blob: ceecd54d0b61f1fda3ead7a6636b19137ba82822 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2014 Benoit Steiner <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
namespace Eigen {
/** \class TensorReshaping
* \ingroup CXX11_Tensor_Module
* \brief Tensor reshaping class.
namespace internal {
template<typename NewDimensions, typename XprType>
struct traits<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType> > : public traits<XprType>
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef traits<XprType> XprTraits;
typedef typename XprTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename XprTraits::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Nested Nested;
typedef typename remove_reference<Nested>::type _Nested;
static const int NumDimensions = array_size<NewDimensions>::value;
static const int Layout = XprTraits::Layout;
typedef typename XprTraits::PointerType PointerType;
template<typename NewDimensions, typename XprType>
struct eval<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType>, Eigen::Dense>
typedef const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType>EIGEN_DEVICE_REF type;
template<typename NewDimensions, typename XprType>
struct nested<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType>, 1, typename eval<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType> >::type>
typedef TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType> type;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename NewDimensions, typename XprType>
class TensorReshapingOp : public TensorBase<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType>, WriteAccessors>
typedef TensorBase<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, XprType>, WriteAccessors> Base;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorReshapingOp>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename internal::remove_const<typename XprType::CoeffReturnType>::type CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::nested<TensorReshapingOp>::type Nested;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorReshapingOp>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorReshapingOp>::Index Index;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorReshapingOp(const XprType& expr, const NewDimensions& dims)
: m_xpr(expr), m_dims(dims) {}
const NewDimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dims; }
const typename internal::remove_all<typename XprType::Nested>::type&
expression() const { return m_xpr; }
typename XprType::Nested m_xpr;
const NewDimensions m_dims;
// Eval as rvalue
template<typename NewDimensions, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType> XprType;
typedef NewDimensions Dimensions;
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
typedef StorageMemory<CoeffReturnType, Device> Storage;
typedef typename Storage::Type EvaluatorPointerType;
typedef StorageMemory<typename internal::remove_const<CoeffReturnType>::type, Device> ConstCastStorage;
static const int NumOutputDims = internal::array_size<Dimensions>::value;
static const int NumInputDims = internal::array_size<typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions>::value;
enum ReshapingKind {
// We do not use layout information to determine reshaping kind.
// Depending on the layout `N` can be inner or outer dimension.
OneByN = 0, // expr.reshape(1, N)
NByOne = 1, // expr.reshape(N, 1)
Runtime = 2 // Reshape dimensions are dynamic (specified at runtime).
// clang-format off
static const ReshapingKind kind =
(NumOutputDims == 2 && internal::index_statically_eq<NewDimensions>(/*index=*/0, /*value=*/1)) ? OneByN
: (NumOutputDims == 2 && internal::index_statically_eq<NewDimensions>(/*index=*/1, /*value=*/1)) ? NByOne
: Runtime;
// clang-format on
enum {
IsAligned = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::IsAligned,
PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
// For trivial reshapes with raw access to underlying data we will provide
// zero overhead block access.
// TODO(ezhulenev): Consider adding block access without raw access?
BlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::RawAccess &&
NumInputDims > 0 && NumOutputDims > 0,
PreferBlockAccess = false,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = false, // to be implemented
RawAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::RawAccess
typedef typename internal::remove_const<Scalar>::type ScalarNoConst;
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockDescriptor<NumOutputDims, Index> TensorBlockDesc;
typedef internal::TensorBlockScratchAllocator<Device> TensorBlockScratch;
typename internal::TensorMaterializedBlock<ScalarNoConst, NumOutputDims,
Layout, Index>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: m_impl(op.expression(), device), m_dimensions(op.dimensions())
// The total size of the reshaped tensor must be equal to the total size
// of the input tensor.
