blob: 4b34e16f6a496cda349245b4d8c6b9ed34a325f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Gael Guennebaud <>
// Copyright (C) 2014 yoco <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
namespace Eigen {
/** \class Reshaped
* \ingroup Core_Module
* \brief Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size reshape
* \tparam XprType the type of the expression in which we are taking a reshape
* \tparam Rows the number of rows of the reshape we are taking at compile time (optional)
* \tparam Cols the number of columns of the reshape we are taking at compile time (optional)
* \tparam Order can be ColMajor or RowMajor, default is ColMajor.
* This class represents an expression of either a fixed-size or dynamic-size reshape.
* It is the return type of DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType) and
* most of the time this is the only way it is used.
* If you want to directly manipulate reshaped expressions,
* for instance if you want to write a function returning such an expression,
* it is advised to use the \em auto keyword for such use cases.
* Here is an example illustrating the dynamic case:
* \include class_Reshaped.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude class_Reshaped.out
* Here is an example illustrating the fixed-size case:
* \include class_FixedReshaped.cpp
* Output: \verbinclude class_FixedReshaped.out
* \sa DenseBase::reshaped(NRowsType,NColsType)
namespace internal {
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
struct traits<Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> > : traits<XprType> {
typedef typename traits<XprType>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename traits<XprType>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename traits<XprType>::XprKind XprKind;
enum {
MatrixRows = traits<XprType>::RowsAtCompileTime,
MatrixCols = traits<XprType>::ColsAtCompileTime,
RowsAtCompileTime = Rows,
ColsAtCompileTime = Cols,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = Rows,
MaxColsAtCompileTime = Cols,
XpxStorageOrder = ((int(traits<XprType>::Flags) & RowMajorBit) == RowMajorBit) ? RowMajor : ColMajor,
ReshapedStorageOrder = (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 && ColsAtCompileTime != 1) ? RowMajor
: (ColsAtCompileTime == 1 && RowsAtCompileTime != 1) ? ColMajor
: XpxStorageOrder,
HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType = (ReshapedStorageOrder == XpxStorageOrder),
InnerSize = (ReshapedStorageOrder == int(RowMajor)) ? int(ColsAtCompileTime) : int(RowsAtCompileTime),
InnerStrideAtCompileTime = HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType ? int(inner_stride_at_compile_time<XprType>::ret) : Dynamic,
OuterStrideAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
HasDirectAccess = internal::has_direct_access<XprType>::ret && (Order == int(XpxStorageOrder)) &&
((evaluator<XprType>::Flags & LinearAccessBit) == LinearAccessBit),
MaskPacketAccessBit =
(InnerSize == Dynamic || (InnerSize % packet_traits<Scalar>::size) == 0) && (InnerStrideAtCompileTime == 1)
? PacketAccessBit
: 0,
// MaskAlignedBit = ((OuterStrideAtCompileTime!=Dynamic) && (((OuterStrideAtCompileTime * int(sizeof(Scalar))) % 16)
// == 0)) ? AlignedBit : 0,
FlagsLinearAccessBit = (RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || ColsAtCompileTime == 1) ? LinearAccessBit : 0,
FlagsLvalueBit = is_lvalue<XprType>::value ? LvalueBit : 0,
FlagsRowMajorBit = (ReshapedStorageOrder == int(RowMajor)) ? RowMajorBit : 0,
FlagsDirectAccessBit = HasDirectAccess ? DirectAccessBit : 0,
Flags0 = traits<XprType>::Flags & ((HereditaryBits & ~RowMajorBit) | MaskPacketAccessBit),
Flags = (Flags0 | FlagsLinearAccessBit | FlagsLvalueBit | FlagsRowMajorBit | FlagsDirectAccessBit)
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order, bool HasDirectAccess>
class ReshapedImpl_dense;
} // end namespace internal
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order, typename StorageKind>
class ReshapedImpl;
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
class Reshaped : public ReshapedImpl<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind> {
typedef ReshapedImpl<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind> Impl;
// typedef typename Impl::Base Base;
typedef Impl Base;
/** Fixed-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Reshaped(XprType& xpr) : Impl(xpr) {
EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic && ColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic,
eigen_assert(Rows * Cols == xpr.rows() * xpr.cols());
/** Dynamic-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Reshaped(XprType& xpr, Index reshapeRows, Index reshapeCols)
: Impl(xpr, reshapeRows, reshapeCols) {
eigen_assert((RowsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || RowsAtCompileTime == reshapeRows) &&
(ColsAtCompileTime == Dynamic || ColsAtCompileTime == reshapeCols));
eigen_assert(reshapeRows * reshapeCols == xpr.rows() * xpr.cols());
// The generic default implementation for dense reshape simply forward to the internal::ReshapedImpl_dense
// that must be specialized for direct and non-direct access...
