blob: a447c3f88e01bab68e0b6ad2100635cf2d69f38f [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Mehdi Goli Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Ralph Potter Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Luke Iwanski Codeplay Software Ltd.
// Contact:
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
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// General include header of SYCL target for Tensor Module
namespace Eigen {
namespace TensorSycl {
namespace internal {
template<typename CoeffReturnType, typename OP, typename OutputAccessor, typename InputAccessor, typename LocalAccessor> struct GenericKernelReducer{
OP op;
OutputAccessor aOut;
ptrdiff_t out_offset;
InputAccessor aI;
LocalAccessor scratch;
size_t length, local;
GenericKernelReducer(OP op_, OutputAccessor aOut_, ptrdiff_t out_offset_, InputAccessor aI_, LocalAccessor scratch_, size_t length_, size_t local_)
: op(op_), aOut(aOut_), out_offset(out_offset_), aI(aI_), scratch(scratch_), length(length_), local(local_){}
void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) {
size_t globalid = itemID.get_global(0);
size_t localid = itemID.get_local(0);
/* All threads collectively read from global memory into local.
* The barrier ensures all threads' IO is resolved before
* execution continues (strictly speaking, all threads within
* a single work-group - there is no co-ordination between
* work-groups, only work-items). */
if (globalid < length) {
scratch[localid] = aI[globalid];
/* Apply the reduction operation between the current local
* id and the one on the other half of the vector. */
if (globalid < length) {
auto min = (length < local) ? length : local;
for (size_t offset = min / 2; offset > 0; offset /= 2) {
if (localid < offset) {
auto accum = op.initialize();
op.reduce(scratch[localid], &accum);
op.reduce(scratch[localid + offset], &accum);
//scratch[localid] += scratch[localid + offset];
/* The final result will be stored in local id 0. */
if (localid == 0) {
aI[itemID.get_group(0)] = scratch[localid];
if((length<=local) && globalid ==0){
auto aOutPtr = ConvertToActualTypeSycl(CoeffReturnType, aOut);
aOutPtr[0 + ConvertToActualSyclOffset(CoeffReturnType, out_offset)]=scratch[0];
/// ReductionFunctor
template < typename HostExpr, typename FunctorExpr, typename Tuple_of_Acc, typename Dims, typename Op, typename Index> class ReductionFunctor {
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::createPlaceHolderExpression<HostExpr>::Type PlaceHolderExpr;
typedef cl::sycl::accessor<uint8_t, 1, cl::sycl::access::mode::write, cl::sycl::access::target::global_buffer> write_accessor;
ReductionFunctor(write_accessor output_accessor_, ptrdiff_t out_offset_, FunctorExpr functors_, Tuple_of_Acc tuple_of_accessors_,Dims dims_, Op functor_, Index range_, Index)
:output_accessor(output_accessor_), out_offset(out_offset_), functors(functors_), tuple_of_accessors(tuple_of_accessors_), dims(dims_), functor(functor_), range(range_) {}
void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) {
typedef typename ConvertToDeviceExpression<const HostExpr>::Type DevExpr;
auto device_expr = createDeviceExpression<DevExpr, PlaceHolderExpr>(functors, tuple_of_accessors);
/// reduction cannot be captured automatically through our device conversion recursion. The reason is that reduction has two behaviour
/// the first behaviour is when it is used as a root to launch the sub-kernel. The second one is when it is treated as a leafnode to pass the
/// calculated result to its parent kernel. While the latter is automatically detected through our device expression generator. The former is created here.
const auto device_self_expr= Eigen::TensorReductionOp<Op, Dims, decltype(device_expr.expr) ,MakeGlobalPointer>(device_expr.expr, dims, functor);
/// This is the evaluator for device_self_expr. This is exactly similar to the self which has been passed to run function. The difference is
/// the device_evaluator is detectable and recognisable on the device.