eigen_assert(internal::array_prod(m_impl.dimensions()) == internal::array_prod(op.dimensions()));
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
template <typename EvalSubExprsCallback>
EvaluatorPointerType data, EvalSubExprsCallback done) {
m_impl.evalSubExprsIfNeededAsync(data, std::move(done));
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(EvaluatorPointerType data) {
return m_impl.evalSubExprsIfNeeded(data);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
return m_impl.coeff(index);
template<int LoadMode>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const
return m_impl.template packet<LoadMode>(index);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorOpCost costPerCoeff(bool vectorized) const {
return m_impl.costPerCoeff(vectorized);
internal::TensorBlockResourceRequirements getResourceRequirements() const {
return internal::TensorBlockResourceRequirements::any();
// required in block(OutputTensorBlock* output_block) const
// For C++03 compatibility this must be defined outside the method
struct BlockIteratorState {
Index stride;
Index span;
Index size;
Index count;
block(TensorBlockDesc& desc, TensorBlockScratch& scratch,
bool /*root_of_expr_ast*/ = false) const {
eigen_assert( != NULL);
eigen_assert((kind == Runtime) ||
(kind == OneByN && desc.dimensions()[0] == 1) ||
(kind == NByOne && desc.dimensions()[1] == 1));
if (kind == OneByN || kind == NByOne) {
// We can guarantee at compile time that block is just a contiguous slice
// of the underlying expression memory buffer.
return TensorBlock(internal::TensorBlockKind::kView, + desc.offset(), desc.dimensions());
} else {
// This will do additional runtime checks, and in the end it might be also
// a view, or it might be a block materialized in the temporary buffer.
return TensorBlock::materialize(, m_dimensions, desc,
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC typename Storage::Type data() const {
return constCast(;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>& impl() const { return m_impl; }
// binding placeholder accessors to a command group handler for SYCL
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void bind(cl::sycl::handler &cgh) const {
TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device> m_impl;
NewDimensions m_dimensions;
// Eval as lvalue
template<typename NewDimensions, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType>, Device>
: public TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorEvaluator<const TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType>, Device> Base;
typedef TensorReshapingOp<NewDimensions, ArgType> XprType;
typedef NewDimensions Dimensions;
enum {
IsAligned = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::IsAligned,
PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
BlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::RawAccess,
PreferBlockAccess = false,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = false, // to be implemented
RawAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::RawAccess
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: Base(op, device)
{ }
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockDescriptor<TensorEvaluator::NumOutputDims, Index>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType& coeffRef(Index index)
return this->m_impl.coeffRef(index);
void writePacket(Index index, const PacketReturnType& x)
this->m_impl.template writePacket<StoreMode>(index, x);
template <typename TensorBlock>
const TensorBlockDesc& desc, const TensorBlock& block) {
assert(this-> != NULL);
typedef typename TensorBlock::XprType TensorBlockExpr;
typedef internal::TensorBlockAssignment<
Scalar, TensorEvaluator::NumOutputDims, TensorBlockExpr, Index>
this->, desc.offset()),
/** \class TensorSlicing
* \ingroup CXX11_Tensor_Module
* \brief Tensor slicing class.
namespace internal {
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename XprType>
struct traits<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType> > : public traits<XprType>
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef traits<XprType> XprTraits;
typedef typename XprTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename XprTraits::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Nested Nested;
typedef typename remove_reference<Nested>::type _Nested;
static const int NumDimensions = array_size<StartIndices>::value;
static const int Layout = XprTraits::Layout;
typedef typename XprTraits::PointerType PointerType;
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename XprType>
struct eval<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType>, Eigen::Dense>
typedef const TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType>EIGEN_DEVICE_REF type;
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename XprType>
struct nested<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType>, 1, typename eval<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType> >::type>
typedef TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType> type;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename XprType>
class TensorSlicingOp : public TensorBase<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType> >
typedef TensorBase<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, XprType> > Base;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorSlicingOp>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::nested<TensorSlicingOp>::type Nested;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorSlicingOp>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename Eigen::internal::traits<TensorSlicingOp>::Index Index;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorSlicingOp(const XprType& expr, const StartIndices& indices, const Sizes& sizes)
: m_xpr(expr), m_indices(indices), m_sizes(sizes) {}
const StartIndices& startIndices() const { return m_indices; }
const Sizes& sizes() const { return m_sizes; }
const typename internal::remove_all<typename XprType::Nested>::type&
expression() const { return m_xpr; }
typename XprType::Nested m_xpr;
const StartIndices m_indices;
const Sizes m_sizes;
// Fixme: figure out the exact threshold
namespace {
template <typename Index, typename Device, bool BlockAccess> struct MemcpyTriggerForSlicing {
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC MemcpyTriggerForSlicing(const Device& device) : threshold_(2 * device.numThreads()) { }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool operator ()(Index total, Index contiguous) const {
const bool prefer_block_evaluation = BlockAccess && total > 32*1024;
return !prefer_block_evaluation && contiguous > threshold_;
Index threshold_;
// It is very expensive to start the memcpy kernel on GPU: we therefore only
// use it for large copies.
template <typename Index, bool BlockAccess> struct MemcpyTriggerForSlicing<Index, GpuDevice, BlockAccess> {
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC MemcpyTriggerForSlicing(const GpuDevice&) { }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool operator ()(Index, Index contiguous) const { return contiguous > 4*1024*1024; }
// It is very expensive to start the memcpy kernel on GPU: we therefore only
// use it for large copies.
template <typename Index, bool BlockAccess> struct MemcpyTriggerForSlicing<Index, Eigen::SyclDevice, BlockAccess> {
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC MemcpyTriggerForSlicing(const SyclDevice&) { }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool operator ()(Index, Index contiguous) const { return contiguous > 4*1024*1024; }
// Eval as rvalue
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType> XprType;
static const int NumDims = internal::array_size<Sizes>::value;
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
typedef Sizes Dimensions;
typedef StorageMemory<CoeffReturnType, Device> Storage;
typedef StorageMemory<typename internal::remove_const<CoeffReturnType>::type, Device> ConstCastStorage;
typedef typename Storage::Type EvaluatorPointerType;
enum {
// Alignment can't be guaranteed at compile time since it depends on the
// slice offsets and sizes.
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
BlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::BlockAccess &&
// FIXME: Temporary workaround for bug in slicing of bool tensors.
!internal::is_same<typename internal::remove_const<Scalar>::type, bool>::value,
PreferBlockAccess = true,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = false,
RawAccess = false
typedef typename internal::remove_const<Scalar>::type ScalarNoConst;
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockDescriptor<NumDims, Index> TensorBlockDesc;
typedef internal::TensorBlockScratchAllocator<Device> TensorBlockScratch;
// Tensor slicing does not change the block type.
typedef typename TensorEvaluator<const ArgType, Device>::TensorBlock
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: m_impl(op.expression(), device), m_device(device), m_dimensions(op.sizes()), m_offsets(op.startIndices())
for (Index i = 0; i < internal::array_size<Dimensions>::value; ++i) {
eigen_assert(m_impl.dimensions()[i] >= op.sizes()[i] + op.startIndices()[i]);
m_is_identity = true;
for (int i = 0; i < internal::array_size<Dimensions>::value; ++i) {
eigen_assert(m_impl.dimensions()[i] >=
op.sizes()[i] + op.startIndices()[i]);
if (m_impl.dimensions()[i] != op.sizes()[i] ||
op.startIndices()[i] != 0) {
m_is_identity = false;
// No strides for scalars.
if (NumDims == 0) return;
const typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions& input_dims = m_impl.dimensions();
const Sizes& output_dims = op.sizes();
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
m_inputStrides[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < NumDims; ++i) {
m_inputStrides[i] = m_inputStrides[i-1] * input_dims[i-1];
// Don't initialize m_fastOutputStrides[0] since it won't ever be accessed.
m_outputStrides[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < NumDims; ++i) {
m_outputStrides[i] = m_outputStrides[i-1] * output_dims[i-1];
m_fastOutputStrides[i] = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_outputStrides[i]);
} else {
m_inputStrides[NumDims-1] = 1;
for (int i = NumDims - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
m_inputStrides[i] = m_inputStrides[i+1] * input_dims[i+1];
// Don't initialize m_fastOutputStrides[NumDims-1] since it won't ever be accessed.
