blob: 7b8bd2df768e20c6e9566a16bea10f494053adf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Mehdi Goli Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Ralph Potter Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Luke Iwanski Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Contact:
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// General include header of SYCL target for Tensor Module
// global pointer to set different attribute state for a class
template <class T>
struct MakeGlobalPointer {
typedef typename cl::sycl::global_ptr<T>::pointer_t Type;
typedef typename cl::sycl::global_ptr<T>::reference_t RefType;
// global pointer to set different attribute state for a class
template <class T>
struct MakeLocalPointer {
typedef typename cl::sycl::local_ptr<T>::pointer_t Type;
typedef typename cl::sycl::local_ptr<T>::reference_t RefType;
namespace Eigen {
template<typename StrideDims, typename XprType> class TensorTupleReducerDeviceOp;
template<typename StrideDims, typename ArgType> struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorTupleReducerDeviceOp<StrideDims, ArgType>, SyclKernelDevice>;
namespace internal {
template<typename A, typename B> struct TypeConversion {
template<typename T>
static typename MakeGlobalPointer<A>::Type get_address_space_pointer(typename MakeGlobalPointer<T>::Type p);
template<typename T>
static typename MakeLocalPointer<A>::Type get_address_space_pointer(typename MakeLocalPointer<T>::Type p);
template<typename T>
static A* get_address_space_pointer(T* p);
typedef decltype(get_address_space_pointer(B())) type;
namespace TensorSycl {
namespace internal {
template<typename CoeffReturnType, typename OP, typename OutputAccessor, typename InputAccessor, typename LocalAccessor> struct GenericKernelReducer;
/// This struct is used for special expression nodes with no operations (for example assign and selectOP).
struct NoOP;
template<bool IsConst, typename T> struct GetType{
typedef const T Type;
template<typename T> struct GetType<false, T>{
typedef T Type;
template <bool Conds, size_t X , size_t Y > struct ValueCondition {
static constexpr size_t Res =X;
template<size_t X, size_t Y> struct ValueCondition<false, X, Y> {
static constexpr size_t Res =Y;
// tuple construction
#include "TensorSyclTuple.h"
// counting number of leaf at compile time
#include "TensorSyclLeafCount.h"
// The index PlaceHolder takes the actual expression and replaces the actual
// data on it with the place holder. It uses the same pre-order expression tree
// traverse as the leaf count in order to give the right access number to each
// node in the expression
#include "TensorSyclPlaceHolderExpr.h"
// creation of an accessor tuple from a tuple of SYCL buffers
#include "TensorSyclExtractAccessor.h"
// this is used to change the address space type in tensor map for GPU
#include "TensorSyclConvertToDeviceExpression.h"
// this is used to extract the functors
#include "TensorSyclExtractFunctors.h"
// this is used to create tensormap on the device
// this is used to construct the expression on the device
#include "TensorSyclExprConstructor.h"
/// this is used for extracting tensor reduction
#include "TensorReductionSycl.h"
// TensorArgMaxSycl.h
#include "TensorArgMaxSycl.h"
/// this is used for extracting tensor convolution
#include "TensorConvolutionSycl.h"
// kernel execution using fusion
#include "TensorSyclRun.h"
//sycl functors
#include "TensorSyclFunctors.h"
#include "TensorContractionSycl.h"
#endif // end of EIGEN_USE_SYCL