @param elemInfo
* @param elemType
* @param details
* @param generateMe
* @param parentType
* @param isGrandparent
* @param options
* @param reflector
* @return either a newly defined PL/SQL Table type or a predefined scalar PL/SQL index-by table
* type
* @throws SQLException
* @throws PublisherException
public static SqlType newInstance(SqlName sqlName, int typeCode, ElemInfo elemInfo,
SqlType elemType, int[] details, boolean generateMe, SqlType parentType,
boolean isGrandparent, SqlReflector reflector) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
* Identify toplevel scalar PL/SQL indexby table, to be mapped to predefined PL/SQL indexby
* table type. Under the following situations, predefined scalar index-by table types cannot
* be used: - in pre 10.2 compatible mode - when the PL/SQL table is used as a field of a
* record (isGrandparent)
if (parentType != null
&& (!isGrandparent && parentType != null && parentType instanceof SqlPackageType)
&& typeCode == OracleTypes.PLSQL_INDEX_TABLE) {
String indexType = getIndexType(sqlName, reflector.getViewCache());
* if ("NUMBER".equals(indexType)) { Map map = new JavaMap(elemType, reflector); SqlType
* plsqlTableType = map.getPlsqlTableType(elemType); if (plsqlTableType != null) {
* return plsqlTableType; } }
// mapped to user-defined SQL table type
return new PlsqlTableType(sqlName, typeCode, elemInfo, elemType, details, generateMe,
parentType, reflector);