typedef Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice> DeviceSelf;
auto device_self_evaluator = Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice>(device_self_expr, Eigen::SyclKernelDevice());
auto output_accessor_ptr =ConvertToActualTypeSycl(typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType, output_accessor);
/// const cast added as a naive solution to solve the qualifier drop error
auto globalid=static_cast<Index>(itemID.get_global_linear_id());
if (globalid< range) {
typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType accum = functor.initialize();
Eigen::internal::GenericDimReducer<DeviceSelf::NumReducedDims-1, DeviceSelf, Op>::reduce(device_self_evaluator, device_self_evaluator.firstInput(static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(globalid)),const_cast<Op&>(functor), &accum);
output_accessor_ptr[globalid + ConvertToActualSyclOffset(typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType, out_offset)]= accum;
write_accessor output_accessor;
ptrdiff_t out_offset;
FunctorExpr functors;
Tuple_of_Acc tuple_of_accessors;
Dims dims;
Op functor;
Index range;
template < typename HostExpr, typename FunctorExpr, typename Tuple_of_Acc, typename Dims, typename Index>
class ReductionFunctor<HostExpr, FunctorExpr, Tuple_of_Acc, Dims, Eigen::internal::MeanReducer<typename HostExpr::CoeffReturnType>, Index> {
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::createPlaceHolderExpression<HostExpr>::Type PlaceHolderExpr;
typedef cl::sycl::accessor<uint8_t, 1, cl::sycl::access::mode::write, cl::sycl::access::target::global_buffer> write_accessor;
typedef Eigen::internal::SumReducer<typename HostExpr::CoeffReturnType> Op;
ReductionFunctor(write_accessor output_accessor_, ptrdiff_t out_offset_, FunctorExpr functors_, Tuple_of_Acc tuple_of_accessors_,Dims dims_,
Eigen::internal::MeanReducer<typename HostExpr::CoeffReturnType>, Index range_, Index num_values_to_reduce_)
:output_accessor(output_accessor_), out_offset(out_offset_), functors(functors_), tuple_of_accessors(tuple_of_accessors_), dims(dims_), functor(Op()), range(range_), num_values_to_reduce(num_values_to_reduce_) {}
void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) {
typedef typename ConvertToDeviceExpression<const HostExpr>::Type DevExpr;
auto device_expr = createDeviceExpression<DevExpr, PlaceHolderExpr>(functors, tuple_of_accessors);
/// reduction cannot be captured automatically through our device conversion recursion. The reason is that reduction has two behaviour
/// the first behaviour is when it is used as a root to launch the sub-kernel. The second one is when it is treated as a leafnode to pass the
/// calculated result to its parent kernel. While the latter is automatically detected through our device expression generator. The former is created here.
const auto device_self_expr= Eigen::TensorReductionOp<Op, Dims, decltype(device_expr.expr) ,MakeGlobalPointer>(device_expr.expr, dims, functor);
/// This is the evaluator for device_self_expr. This is exactly similar to the self which has been passed to run function. The difference is
/// the device_evaluator is detectable and recognisable on the device.
typedef Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice> DeviceSelf;
auto device_self_evaluator = Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice>(device_self_expr, Eigen::SyclKernelDevice());
auto output_accessor_ptr =ConvertToActualTypeSycl(typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType, output_accessor);
/// const cast added as a naive solution to solve the qualifier drop error
auto globalid=static_cast<Index>(itemID.get_global_linear_id());
if (globalid< range) {
typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType accum = functor.initialize();
Eigen::internal::GenericDimReducer<DeviceSelf::NumReducedDims-1, DeviceSelf, Op>::reduce(device_self_evaluator, device_self_evaluator.firstInput(static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(globalid)),const_cast<Op&>(functor), &accum);
output_accessor_ptr[globalid+ ConvertToActualSyclOffset(typename DeviceSelf::CoeffReturnType, out_offset)]= accum/num_values_to_reduce;
write_accessor output_accessor;
ptrdiff_t out_offset;
FunctorExpr functors;
Tuple_of_Acc tuple_of_accessors;
Dims dims;
Op functor;
Index range;
Index num_values_to_reduce;
template<typename CoeffReturnType ,typename OutAccessor, typename HostExpr, typename FunctorExpr, typename Op, typename Dims, typename Index, typename TupleType>
class FullReductionKernelFunctor{
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::createPlaceHolderExpression<HostExpr>::Type PlaceHolderExpr;
OutAccessor tmp_global_accessor;
Index rng , remaining, red_factor;
Op op;
Dims dims;
FunctorExpr functors;
TupleType tuple_of_accessors;
FullReductionKernelFunctor(OutAccessor acc, Index rng_, Index remaining_, Index red_factor_, Op op_, Dims dims_, FunctorExpr functors_, TupleType t_acc)
:tmp_global_accessor(acc), rng(rng_), remaining(remaining_), red_factor(red_factor_),op(op_), dims(dims_), functors(functors_), tuple_of_accessors(t_acc){}
void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) {
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::ConvertToDeviceExpression<const HostExpr>::Type DevExpr;
auto device_expr = TensorSycl::internal::createDeviceExpression<DevExpr, PlaceHolderExpr>(functors, tuple_of_accessors);
/// reduction cannot be captured automatically through our device conversion recursion. The reason is that reduction has two behaviour
/// the first behaviour is when it is used as a root to launch the sub-kernel. The second one is when it is treated as a leafnode to pass the
/// calculated result to its parent kernel. While the latter is automatically detected through our device expression generator. The former is created here.