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
class ReshapedImpl<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, Dense>
: public internal::ReshapedImpl_dense<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order,
internal::traits<Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> >::HasDirectAccess> {
typedef internal::ReshapedImpl_dense<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order,
internal::traits<Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> >::HasDirectAccess>
typedef Impl Base;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl(XprType& xpr) : Impl(xpr) {}
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl(XprType& xpr, Index reshapeRows, Index reshapeCols)
: Impl(xpr, reshapeRows, reshapeCols) {}
namespace internal {
/** \internal Internal implementation of dense Reshaped in the general case. */
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
class ReshapedImpl_dense<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, false>
: public internal::dense_xpr_base<Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> >::type {
typedef Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> ReshapedType;
typedef typename internal::dense_xpr_base<ReshapedType>::type Base;
typedef typename internal::ref_selector<XprType>::non_const_type MatrixTypeNested;
typedef internal::remove_all_t<XprType> NestedExpression;
class InnerIterator;
/** Fixed-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl_dense(XprType& xpr) : m_xpr(xpr), m_rows(Rows), m_cols(Cols) {}
/** Dynamic-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl_dense(XprType& xpr, Index nRows, Index nCols)
: m_xpr(xpr), m_rows(nRows), m_cols(nCols) {}
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index rows() const { return m_rows; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Index cols() const { return m_cols; }
/** \sa MapBase::data() */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC constexpr const Scalar* data() const;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index innerStride() const;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index outerStride() const;
/** \returns the nested expression */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const internal::remove_all_t<XprType>& nestedExpression() const { return m_xpr; }
/** \returns the nested expression */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC std::remove_reference_t<XprType>& nestedExpression() { return m_xpr; }
MatrixTypeNested m_xpr;
const internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Rows> m_rows;
const internal::variable_if_dynamic<Index, Cols> m_cols;
/** \internal Internal implementation of dense Reshaped in the direct access case. */
template <typename XprType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
class ReshapedImpl_dense<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, true> : public MapBase<Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> > {
typedef Reshaped<XprType, Rows, Cols, Order> ReshapedType;
typedef typename internal::ref_selector<XprType>::non_const_type XprTypeNested;
typedef MapBase<ReshapedType> Base;
/** Fixed-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl_dense(XprType& xpr) : Base(, m_xpr(xpr) {}
/** Dynamic-size constructor
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ReshapedImpl_dense(XprType& xpr, Index nRows, Index nCols)
: Base(, nRows, nCols), m_xpr(xpr) {}
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const internal::remove_all_t<XprTypeNested>& nestedExpression() const { return m_xpr; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC XprType& nestedExpression() { return m_xpr; }
/** \sa MapBase::innerStride() */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_CONSTEXPR inline Index innerStride() const { return m_xpr.innerStride(); }
/** \sa MapBase::outerStride() */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_CONSTEXPR inline Index outerStride() const {
return (((Flags & RowMajorBit) == RowMajorBit) ? this->cols() : this->rows()) * m_xpr.innerStride();
XprTypeNested m_xpr;
// Evaluators
template <typename ArgType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order, bool HasDirectAccess>
struct reshaped_evaluator;
template <typename ArgType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
struct evaluator<Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> >
: reshaped_evaluator<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order, traits<Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> >::HasDirectAccess> {
typedef Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> XprType;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
// TODO: should check for smaller packet types
typedef typename packet_traits<Scalar>::type PacketScalar;
enum {
CoeffReadCost = evaluator<ArgType>::CoeffReadCost,
HasDirectAccess = traits<XprType>::HasDirectAccess,
// RowsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::RowsAtCompileTime,
// ColsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::ColsAtCompileTime,
// MaxRowsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
// MaxColsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
// InnerStrideAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::HasSameStorageOrderAsXprType
// ? int(inner_stride_at_compile_time<ArgType>::ret)
// : Dynamic,
// OuterStrideAtCompileTime = Dynamic,
FlagsLinearAccessBit =