m_outputStrides[NumDims-1] = 1;
for (int i = NumDims - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
m_outputStrides[i] = m_outputStrides[i+1] * output_dims[i+1];
m_fastOutputStrides[i] = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(m_outputStrides[i]);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(EvaluatorPointerType data) {
if (!NumTraits<typename internal::remove_const<Scalar>::type>::RequireInitialization
&& data && {
Index contiguous_values = 1;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims; ++i) {
contiguous_values *= dimensions()[i];
if (dimensions()[i] != m_impl.dimensions()[i]) {
} else {
for (int i = NumDims-1; i >= 0; --i) {
contiguous_values *= dimensions()[i];
if (dimensions()[i] != m_impl.dimensions()[i]) {
// Use memcpy if it's going to be faster than using the regular evaluation.
const MemcpyTriggerForSlicing<Index, Device, BlockAccess> trigger(m_device);
if (trigger(internal::array_prod(dimensions()), contiguous_values)) {
EvaluatorPointerType src = (EvaluatorPointerType);
for (Index i = 0; i < internal::array_prod(dimensions()); i += contiguous_values) {
Index offset = srcCoeff(i);
m_device.memcpy((void*)(m_device.get(data + i)), m_device.get(src+offset), contiguous_values * sizeof(Scalar));
return false;
return true;
template <typename EvalSubExprsCallback>
EvaluatorPointerType /*data*/, EvalSubExprsCallback done) {
m_impl.evalSubExprsIfNeededAsync(nullptr, [done](bool) { done(true); });
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
if (m_is_identity) {
return m_impl.coeff(index);
} else {
return m_impl.coeff(srcCoeff(index));
template<int LoadMode>
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketReturnType packet(Index index) const
const int packetSize = PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::size;
eigen_assert(index+packetSize-1 < internal::array_prod(dimensions()));
if (m_is_identity) {
return m_impl.template packet<LoadMode>(index);
Index inputIndices[] = {0, 0};
Index indices[] = {index, index + packetSize - 1};
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i > 0; --i) {
const Index idx0 = indices[0] / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
const Index idx1 = indices[1] / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (idx0 + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
inputIndices[1] += (idx1 + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
indices[0] -= idx0 * m_outputStrides[i];
indices[1] -= idx1 * m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (indices[0] + m_offsets[0]);
inputIndices[1] += (indices[1] + m_offsets[0]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims - 1; ++i) {
const Index idx0 = indices[0] / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
const Index idx1 = indices[1] / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (idx0 + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
inputIndices[1] += (idx1 + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
indices[0] -= idx0 * m_outputStrides[i];
indices[1] -= idx1 * m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (indices[0] + m_offsets[NumDims-1]);
inputIndices[1] += (indices[1] + m_offsets[NumDims-1]);
if (inputIndices[1] - inputIndices[0] == packetSize - 1) {
PacketReturnType rslt = m_impl.template packet<Unaligned>(inputIndices[0]);
return rslt;
else {
EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX typename internal::remove_const<CoeffReturnType>::type values[packetSize];
values[0] = m_impl.coeff(inputIndices[0]);
values[packetSize-1] = m_impl.coeff(inputIndices[1]);
for (int i = 1; i < packetSize-1; ++i) {
values[i] = coeff(index+i);
PacketReturnType rslt = internal::pload<PacketReturnType>(values);
return rslt;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorOpCost costPerCoeff(bool vectorized) const {
return m_impl.costPerCoeff(vectorized) + TensorOpCost(0, 0, m_is_identity ? 1 : NumDims);
internal::TensorBlockResourceRequirements getResourceRequirements() const {
const size_t target_size = m_device.lastLevelCacheSize();
return internal::TensorBlockResourceRequirements::merge(
block(TensorBlockDesc& desc, TensorBlockScratch& scratch,
bool /*root_of_expr_ast*/ = false) const {
TensorBlockDesc arg_desc = desc.WithOffset(srcCoeff(desc.offset()));
TensorBlock block = m_impl.block(arg_desc, scratch);
if (!arg_desc.HasDestinationBuffer()) desc.DropDestinationBuffer();
return block;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename Storage::Type data() const {
typename Storage::Type result = constCast(;
if (result) {
Index offset = 0;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims; ++i) {
if (m_dimensions[i] != m_impl.dimensions()[i]) {
offset += m_offsets[i] * m_inputStrides[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < NumDims; ++j) {
if (m_dimensions[j] > 1) {
return NULL;
offset += m_offsets[j] * m_inputStrides[j];
} else {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (m_dimensions[i] != m_impl.dimensions()[i]) {
offset += m_offsets[i] * m_inputStrides[i];
for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (m_dimensions[j] > 1) {
return NULL;
offset += m_offsets[j] * m_inputStrides[j];
return result + offset;
return NULL;
// binding placeholder accessors to a command group handler for SYCL
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void bind(cl::sycl::handler &cgh) const {
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index srcCoeff(Index index) const
Index inputIndex = 0;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i > 0; --i) {
const Index idx = index / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndex += (idx + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
index -= idx * m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndex += (index + m_offsets[0]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims - 1; ++i) {
const Index idx = index / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndex += (idx + m_offsets[i]) * m_inputStrides[i];
index -= idx * m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndex += (index + m_offsets[NumDims-1]);
return inputIndex;
array<Index, NumDims> m_outputStrides;
array<internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>, NumDims> m_fastOutputStrides;
array<Index, NumDims> m_inputStrides;
TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device> m_impl;
const Device EIGEN_DEVICE_REF m_device;
Dimensions m_dimensions;
bool m_is_identity;
const StartIndices m_offsets;
// Eval as lvalue
template<typename StartIndices, typename Sizes, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType>, Device>
: public TensorEvaluator<const TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorEvaluator<const TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType>, Device> Base;
typedef TensorSlicingOp<StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType> XprType;
static const int NumDims = internal::array_size<Sizes>::value;
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
typedef Sizes Dimensions;
enum {
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PacketAccess,
BlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::BlockAccess,
PreferBlockAccess = true,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = false,
RawAccess = (NumDims == 1) & TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::RawAccess
typedef typename internal::remove_const<Scalar>::type ScalarNoConst;
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockDescriptor<NumDims, Index> TensorBlockDesc;
typedef internal::TensorBlockScratchAllocator<Device> TensorBlockScratch;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: Base(op, device)
{ }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType& coeffRef(Index index)
if (this->m_is_identity) {
return this->m_impl.coeffRef(index);
} else {
return this->m_impl.coeffRef(this->srcCoeff(index));
void writePacket(Index index, const PacketReturnType& x)
if (this->m_is_identity) {
this->m_impl.template writePacket<StoreMode>(index, x);
const int packetSize = PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::size;
Index inputIndices[] = {0, 0};
Index indices[] = {index, index + packetSize - 1};
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i > 0; --i) {
const Index idx0 = indices[0] / this->m_fastOutputStrides[i];
const Index idx1 = indices[1] / this->m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (idx0 + this->m_offsets[i]) * this->m_inputStrides[i];
inputIndices[1] += (idx1 + this->m_offsets[i]) * this->m_inputStrides[i];
indices[0] -= idx0 * this->m_outputStrides[i];
indices[1] -= idx1 * this->m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (indices[0] + this->m_offsets[0]);
inputIndices[1] += (indices[1] + this->m_offsets[0]);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims - 1; ++i) {
const Index idx0 = indices[0] / this->m_fastOutputStrides[i];
const Index idx1 = indices[1] / this->m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (idx0 + this->m_offsets[i]) * this->m_inputStrides[i];
inputIndices[1] += (idx1 + this->m_offsets[i]) * this->m_inputStrides[i];
indices[0] -= idx0 * this->m_outputStrides[i];
indices[1] -= idx1 * this->m_outputStrides[i];
inputIndices[0] += (indices[0] + this->m_offsets[NumDims-1]);
inputIndices[1] += (indices[1] + this->m_offsets[NumDims-1]);
if (inputIndices[1] - inputIndices[0] == packetSize - 1) {
this->m_impl.template writePacket<StoreMode>(inputIndices[0], x);
else {
EIGEN_ALIGN_MAX CoeffReturnType values[packetSize];
internal::pstore<CoeffReturnType, PacketReturnType>(values, x);
this->m_impl.coeffRef(inputIndices[0]) = values[0];
this->m_impl.coeffRef(inputIndices[1]) = values[packetSize-1];
for (int i = 1; i < packetSize-1; ++i) {