const auto device_self_expr= Eigen::TensorReductionOp<Op, Dims, decltype(device_expr.expr) ,MakeGlobalPointer>(device_expr.expr, dims, op);
/// This is the evaluator for device_self_expr. This is exactly similar to the self which has been passed to run function. The difference is
/// the device_evaluator is detectable and recognisable on the device.
auto device_self_evaluator = Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice>(device_self_expr, Eigen::SyclKernelDevice());
/// const cast added as a naive solution to solve the qualifier drop error
auto globalid=itemID.get_global_linear_id();
tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[globalid]=(globalid<rng) ? Eigen::internal::InnerMostDimReducer<decltype(device_self_evaluator), Op, false>::reduce(device_self_evaluator, static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(red_factor*globalid), red_factor, const_cast<Op&>(op))
: static_cast<CoeffReturnType>(op.initialize());
if(remaining!=0 && globalid==0 ){
// this will add the rest of input buffer when the input size is not devidable to red_factor.
auto remaining_reduce =Eigen::internal::InnerMostDimReducer<decltype(device_self_evaluator), Op, false>::
reduce(device_self_evaluator, static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(red_factor*(rng)), static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(remaining), const_cast<Op&>(op));
auto accum = op.initialize();
op.reduce(tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[0], &accum);
op.reduce(remaining_reduce, &accum);
template<typename CoeffReturnType ,typename OutAccessor, typename HostExpr, typename FunctorExpr, typename Dims, typename Index, typename TupleType>
class FullReductionKernelFunctor<CoeffReturnType, OutAccessor, HostExpr, FunctorExpr, Eigen::internal::MeanReducer<CoeffReturnType>, Dims, Index, TupleType>{
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::createPlaceHolderExpression<HostExpr>::Type PlaceHolderExpr;
typedef Eigen::internal::SumReducer<CoeffReturnType> Op;
OutAccessor tmp_global_accessor;
Index rng , remaining, red_factor;
Op op;
Dims dims;
FunctorExpr functors;
TupleType tuple_of_accessors;
FullReductionKernelFunctor(OutAccessor acc, Index rng_, Index remaining_, Index red_factor_, Eigen::internal::MeanReducer<CoeffReturnType>, Dims dims_, FunctorExpr functors_, TupleType t_acc)
:tmp_global_accessor(acc), rng(rng_), remaining(remaining_), red_factor(red_factor_),op(Op()), dims(dims_), functors(functors_), tuple_of_accessors(t_acc){}
void operator()(cl::sycl::nd_item<1> itemID) {
typedef typename TensorSycl::internal::ConvertToDeviceExpression<const HostExpr>::Type DevExpr;
auto device_expr = TensorSycl::internal::createDeviceExpression<DevExpr, PlaceHolderExpr>(functors, tuple_of_accessors);
/// reduction cannot be captured automatically through our device conversion recursion. The reason is that reduction has two behaviour
/// the first behaviour is when it is used as a root to launch the sub-kernel. The second one is when it is treated as a leafnode to pass the
/// calculated result to its parent kernel. While the latter is automatically detected through our device expression generator. The former is created here.
const auto device_self_expr= Eigen::TensorReductionOp<Op, Dims, decltype(device_expr.expr) ,MakeGlobalPointer>(device_expr.expr, dims, op);
/// This is the evaluator for device_self_expr. This is exactly similar to the self which has been passed to run function. The difference is
/// the device_evaluator is detectable and recognisable on the device.
auto device_self_evaluator = Eigen::TensorEvaluator<decltype(device_self_expr), Eigen::SyclKernelDevice>(device_self_expr, Eigen::SyclKernelDevice());
/// const cast added as a naive solution to solve the qualifier drop error
auto globalid=itemID.get_global_linear_id();
auto scale = (rng*red_factor) + remaining;
tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[globalid]= (globalid<rng)? ((Eigen::internal::InnerMostDimReducer<decltype(device_self_evaluator), Op, false>::reduce(device_self_evaluator, static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(red_factor*globalid), red_factor, const_cast<Op&>(op)))/scale)
if(remaining!=0 && globalid==0 ){
// this will add the rest of input buffer when the input size is not devidable to red_factor.
auto remaining_reduce =Eigen::internal::InnerMostDimReducer<decltype(device_self_evaluator), Op, false>::reduce(device_self_evaluator, static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(red_factor*(rng)), static_cast<typename DevExpr::Index>(remaining), const_cast<Op&>(op));
auto accum = op.initialize();
tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[0]= tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[0]*scale;
op.reduce(tmp_global_accessor.get_pointer()[0], &accum);
op.reduce(remaining_reduce, &accum);