(traits<XprType>::RowsAtCompileTime == 1 || traits<XprType>::ColsAtCompileTime == 1 || HasDirectAccess)
? LinearAccessBit
: 0,
FlagsRowMajorBit = (traits<XprType>::ReshapedStorageOrder == int(RowMajor)) ? RowMajorBit : 0,
FlagsDirectAccessBit = HasDirectAccess ? DirectAccessBit : 0,
Flags0 = evaluator<ArgType>::Flags & (HereditaryBits & ~RowMajorBit),
Flags = Flags0 | FlagsLinearAccessBit | FlagsRowMajorBit | FlagsDirectAccessBit,
PacketAlignment = unpacket_traits<PacketScalar>::alignment,
Alignment = evaluator<ArgType>::Alignment
typedef reshaped_evaluator<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order, HasDirectAccess> reshaped_evaluator_type;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit evaluator(const XprType& xpr) : reshaped_evaluator_type(xpr) {
template <typename ArgType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
struct reshaped_evaluator<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order, /* HasDirectAccess */ false>
: evaluator_base<Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> > {
typedef Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> XprType;
enum {
CoeffReadCost = evaluator<ArgType>::CoeffReadCost /* TODO + cost of index computations */,
Flags = (evaluator<ArgType>::Flags & (HereditaryBits /*| LinearAccessBit | DirectAccessBit*/)),
Alignment = 0
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit reshaped_evaluator(const XprType& xpr) : m_argImpl(xpr.nestedExpression()), m_xpr(xpr) {
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef std::pair<Index, Index> RowCol;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline RowCol index_remap(Index rowId, Index colId) const {
if (Order == ColMajor) {
const Index nth_elem_idx = colId * m_xpr.rows() + rowId;
return RowCol(nth_elem_idx % m_xpr.nestedExpression().rows(), nth_elem_idx / m_xpr.nestedExpression().rows());
} else {
const Index nth_elem_idx = colId + rowId * m_xpr.cols();
return RowCol(nth_elem_idx / m_xpr.nestedExpression().cols(), nth_elem_idx % m_xpr.nestedExpression().cols());
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index rowId, Index colId) {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(rowId, colId);
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(row_col.first, row_col.second);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline const Scalar& coeffRef(Index rowId, Index colId) const {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(rowId, colId);
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(row_col.first, row_col.second);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CoeffReturnType coeff(Index rowId, Index colId) const {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(rowId, colId);
return m_argImpl.coeff(row_col.first, row_col.second);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index index) {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(Rows == 1 ? 0 : index, Rows == 1 ? index : 0);
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(row_col.first, row_col.second);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline const Scalar& coeffRef(Index index) const {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(Rows == 1 ? 0 : index, Rows == 1 ? index : 0);
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(row_col.first, row_col.second);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline const CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const {
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(Rows == 1 ? 0 : index, Rows == 1 ? index : 0);
return m_argImpl.coeff(row_col.first, row_col.second);
#if 0
template<int LoadMode>
inline PacketScalar packet(Index rowId, Index colId) const
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(rowId, colId);
return m_argImpl.template packet<Unaligned>(row_col.first, row_col.second);
template<int LoadMode>
inline void writePacket(Index rowId, Index colId, const PacketScalar& val)
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(rowId, colId);
m_argImpl.const_cast_derived().template writePacket<Unaligned>
(row_col.first, row_col.second, val);
template<int LoadMode>
inline PacketScalar packet(Index index) const
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0);
return m_argImpl.template packet<Unaligned>(row_col.first, row_col.second);
template<int LoadMode>
inline void writePacket(Index index, const PacketScalar& val)
const RowCol row_col = index_remap(RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? 0 : index,
RowsAtCompileTime == 1 ? index : 0);
return m_argImpl.template packet<Unaligned>(row_col.first, row_col.second, val);
evaluator<ArgType> m_argImpl;
const XprType& m_xpr;
template <typename ArgType, int Rows, int Cols, int Order>
struct reshaped_evaluator<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order, /* HasDirectAccess */ true>
: mapbase_evaluator<Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order>,
typename Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order>::PlainObject> {
typedef Reshaped<ArgType, Rows, Cols, Order> XprType;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit reshaped_evaluator(const XprType& xpr)
: mapbase_evaluator<XprType, typename XprType::PlainObject>(xpr) {
// TODO: for the 3.4 release, this should be turned to an internal assertion, but let's keep it as is for the beta
// lifetime
eigen_assert(((std::uintptr_t( % plain_enum_max(1, evaluator<XprType>::Alignment)) == 0) &&
"data is not aligned");
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen