blob: ff76a09f61b1a2bd42f70762f5ff3ad07db48782 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Mike Norman - from Proof-of-concept, become production code
package dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub;
//javase imports
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
//EclipseLink imports
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.MethodFilter;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.PublisherException;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.AllCollTypes;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.AllTypes;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ElemInfo;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.FieldInfo;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.RowtypeInfo;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.SingleColumnViewRow;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.UserArguments;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ViewCache;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ViewCacheManager;
import dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.ViewRow;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_ARGUMENTS;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_COLL_TYPES;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_OBJECTS;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_TYPES;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ALL_TYPE_ATTRS;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ATTR_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ATTR_TYPE_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.DEFAULT_VARCHAR_LEN;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.ELEM_TYPE_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.IS_COLLECTION;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.IS_PACKAGE;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.IS_TOPLEVEL;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.IS_TYPE;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.OBJECT_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.OVERLOAD;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.OWNER;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.PACKAGE_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.TOPLEVEL;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.TYPE_NAME;
import static dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub.Util.getDefaultTypeLen;
* SQL Type Reflection Facility
public class SqlReflector {
public static final String CHAR_CS = "CHAR_CS";
public static final String NCHAR_CS = "NCHAR_CS";
public static final String ROWTYPE = "ROWTYPE";
public static final String ROWTYPE_PL = ROWTYPE + "_PL";
public static final String ROWTYPE_SQL = ROWTYPE + "_SQL";
private static final int MAGIC_NUMBER = 0;
public static final SqlType BFILE_TYPE = new SqlType("BFILE", OracleTypes.BFILE);
public static final SqlType BINARY_INTEGER_TYPE =
// new SqlType("BINARY_INTEGER", OracleTypes.INTEGER);
new SqlType(new SqlName("BINARY_INTEGER", "INTEGER"), OracleTypes.INTEGER);
public static final SqlType BLOB_TYPE = new SqlType("BLOB", OracleTypes.BLOB);
// public static final SqlType BOOLEAN_TYPE =
// new SqlType("BOOLEAN", SqlType.OracleTypes_BOOLEAN);
public static final SqlType CHAR_TYPE = new SqlType("CHAR", OracleTypes.CHAR);
public static final SqlType CLOB_TYPE = new SqlType("CLOB", OracleTypes.CLOB);
public static final SqlType DATE_TYPE = new SqlType("DATE", OracleTypes.DATE);
public static final SqlType NCHAR_TYPE = new SqlType("NCHAR", SqlType.ORACLE_TYPES_NCHAR);
public static final SqlType NCLOB_TYPE = new SqlType("NCLOB", SqlType.ORACLE_TYPES_NCLOB);
* public static final SqlType TIME_TYPE = new SqlType("TIME", OracleTypes.TIME); public static
* final SqlType TIME_WTZ_TYPE = new SqlType("TIME WITH TIME ZONE", OracleTypes.TIME); public
* static final SqlType TIMETZ_TYPE = // alternate spelling new SqlType("TIME WITH TZ",
* OracleTypes.TIME);
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMP_TYPE = new SqlType("TIMESTAMP", OracleTypes.TIMESTAMP);
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMP_WTZ_TYPE =
new SqlType("TIMESTAMP WITH TZ", -101 ); // ==OracleTypes.TIMESTAMPTZ
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMPTZ_TYPE = // alternate spelling
new SqlType("TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", -101 ); // ==OracleTypes.TIMESTAMPTZ
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMPTZ_TYPE0 = // alternate spelling
new SqlType("TIMESTAMPTZ", -101 ); // ==OracleTypes.TIMESTAMPTZ
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMP_WLTZ_TYPE =
new SqlType("TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TZ", -102 ); // ==OracleTypes.TIMESTAMPLTZ
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMPLTZ_TYPE = // alternate spelling
public static final SqlType TIMESTAMPLTZ_TYPE0 = // alternate spelling
new SqlType("TIMESTAMPLTZ", -102 ); // ==OracleTypes.TIMESTAMPLTZ
public static final SqlType DECIMAL_TYPE = new SqlType("DECIMAL", OracleTypes.DECIMAL);
public static final SqlType DOUBLE_PRECISION_TYPE = new SqlType("DOUBLE PRECISION",
public static final SqlType FLOAT_TYPE = new SqlType("FLOAT", OracleTypes.FLOAT);
public static final SqlType FLOAT38TYPE = new SqlType("FLOAT38", OracleTypes.NUMBER);
// TBD: Using the two types, 101 (OracleTypes.BDOUBLE),
// 100 (OracleType.BFLOAT), results in <unsupported type>,
// e.g., for the command
// jpub -u scott/tiger -sql=sys.xmltype:XMLType
public static final SqlType BINARY_DOUBLE_TYPE = new SqlType("BINARY_DOUBLE", 101); // OracleTypes.BDOUBLE
public static final SqlType BINARY_FLOAT_TYPE = new SqlType("BINARY_FLOAT", 100); // OracleTypes.BFLOAT
// Note: not referencing OracleTypes.BDOULBE and BFLOAT is
// to avoid incompatible with pre-10i JDBC drivers
public static final SqlType INTEGER_TYPE = new SqlType("INTEGER", OracleTypes.INTEGER);
public static final SqlType INT_TYPE = new SqlType("INT", OracleTypes.INTEGER);
public static final SqlType LONG_TYPE =
// new SqlType("LONG", OracleTypes.LONGVARBINARY);
new SqlType(new SqlName("LONG", "VARCHAR2"), OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static final SqlType LONG_RAW_TYPE =
// new SqlType("LONG RAW", OracleTypes.RAW);
new SqlType(new SqlName("LONG RAW", "RAW"), OracleTypes.RAW);
public static final SqlType NUMBER_TYPE = new SqlType("NUMBER", OracleTypes.NUMBER);
public static final SqlType NUMERIC_TYPE = new SqlType("NUMERIC", OracleTypes.NUMERIC);
public static final SqlType NVARCHAR2_TYPE = new SqlType("NVARCHAR2",
public static final SqlType PLS_INTEGER_TYPE =
// new SqlType("PLS_INTEGER", OracleTypes.INTEGER);
new SqlType(new SqlName("PLS_INTEGER", "INTEGER"), OracleTypes.INTEGER);
// public static final SqlType PLSQL_RECORD_TYPE =
// new SqlType("PL/SQL RECORD", OracleTypes.UNSUPPORTED);
public static final SqlType RAW_TYPE = new SqlType("RAW", OracleTypes.RAW);
public static final SqlType REAL_TYPE = new SqlType("REAL", OracleTypes.REAL);
public static final SqlType REF_CURSOR_TYPE = new SqlType("REF CURSOR", OracleTypes.CURSOR);
public static final SqlType PLSQL_REF_CURSOR_TYPE = new SqlType("PL/SQL REF CURSOR",
public static final SqlType ROWID_TYPE =
// new SqlType("ROWID", OracleTypes.ROWID);
new SqlType(new SqlName("ROWID", "VARCHAR2"), OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static final SqlType SMALLINT_TYPE = new SqlType("SMALLINT", OracleTypes.SMALLINT);
public static final SqlType STRING_TYPE = new SqlType("STRING", OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static final SqlType UROWID_TYPE =
// new SqlType("UROWID", OracleTypes.ROWID);
new SqlType(new SqlName("UROWID", "VARCHAR2"), OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static final SqlType VARCHAR_TYPE = new SqlType("VARCHAR", OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static final SqlType VARCHAR2_TYPE = new SqlType("VARCHAR2", OracleTypes.VARCHAR);
public static SqlType plsqlTableDouble = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableFloat = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableInt = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableShort = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableJldouble = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableJlfloat = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableJlinteger = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableJlshort = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableJmbigdecimal = null;
public static SqlType plsqlTableString = null;
public static final SqlType UNKNOWN_TYPE = new SqlType("<unknown type or type not found>",
protected ViewCacheManager m_viewCacheManager;
protected ViewCache m_viewCache;
protected Connection m_conn;
protected Boolean m_isPre920 = null;
protected boolean m_geq9i;
protected boolean m_transitive = true;
protected String m_user;
// A hashtable holding both predefined types and user types
// for quick looking up.
protected Map<Name, TypeClass> m_allTypes;
protected Map<Name, TypeClass> m_predefTypes;
* User types to be published can be added into m_userTypes in difference phases of publishing:
* (1) First the types specified by the -sql option in the jpub command line are added (2)
* JavaPublisher starts to publish the types in m_userTypes (3) When publishing a type, the
* types on which that types depend on are reflected and added to the m_userTypes (4) On
* finishing a type, JavaPublisher publishes the next type in the m_userTypes list. The
* publishing order seems to be breadth-first.
protected List<TypeClass> m_userTypes;
// -overwritedbtypes=false
protected HashSet<String> m_allTypeNames;
protected HashSet<String> m_allGeneratedTypeNames;
protected int m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber;
protected Map<String, String> m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames;
protected HashSet<String>m_isReused;
protected boolean m_getTypeCodeWarning = false;
protected SqlStmtType m_sqlStmtType;
protected int m_rowtypeDistinguisher = 0;
protected WrapperPackageMetadata m_wrapperPackageMetadata;
protected Map<String, SqlType> m_typeMap = new HashMap<String, SqlType>();
public SqlReflector(Connection conn, String user) {
m_viewCacheManager = new ViewCacheManager(conn);
m_user = user;
public void reset(Connection conn) {
if (m_conn != null) {
try {
catch (SQLException e) {
// Closing resources. OK to ignore exception.
m_conn = conn;
m_viewCache = m_viewCacheManager.get(m_user);
if (m_viewCache == null) {
m_viewCache = new ViewCache(m_conn, m_user);
else {
m_allTypes = new HashMap<Name, TypeClass>();
m_predefTypes = new HashMap<Name, TypeClass>();
m_userTypes = new ArrayList<TypeClass>();
m_allTypeNames = new HashSet<String>();
m_allGeneratedTypeNames = new HashSet<String>();
m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber = MAGIC_NUMBER;
m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames = new HashMap<String, String>();
m_sqlStmtType = null;
m_isReused = new HashSet<String>();
m_wrapperPackageMetadata = null;
if (conn != null) {
m_geq9i = SqlReflector.geqOracle9(conn);
public void loadAllTypeNames() {
try {
Iterator<ViewRow> iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_TYPES, new String[]{TYPE_NAME},
new String[0], new Object[0], new String[0]);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
SingleColumnViewRow row = (SingleColumnViewRow);
catch (Exception e) { /* Cannot access ALL_TYPES table */
// Determine the SQL type name for a PL/SQL type
public String determineSqlName(String packageName, String[] sourceName, TypeClass parentType,
boolean[] isRowType, List<AttributeField> fields, SqlType elemType, SqlType valueType)
throws SQLException {
String parentName = null; // Java name for the PL/SQL package
if (parentType != null) {
SqlName parentSqlName = (SqlName)parentType.getNameObject();
if (parentSqlName != null) {
parentName = parentSqlName.getTypeName().toUpperCase();
String name = sourceName[0];
if (name.indexOf('.') >= 0 && parentName != null) {
// Replace the package name with the correpsonding Java name
name = parentName + "_" + name.substring(name.indexOf('.') + 1);
name = name.replace('.', '_').replace(' ', '_');
boolean toBeDistinguished = false;
if (sourceName[0].equals("PL/SQL RECORD")) { // %ROWTYPE
isRowType[0] = true;
sourceName[0] = ROWTYPE_PL + (m_rowtypeDistinguisher++);
if (packageName != null && !packageName.equals("")) {
if (parentName != null) {
name = parentName + "_" + name;
else {
name = packageName + "_" + name;
toBeDistinguished = true;
return determineSqlName(name, toBeDistinguished, fields, elemType, valueType);
private String determineSqlName(String name, boolean toBeDistinguished,
List<AttributeField> fields, SqlType elemType, SqlType valueType) throws SQLException {
String origName = name;
if (valueType != null) {
String uniqueName = m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames.get(origName);
if (uniqueName != null) {
return uniqueName;
if (m_allTypeNames.contains(name)) {
boolean match = true;
Iterator<ViewRow> iter;
if (fields != null) {
HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
AttributeField af = fields.get(i);
String fieldType = ((SqlName)af.getType().getNameObject())
hs.add(fieldType + af.getName());
iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_TYPE_ATTRS, new String[]{"CONCAT("
+ ATTR_TYPE_NAME + "," + ATTR_NAME + ")"},
new String[]{TYPE_NAME}, new Object[]{name}, new String[0]);
int count = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String attr = ((SingleColumnViewRow);
if (!hs.contains(attr)) {
match = false;
match = match && (count == hs.size());
else if (elemType != null) {
iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_COLL_TYPES, new String[]{ELEM_TYPE_NAME},
new String[]{TYPE_NAME}, new Object[]{name}, new String[0]);
if (iter.hasNext()) {
String elemTypeNameInDb = ((SingleColumnViewRow);
String elemTypeName = elemType.getSqlName().getTargetTypeName();
match = elemTypeNameInDb.equalsIgnoreCase(elemTypeName);
else {
match = false;
else if (valueType != null) {
iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_TYPE_ATTRS, new String[]{ATTR_TYPE_NAME},
new String[]{TYPE_NAME}, new Object[]{name}, new String[0]);
if (iter.hasNext()) {
String valueTypeNameInDb = ((SingleColumnViewRow);
String valueTypeName = valueType.getSqlName().getTargetTypeName();
match = valueTypeNameInDb.equalsIgnoreCase(valueTypeName);
else {
match = false;
if (match) {
return name;
String uniqueName = name.toUpperCase();
if (m_allTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)
|| (toBeDistinguished && m_allGeneratedTypeNames.contains(uniqueName))) {
do {
int len1 = name.length();
int len2 = Integer.toString(m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber++).length();
if ((len1 + len2) > MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
name = name.substring(0, MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH - len2);
uniqueName = name.toUpperCase() + m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber;
while (m_allTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)
|| (toBeDistinguished && m_allGeneratedTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)));
if (valueType != null) {
m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames.put(origName, uniqueName);
return uniqueName;
void addAllGeneratedTypeNames(String name) {
public boolean isReused(String name) {
return m_isReused.contains(name);
* public String determineDefaultArgsHolderSqlName(String name) throws SQLException { String
* unique = (String) m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames.get(name); if (unique == null) { unique =
* determineSqlName( name, true, null , null , name); m_allDefaultArgsHolderTypeNames.put(name,
* unique); } return unique; }
public void setViewCachePoolCapacity(int size) {
private void sqlTypeInit() {
if (!m_allTypes.isEmpty()) {
m_allTypes = new HashMap<Name, TypeClass>();
m_allTypes.put(BFILE_TYPE.m_name, BFILE_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(BLOB_TYPE.m_name, BLOB_TYPE);
// m_allTypes.put(BOOLEAN_TYPE.m_name, BOOLEAN_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(CHAR_TYPE.m_name, CHAR_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(CLOB_TYPE.m_name, CLOB_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(DATE_TYPE.m_name, DATE_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(NCHAR_TYPE.m_name, NCHAR_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(NCLOB_TYPE.m_name, NCLOB_TYPE);
* m_allTypes.put(TIME_TYPE.m_name, TIME_TYPE);
* m_allTypes.put(TIME_WTZ_TYPE.m_name,TIME_WTZ_TYPE);
* m_allTypes.put(TIMETZ_TYPE.m_name, TIMETZ_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(TIMESTAMP_TYPE.m_name, TIMESTAMP_TYPE);
* m_allTypes.put(INTERVAL_YM_TYPE.m_name, INTERVAL_YM_TYPE);
* m_allTypes.put(INTERVAL_YM_TYPE.m_name, INTERVAL_YM_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(DECIMAL_TYPE.m_name, DECIMAL_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(FLOAT_TYPE.m_name, FLOAT_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(FLOAT38TYPE.m_name, FLOAT38TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(INTEGER_TYPE.m_name, INTEGER_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(INT_TYPE.m_name, INT_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(LONG_TYPE.m_name, LONG_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(LONG_RAW_TYPE.m_name, LONG_RAW_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(NUMBER_TYPE.m_name, NUMBER_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(NUMERIC_TYPE.m_name, NUMERIC_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(NVARCHAR2_TYPE.m_name, NVARCHAR2_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(PLS_INTEGER_TYPE.m_name, PLS_INTEGER_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(RAW_TYPE.m_name, RAW_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(REAL_TYPE.m_name, REAL_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(REF_CURSOR_TYPE.m_name, REF_CURSOR_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(ROWID_TYPE.m_name, ROWID_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(SMALLINT_TYPE.m_name, SMALLINT_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(STRING_TYPE.m_name, STRING_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(UROWID_TYPE.m_name, UROWID_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(VARCHAR_TYPE.m_name, VARCHAR_TYPE);
m_allTypes.put(VARCHAR2_TYPE.m_name, VARCHAR2_TYPE);
String name;
SqlName sqlName;
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "double[]", null, "double[]", null));
plsqlTableDouble = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "float[]", null, "float[]", null));
plsqlTableFloat = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "int[]", null, "int[]", null));
plsqlTableInt = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "short[]", null, "short[]", null));
plsqlTableShort = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "Double[]", null, "Double[]", null));
plsqlTableJldouble = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "Float[]", null, "Float[]", null));
plsqlTableJlfloat = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "Integer[]", null, "Integer[]", null));
plsqlTableJlinteger = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "Short[]", null, "Short[]", null));
plsqlTableJlshort = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "Integer[]", null, "Integer[]", null));
plsqlTableJlinteger = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "java.math.BigDecimal[]", null,
"java.math.BigDecimal[]", null));
plsqlTableJmbigdecimal = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, true);
sqlName = new SqlName(name, name);
sqlName.setAnnotation(new JavaName("", "String[]", null, "String[]", null));
plsqlTableString = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sqlName, false);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableDouble.m_name, plsqlTableDouble);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableFloat.m_name, plsqlTableFloat);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableInt.m_name, plsqlTableInt);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableShort.m_name, plsqlTableShort);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableJldouble.m_name, plsqlTableJldouble);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableJlfloat.m_name, plsqlTableJlfloat);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableJlshort.m_name, plsqlTableJlshort);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableJlinteger.m_name, plsqlTableJlinteger);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableJmbigdecimal.m_name, plsqlTableJmbigdecimal);
m_allTypes.put(plsqlTableString.m_name, plsqlTableString);
String hint = "/*[32767]*/";
m_allTypes.put(UNKNOWN_TYPE.m_name, UNKNOWN_TYPE);
public Connection getConnection() {
return m_conn;
public SqlType addSqlType(SqlName sqlName, int whatIsIt, boolean mustBeNew, boolean generateMe,
SqlType parentType, String modifier) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
return addSqlType(sqlName, whatIsIt, mustBeNew, generateMe, parentType, modifier, false,
public SqlType addSqlType(SqlName sqlName, int whatIsIt, boolean mustBeNew, boolean generateMe,
SqlType parentType, String modifier, boolean ncharFormOfUse, MethodFilter signatureFilter)
throws SQLException, PublisherException {
SqlType result = null;
try {
if (ncharFormOfUse) {
if (sqlName.getTypeName().equals("CHAR")) {
sqlName = NCHAR_TYPE.getSqlName();
else if (sqlName.getTypeName().equals("VARCHAR2")) {
sqlName = NVARCHAR2_TYPE.getSqlName();
else if (sqlName.getTypeName().equals("CLOB")) {
sqlName = NCLOB_TYPE.getSqlName();
SqlType t = findType(sqlName);
boolean predefined = false;
if (t == null) {
t = findPredefType(sqlName);
predefined = true;
if (t != null) {
result = t;
if (mustBeNew && predefined) {
throw new PublisherException("duplicate type " + result.toString());
else if (mustBeNew) {
return result;
String schema = sqlName.getSchemaName();
String type = sqlName.getTypeName();
if (whatIsIt == IS_TOPLEVEL) {
return new SqlToplevelType(sqlName, parentType, signatureFilter, this);
else if ((whatIsIt & IS_PACKAGE) != 0) {
Iterator<ViewRow> rowIter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_OBJECTS,
new String[]{"'PACKAGE' AS TYPECODE"}, new String[]{OWNER, OBJECT_NAME,
"OBJECT_TYPE", "STATUS"}, new Object[]{schema, type, "PACKAGE", "VALID"},
new String[0]);
if (rowIter.hasNext()) {
m_viewCache.fetch(type, signatureFilter);
result = new SqlPackageType(sqlName, parentType, signatureFilter, this);
if (result != null) {
return result;
if (whatIsIt == IS_PACKAGE) {
throw new PublisherException("package not found " + sqlName.toString());
/* determine whether this is an opaque type */
Iterator<ViewRow> iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_TYPES, new String[0], new String[]{
OWNER, TYPE_NAME, "PREDEFINED"}, new Object[]{schema, type, "NO"},
new String[0]);
if (iter.hasNext()) {
AllTypes allTypes = (AllTypes);
String typeCode = allTypes.typeCode;
byte[] typeOID = allTypes.typeOid;
int dbTypeCode = 0;
int kind = 0;
if (!m_getTypeCodeWarning) {
try {
Object[] outParams = m_viewCache.getOutParameters(
"BEGIN sys.sqljutl.get_typecode(:1, :2, :3, :4); END;",
new Object[]{typeOID}, new int[]{OracleTypes.INTEGER,
OracleTypes.VARCHAR, OracleTypes.INTEGER});
if (outParams == null) {
throw new SQLException("no data from sqljutl.get_typecode call");
dbTypeCode = ((Integer)outParams[0]).intValue();
kind = ((Integer)outParams[2]).intValue();
catch (SQLException exn) {
String msg = exn.getMessage();
if (isPre920()) {
// an older database version will not have GET_TYPECODE
msg = null;
m_getTypeCodeWarning = true;
else if (msg.indexOf("PLS-00201") > 0) {
msg = "cannot determine type " + type;
m_getTypeCodeWarning = true;
else {
msg = "error determining type " + type;
if (msg != null) {
throw new PublisherException(msg);
if (dbTypeCode == SqlType.CODE_OPAQUE) {
result = new SqlObjectType(sqlName, OracleTypes.OPAQUE, generateMe, parentType,
else if (dbTypeCode == SqlType.CODE_SQLJTYPE && kind != 0) {
result = new SqlSqljType(sqlName, kind, parentType, this);
else if (typeCode.equals("OBJECT")) {
result = new SqlObjectType(sqlName, generateMe, parentType, this);
if (SqlName.langIsOtt()) {
* For C only. Maura - I'm not sure about this, but
* it seems that a ref typedef has to be generated
* for every struct. That's the purpose of the
* following SqlRefType
new SqlRefType(sqlName, result, parentType, generateMe, this);
if (PublisherModifier.isIncomplete(result.getModifiers())) {
* give warning
* about incomplete
* type and
* continue
int line = sqlName.getLine();
int column = sqlName.getColumn();
String mesg = "incomplete type " + sqlName.toString();
if (line > 0 || column > 0) {
mesg = "" + line + "." + column + ": " + mesg;
else if (typeCode.equals("COLLECTION")) {
if ((whatIsIt & IS_COLLECTION) == 0) {
throw new PublisherException("collection found " + sqlName.toString());
Iterator<ViewRow> iter3 = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_COLL_TYPES, new String[0],
new String[]{OWNER, TYPE_NAME}, new Object[]{schema, type},
new String[0]);
if (iter3.hasNext()) {
AllCollTypes act = (AllCollTypes);
String collTypeCode = act.collType;
if (collTypeCode.equals("TABLE")) {
result = new SqlTableType(sqlName, generateMe, parentType, this);
else {
result = new SqlArrayType(sqlName, generateMe, parentType, this);
if (result != null) {
return result;
else {
// Note that this type is not supported, so we will not look
// it up again.
result = addPredefType(sqlName, OracleTypes.UNSUPPORTED);
// Now add an error message
if ((whatIsIt & IS_PACKAGE) != 0) {
throw new PublisherException("type not found " + sqlName.toString());
catch (SQLException e) {
catch (PublisherException ex) {
return result;
public SqlType addSqlUserType(String schema, String type, int whatIsIt, boolean mustBeNew,
int line, int col, MethodFilter signatureFilter) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
SqlName sn = new SqlName(schema, type, false, line, col, this);
return addSqlType(sn, whatIsIt, mustBeNew, true, null, null, false, signatureFilter);
private SqlType addSqlDBType(SqlName sqlName, String modifier, boolean ncharFormOfUse,
SqlType parentType) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
/* constructed types are not hashed */
if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("REF")) {
SqlType t = addSqlType(sqlName, IS_TYPE, false, m_transitive, parentType, modifier);
SqlType rt = new SqlRefType(sqlName, t, parentType, m_transitive, this);
return rt;
else {
return addSqlType(sqlName, IS_TYPE, false, m_transitive, parentType, modifier,
ncharFormOfUse, null);
// Used for adding types other than PL/SQL types
public SqlType addSqlDBType(String schema, String type, String subtype, String modifier,
boolean ncharFormOfUse, SqlType parentType) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
int line = 0;
int col = 0;
if (parentType != null) {
SqlName psqlname = (SqlName)parentType.getNameObject();
line = psqlname.getLine();
col = psqlname.getColumn();
if (subtype != null) {
if (type != null) {
type = type + "." + subtype;
else {
type = subtype;
if (schema != null) {
type = schema + "." + type;
schema = null;
SqlName sn = new SqlName(schema, type, true, line, col, this);
sn.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sn.getAnnotation(), sn.getSimpleName(), true));
return addSqlDBType(sn, modifier, ncharFormOfUse, parentType);
* Add SQL or PL/SQL types from PL/SQL packages (1) For SQL types, delegate to addSqlDBType (2)
* For PL/SQL, create PlsqlRecorType or PlsqlTableType
public SqlType addPlsqlDBType(String schema, String type, String subtype, String modifier,
boolean ncharFormOfUse, String packageName, String methodName, String methodNo,
int sequence, SqlType parentType) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
return addPlsqlDBType(schema, type, subtype, modifier, ncharFormOfUse, packageName,
methodName, methodNo, sequence, parentType, false);
public SqlType addPlsqlDBType(String schema, String type, String subtype, String modifier,
boolean ncharFormOfUse, String packageName, String methodName, String methodNo,
int sequence, SqlType parentType, boolean isGrandparent) throws SQLException,
PublisherException {
int line = 0;
int col = 0;
if (parentType != null) {
SqlName psqlname = (SqlName)parentType.getNameObject();
line = psqlname.getLine();
col = psqlname.getColumn();
if (subtype != null) {
if (type != null) {
type = type + "." + subtype;
else {
type = subtype;
if (schema != null) {
type = schema + "." + type;
schema = null;
// For SQL types, delegate to addSqlDBType
if (modifier == null
|| (!modifier.equals("PL/SQL RECORD") && !modifier.equals("PL/SQL TABLE")
&& (!modifier.equals("TABLE") || (subtype == null && type.indexOf(".") == -1)) && (!modifier
.equals("VARRAY") || (subtype == null && type.indexOf(".") == -1)))) {
SqlName sn = new SqlName(schema, type, true, line, col, this);
sn.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sn.getAnnotation(), sn.getSimpleName(), true));
return addSqlDBType(sn, modifier, ncharFormOfUse, parentType);
// Start processing PL/SQL types
// Check wether the ROWTYPE has bee published
List<RowtypeInfo> rowtypeInfoA = null;
if (modifier != null && type != null && modifier.equals("PL/SQL RECORD")
&& type.equals("PL/SQL RECORD")) {
rowtypeInfoA = reflectRowtypeInfo(packageName, methodName, methodNo, sequence);
for (int i = 0; i < m_userTypes.size(); i++) {
boolean found = true;
TypeClass p = m_userTypes.get(i);
if (!(p instanceof PlsqlRecordType)) {
List<RowtypeInfo> rowtypeInfoB = ((PlsqlRecordType)p).getRowtypeInfo();
if (rowtypeInfoB == null || rowtypeInfoA == null
|| rowtypeInfoA.size() != rowtypeInfoB.size()) {
found = false;
for (int ja = 0; ja < rowtypeInfoA.size(); ja++) {
boolean microFound = false;
for (int jb = 0; jb < rowtypeInfoB.size(); jb++) {
if (rowtypeInfoA.get(ja).equals(rowtypeInfoB.get(jb))) {
microFound = true;
if (!microFound) {
found = false;
if (found) {
return (SqlType)p;
// Create the PL/SQL type
SqlType result = findPredefType(schema, type);
boolean predefined = (result != null);
if (!predefined) {
result = findType(schema, type);
if (result != null) {
if (result.getTypecode() != SqlType.ORACLE_TYPES_TBD) {
return result;
else if (!predefined) {
// Deals with PL/SQL types: Augument the predefined type
// by -typemap with more specific PL/SQL type information.
if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("PL/SQL RECORD")) {
else if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("PL/SQL TABLE")) {
else if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("TABLE")) {
else if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("VARRAY")) {
return result;
// Case 1: result is null
// Case 2: result not null, predefined, OracleTypes_TBD
if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("PL/SQL RECORD")) {
List<FieldInfo> fieldInfo = PlsqlRecordType.getFieldInfo(packageName, methodName, methodNo,
sequence, this);
List<AttributeField> fields = SqlTypeWithFields.reflectFields(false, fieldInfo, this,
parentType, true /* isGrandparent */);
// if predefined, overwrite entry already in m_predefiendTypes
if (predefined) {
String hint = result.getHint();
result = new PlsqlRecordType(result.getSqlName(), fieldInfo, fields, rowtypeInfoA,
false /* generateMe */, parentType, this);
else {
// Prepare SqlName for the PL/SQL type
SqlName sqlName = new PlsqlRecordName(schema, type, true, line, col, packageName,
parentType, fields, this);
sqlName.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sqlName.getAnnotation(), sqlName
.getSimpleName(), true));
result = new PlsqlRecordType(sqlName, fieldInfo, fields, rowtypeInfoA,
true /* generateMe */, parentType, this);
else {
int oracleType = OracleTypes.UNSUPPORTED;
if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("PL/SQL TABLE")) {
oracleType = OracleTypes.PLSQL_INDEX_TABLE;
else if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("TABLE") && type.indexOf(".") > -1) {
oracleType = OracleTypes.PLSQL_NESTED_TABLE;
else if (modifier != null && modifier.equals("VARRAY") && type.indexOf(".") > -1) {
oracleType = OracleTypes.PLSQL_VARRAY_TABLE;
if (oracleType != OracleTypes.UNSUPPORTED) {
ElemInfo elemInfo = PlsqlTableType.getElemInfo(schema, type, packageName,
methodName, methodNo, m_viewCache);
int[] details = new int[PlsqlTableType.NUMBER_OF_DETAILS];
SqlType elemType = (SqlType)PlsqlTableType.getComponentType(elemInfo, this,
parentType, details);
if (predefined) {
String hint = result.getHint();
result = PlsqlTableType.newInstance(result.getSqlName(), oracleType, elemInfo,
elemType, details, false, parentType, isGrandparent, this);
else {
// Prepare SqlName for the PL/SQL type
SqlName sqlName = new PlsqlTableName(schema, type, true, line, col,
packageName, parentType, elemType, this);
sqlName.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sqlName.getAnnotation(), sqlName
.getSimpleName(), true));
result = PlsqlTableType.newInstance(sqlName, oracleType, elemInfo, elemType,
details, true, parentType, isGrandparent, this);
if (result != null) {
return result;
throw new PublisherException("unsupported Type " + schema + "." + type);
* look up rowtype columns
List<RowtypeInfo> reflectRowtypeInfo(String packageName, String methodName, String methodNo,
int sequence) throws SQLException {
// Although package_name and type_name derived from getPlsqlTypeName()
// can be used for the queries, we use method and sequence
// to be more general. If this type is defined via CURSOR%ROWTYPE,
// method, method_no and sequence has to be used to
// identify this type in ALL_ARGUMENTS.
Iterator<ViewRow> iter = m_viewCache.getRows(ALL_ARGUMENTS, new String[0], new String[]{
PACKAGE_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, OVERLOAD}, new Object[]{packageName, methodName,
methodNo}, new String[0]);
ArrayList<ViewRow> viewRows = new ArrayList<ViewRow>();
while (iter.hasNext()) { // DISTINCT not enforced
UserArguments item = (UserArguments);
List<RowtypeInfo> rowtypeInfoA = RowtypeInfo.getRowtypeInfo(viewRows);
int data_level = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rowtypeInfoA.size(); i++) {
RowtypeInfo rti = rowtypeInfoA.get(i);
if (sequence == -1 || sequence == rti.sequence()) {
data_level = rti.data_level();
int next_rec_sequence = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < rowtypeInfoA.size(); i++) {
RowtypeInfo rti = rowtypeInfoA.get(i);
if (data_level == rti.data_level() && (sequence == -1 || sequence < rti.sequence())) {
next_rec_sequence = rti.sequence();
ArrayList<RowtypeInfo> rowtypeInfoW = new ArrayList<RowtypeInfo>();
for (int i = 0; i < rowtypeInfoA.size(); i++) {
RowtypeInfo rti = rowtypeInfoA.get(i);
if ((sequence == -1 || sequence < rti.sequence()) && data_level == rti.data_level()
// && data_level <= rti.data_level()
&& (next_rec_sequence == -1 || next_rec_sequence > rti.sequence())) {
return rowtypeInfoW;
public SqlType addPredefType(String schema, String type, int typecode, String javaName,
String convertInto, String convertOutOf, String conversionTarget) throws PublisherException {
SqlName sn = new SqlName(schema, type, false, false, true, convertInto, convertOutOf,
conversionTarget, this);
// Does the Java type contain a type annotation?
int pos;
String annotation;
boolean isPlsqlIndexTable = false;
int maxLen = Integer.valueOf(DEFAULT_VARCHAR_LEN);
int maxElemLen = -1;
boolean isNumeric = true;
if ((pos = javaName.indexOf("[")) >= 0) {
annotation = "/*" + javaName.substring(pos).trim() + "*/";
isPlsqlIndexTable = true;
int pos1 = pos;
int pos2 = javaName.indexOf("]");
if (pos2 > -1) {
try {
maxLen = Integer.parseInt(javaName.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR: number format error: " + javaName);
pos1 = javaName.indexOf("(");
pos2 = javaName.indexOf(")");
if (pos1 > -1 && pos2 > -1) {
try {
maxElemLen = Integer.parseInt(javaName.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2));
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("ERROR: number format error: " + javaName);
javaName = javaName.substring(0, pos);
if ("String".equals(javaName) || "java.lang.String".equals(javaName)) {
isNumeric = false;
javaName = javaName + "[]";
if (maxElemLen == -1) {
maxElemLen = Integer.valueOf(getDefaultTypeLen("VARCHAR2"));
else {
annotation = "";
sn.setLangName(null, javaName, null, null, null, null, null, null, true);
SqlType st = null;
if (isPlsqlIndexTable) {
st = new PlsqlIndexTableType(sn, isNumeric, maxLen, maxElemLen);
m_predefTypes.put(sn, st);
else {
st = addPredefType(sn, typecode);
return st;
public SqlType addPredefType(SqlName name, int typecode) throws PublisherException {
// To determine whether the Java type implements ORAData or CustomData
boolean isPrimitive = true;
String declClassName = ((name.getDeclPackage() != null && name.getDeclPackage().length() > 0) ? (name
.getDeclPackage() + ".")
: "")
+ name.getDeclClass();
Class<?> declClass = null;
try {
declClass = Class.forName(declClassName);
catch (Throwable t) {
try {
declClass = Class.forName("java.lang." + declClassName);
catch (Throwable t2) {
// class did not check out as a primitive class
if (declClass == null) {
// Cannot load that class. Assume it is not primitive.
isPrimitive = false;
else if (declClass != null) {
try {
isPrimitive = false;
catch (Throwable t) {
try {
isPrimitive = false;
catch (Throwable t2) {
// class has neither _SQL_TYPENAME nor _SQL_NAME
if (declClassName.equals("boolean") || declClassName.equals("int")
|| declClassName.equals("short") || declClassName.equals("double")
|| declClassName.equals("float") || declClassName.equals("long")
|| declClassName.equals("byte") || declClassName.equals("char")
|| declClassName.endsWith("[]")) {
isPrimitive = true;
if (typecode == OracleTypes.UNSUPPORTED || typecode == SqlType.ORACLE_TYPES_TBD) {
if ("INTEGER".equals(name.getTargetTypeName())) {
typecode = OracleTypes.INTEGER;
if ("CHAR".equals(name.getTargetTypeName())) {
typecode = OracleTypes.CHAR;
SqlType st = null;
if (!isPrimitive) { // for sure this is a SQL Object Type
try {
st = new SqlObjectType(name, typecode, false, null, this);
catch (Exception e) {
else {
st = new SqlType(name, typecode, false, isPrimitive, null, this);
if (st != null) {
m_predefTypes.put(name, st);
else {
throw new PublisherException("Cannot find Type " + name);
return st;
public void addType(Name name, TypeClass type, boolean generateMe) {
if (generateMe) {
if (name instanceof SqlName && type instanceof SqlType) {
m_allTypes.put(name, type);
* Add default parameter holder types for PL/SQL methods
public SqlType addDefaultArgsHolderType(SqlType valueType, String packageName,
SqlType parentType, boolean ncharFormOfUse) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
String typeName = "";
if (valueType.getSqlName().getTypeName().indexOf(".") > -1) {
typeName += valueType.getSqlName().getSimpleName();
else {
typeName += valueType.getSqlName().getTypeName();
SqlName sqlName = new DefaultArgsHolderName(null, typeName, true, 0, 0, packageName,
parentType, valueType, this);
SqlType result = findType(sqlName);
if (result == null) {
sqlName.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sqlName.getAnnotation(), sqlName
.getSimpleName(), true));
result = new DefaultArgsHolderType(sqlName, valueType, ncharFormOfUse, this);
return result;
public boolean isUserType(TypeClass t) {
if (t instanceof SqlType) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_userTypes.size(); i++) {
if (m_userTypes.get(i).equals(t)) {
return true;
return false;
private SqlType findType(SqlName sqlName) {
return _findType(m_allTypes, sqlName);
private SqlType findType(String schema, String type) {
SqlName sqlName = new SqlName(Util.getSchema(schema, type), Util.getType(schema, type),
false, this);
return _findType(m_allTypes, sqlName);
private SqlType findPredefType(SqlName sqlName) {
return _findType(m_predefTypes, sqlName);
private SqlType findPredefType(String schema, String type) {
SqlName sqlName = new SqlName(schema, type, false, this);
return _findType(m_predefTypes, sqlName);
private SqlType _findType(Map<Name, TypeClass> ht, SqlName sqlName) {
return (SqlType)ht.get(sqlName);
* Enumeration keys = ht.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key =
* keys.nextElement(); if (sqlName.equals(key)) { return (SqlType) ht.get(key); } } return
* null;
public SqlType findType(String name) {
String schema = Util.getSchema(null, name);
name = Util.getType(null, name);
SqlName sqlName = new SqlName(schema, name, false, this);
SqlType sqlType = findType(sqlName);
if (sqlType == null) {
sqlType = findPredefType(sqlName);
return sqlType;
* Add all types declared in the given schema to the set of types to be translated.
public void addAllTypes(String schema) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
if (m_conn != null) {
Iterator<ViewRow> iter = m_viewCache
.getRows(ALL_TYPES, new String[0], new String[]{OWNER, "PREDEFINED"},
new Object[]{schema, "NO"}, new String[]{TYPE_NAME});
while (iter.hasNext()) {
AllTypes allTypes = (AllTypes);
addSqlDBType(schema, allTypes.typeName, null, "", false, null);
public void addAllPackages(String schema) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
if (m_conn != null) {
PreparedStatement stmt = m_conn.prepareStatement("SELECT OBJECT_NAME AS TYPE_NAME FROM " +
stmt.setString(1, schema);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
SqlName sn = new SqlName(schema, rs.getString(1), true, this);
// determine generated Java names using -genPattern setting.
.setAnnotation(genPattern((LangName)sn.getAnnotation(), sn.getSimpleName(),
addSqlType(sn, Util.IS_PACKAGE, false, true, null, null);
stmt = m_conn
stmt.setString(1, schema);
rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
int count = rs.getInt(1);
if (count > 0) {
SqlType t = addSqlUserType(schema, "", Util.IS_TOPLEVEL, true, 0, 0, null);
String userName = SqlName.sqlIdToJavaId(TOPLEVEL, true);
t.getSqlName().setLangName("", userName, null, null, null, null, null, null,
/* Add Java non-array types for publishing */
public JavaType addJavaType(String typeName, List<AttributeField> fields,
List<ProcedureMethod> methods, boolean genPattern, TypeClass sqlType) throws SQLException {
if (typeName == null) {
return null;
JavaType jt = null;
for (int i = 0; i < m_userTypes.size(); i++) {
if (m_userTypes.get(i) instanceof JavaType) {
JavaType jTypeTmp = (JavaType)m_userTypes.get(i);
JavaName jNameTmp = new JavaName(null, typeName, null, null, null);
if (jTypeTmp.getJavaName().equals(jNameTmp)) {
jt = jTypeTmp;
if (jt != null) {
return jt;
JavaName javaName = new JavaName(null, typeName, null, null, null);
if (genPattern) {
javaName = (JavaName)genPattern(javaName, typeName, false);
jt = new JavaBaseType(javaName, fields, methods, sqlType);
return jt;
* Search among userTypes, and return a boolean indicating whether a subclass of the receiver
* type has methods
public boolean hasMethodsInSubclasses(TypeClass who) throws SQLException, PublisherException {
Iterator<TypeClass> iter = m_userTypes.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
TypeClass t =;
if (!(t instanceof SqlType)) {
SqlType st = (SqlType)t;
boolean stHasMethods = st.hasMethods();
while ((st = (SqlType)st.getSupertype()) != null) {
if (who.getName() != null && who.getName().equals(st.getName())) {
if (stHasMethods) {
return true;
return false;
public void createSqlStmtType(SqlName sqlName) throws SQLException {
if (m_sqlStmtType == null) {
m_sqlStmtType = new SqlStmtType(sqlName, this);
public boolean isPre920() {
if (m_isPre920 == null) {
try {
String v = m_conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion().toUpperCase();
if (v.startsWith("ORACLE DATABASE 10G") || v.startsWith("ORACLE DATABASE 11G")) {
m_isPre920 = Boolean.valueOf(false);
return false;
int pos = v.indexOf("ORACLE");
if (0 < pos) {
v = v.substring(pos);
String vp = v.substring(0, "ORACLExx".length()).toUpperCase();
if (vp.equals("ORACLE12")
|| vp.equals("ORACLE11")
|| vp.equals("ORACLE10")
|| (vp.equals("ORACLE9I") && (v.indexOf("9.2.") > 0 || v.indexOf("9.3.") > 0 || v
.indexOf("9.4.") > 0))) {
m_isPre920 = Boolean.valueOf(false);
catch (Exception e) {
// Connection is pre 9.2.0
if (m_isPre920 == null) {
m_isPre920 = Boolean.valueOf(true);
return m_isPre920.booleanValue();
public boolean geqOracle9() {
return m_geq9i;
public static boolean geqOracle9(Connection conn) {
boolean geq9i = false;
try {
String dv = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductVersion().toUpperCase();
int pos = dv.indexOf("ORACLE");
if (0 < pos) {
dv = dv.substring(pos);
geq9i = dv.startsWith("ORACLE9") || dv.startsWith("ORACLE DATABASE 10G")
|| dv.startsWith("ORACLE DATABASE 11G") || dv.startsWith("ORACLE1")
|| dv.startsWith("ORACLE2") || dv.startsWith("ORACLE3");
catch (SQLException se) {
/* assume the database is old */
return geq9i;
public void setTransitive(boolean transitive) {
m_transitive = transitive;
// Return true if a column is null
public static boolean isNull(String col) {
return (col == null || col.length() == 0);
public boolean noUserTypes() {
return m_userTypes.isEmpty();
public Map<String, SqlType> getTypeMap() {
return m_typeMap;
* Used for implicitly publishing SQL types Based on the -genPattern setting, sets the LangName
* associated with this SqlName.
private LangName genPattern(LangName langName, String simpleName, boolean sql2Java) {
String genPattern = null;
if (genPattern == null) {
return langName;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String useName = simpleName;
if (sql2Java) {
useName = SqlName.sqlIdToJavaId(simpleName, true);
// return sqlstring entry (e.g., a:b:c#d) according to m_genPattern.
// Entries in itemTokens are used to replace %?
// in m_genPattern. For instance, itemTokens can be
// - {sqlTypeName, JavaTypeName, JavaSubclassName, JavaItf}
// - {sqlTypeName}
String sql = genPattern;
for (int i = genPattern.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (genPattern.charAt(i) == '%' && i != genPattern.length() - 1) {
int j = genPattern.charAt(i + 1) - '0';
sql = sql.substring(0, i) + ((j == 1) ? simpleName : useName)
+ sql.substring(i + 2);
// System.out.println("SqlName: sql = "+sql); //D+
// Derive useName, subclassName, interface name
String useItf = null;
String generatedName = null;
String generatedItf = null;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sql, "#");
String[] tokens = new String[st.countTokens()];
for (int i = 0; 0 < st.countTokens(); i++) {
tokens[i] = st.nextToken();
if (i == 1) {
generatedItf = tokens[1];
useItf = tokens[1];
st = new StringTokenizer(tokens[0], ":");
tokens = new String[st.countTokens()];
for (int i = 0; 0 < st.countTokens(); i++) {
tokens[i] = st.nextToken();
if (i == 0) {
useName = tokens[0];
else if (i == 1) {
useName = tokens[1];
generatedName = tokens[0];
if (useName == null) {
useItf = null;
if (generatedName == null) {
generatedItf = null;
if (useItf != null) {
generatedItf = null;
JavaName retJavaName = new JavaName("", useName, useItf, generatedName, generatedItf);
return retJavaName;
public String determineSqlName(String name, boolean toBeDistinguished) {
// toBeDistinguished is a marker indicating that the name is chopped
// or post-fixed due to length over-limit or name conflicts. If true,
// the new name needs to go through another round of conflicts checking.
if (name.length() > MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
name = name.substring(0, MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
toBeDistinguished = true;
String uniqueName = name.toUpperCase();
if (m_allTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)
|| (toBeDistinguished && m_allGeneratedTypeNames.contains(uniqueName))) {
do {
int len1 = name.length();
int len2 = Integer.toString(m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber++).length();
if ((len1 + len2) > MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH) {
name = name.substring(0, MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH - len2);
uniqueName = name.toUpperCase() + m_allGeneratedTypeNamesMagicNumber;
while (m_allTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)
|| (toBeDistinguished && m_allGeneratedTypeNames.contains(uniqueName)));
return uniqueName;
public ViewCache getViewCache() {
return m_viewCache;
public void getViewCache(ViewCache vc) {
m_viewCache = vc;
public void close() {
try {
if (m_conn != null) {
if (m_viewCache != null) {
catch (Exception e) {
// Closing resources. OK to ignore exception.
* Returns all the user-defined SqlTypes. New types may be appended to the end of the
* enumeration as the existing types are published or navigated.
public Iterator<TypeClass> getUserTypes() {
return m_userTypes.iterator();
* @return metadata for generated PL/SQL wrapper package
public WrapperPackageMetadata getWrapperPackageMetadata() {
return m_wrapperPackageMetadata;
public void addWrapperMethodMetadata(String name, String[] paramTypes, String[] paramNames,
String returnType) {
if (m_wrapperPackageMetadata == null) {
m_wrapperPackageMetadata = new WrapperPackageMetadata("");
m_wrapperPackageMetadata.addMethod(new WrapperMethodMetadata(name, paramTypes, paramNames,