this->coeffRef(index+i) = values[i];
template<typename TensorBlock>
const TensorBlockDesc& desc, const TensorBlock& block) {
TensorBlockDesc arg_desc = desc.WithOffset(this->srcCoeff(desc.offset()));
this->m_impl.writeBlock(arg_desc, block);
namespace internal {
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename XprType>
struct traits<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType> > : public traits<XprType>
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef traits<XprType> XprTraits;
typedef typename XprTraits::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename XprTraits::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Nested Nested;
typedef typename remove_reference<Nested>::type _Nested;
static const int NumDimensions = array_size<StartIndices>::value;
static const int Layout = XprTraits::Layout;
typedef typename XprTraits::PointerType PointerType;
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename XprType>
struct eval<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType>, Eigen::Dense>
typedef const TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType>EIGEN_DEVICE_REF type;
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename XprType>
struct nested<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType>, 1, typename eval<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType> >::type>
typedef TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType> type;
} // end namespace internal
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename XprType>
class TensorStridingSlicingOp : public TensorBase<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType> >
typedef TensorBase<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, XprType> > Base;
typedef typename internal::traits<TensorStridingSlicingOp>::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename internal::nested<TensorStridingSlicingOp>::type Nested;
typedef typename internal::traits<TensorStridingSlicingOp>::StorageKind StorageKind;
typedef typename internal::traits<TensorStridingSlicingOp>::Index Index;
const XprType& expr, const StartIndices& startIndices,
const StopIndices& stopIndices, const Strides& strides)
: m_xpr(expr), m_startIndices(startIndices), m_stopIndices(stopIndices),
m_strides(strides) {}
const StartIndices& startIndices() const { return m_startIndices; }
const StartIndices& stopIndices() const { return m_stopIndices; }
const StartIndices& strides() const { return m_strides; }
const typename internal::remove_all<typename XprType::Nested>::type&
expression() const { return m_xpr; }
typename XprType::Nested m_xpr;
const StartIndices m_startIndices;
const StopIndices m_stopIndices;
const Strides m_strides;
// Eval as rvalue
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<const TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType> XprType;
static const int NumDims = internal::array_size<Strides>::value;
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
typedef StorageMemory<CoeffReturnType, Device> Storage;
typedef typename Storage::Type EvaluatorPointerType;
typedef Strides Dimensions;
enum {
// Alignment can't be guaranteed at compile time since it depends on the
// slice offsets and sizes.
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = false,
BlockAccess = false,
PreferBlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PreferBlockAccess,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
RawAccess = false
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockNotImplemented TensorBlock;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: m_impl(op.expression(), device),
// Handle degenerate intervals by gracefully clamping and allowing m_dimensions to be zero
DSizes<Index, NumDims> startIndicesClamped, stopIndicesClamped;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < internal::array_size<Dimensions>::value; ++i) {
eigen_assert(m_strides[i] != 0 && "0 stride is invalid");
if (m_strides[i] > 0) {
startIndicesClamped[i] =
clamp(op.startIndices()[i], 0, m_impl.dimensions()[i]);
stopIndicesClamped[i] =
clamp(op.stopIndices()[i], 0, m_impl.dimensions()[i]);
} else {
/* implies m_strides[i] < 0 by assert */
startIndicesClamped[i] =
clamp(op.startIndices()[i], -1, m_impl.dimensions()[i] - 1);
stopIndicesClamped[i] =
clamp(op.stopIndices()[i], -1, m_impl.dimensions()[i] - 1);
m_startIndices[i] = startIndicesClamped[i];
typedef typename TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Dimensions InputDimensions;
const InputDimensions& input_dims = m_impl.dimensions();
// check for degenerate intervals and compute output tensor shape
bool degenerate = false;
m_is_identity = true;
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims; i++) {
Index interval = stopIndicesClamped[i] - startIndicesClamped[i];
if (interval == 0 || ((interval < 0) != (m_strides[i] < 0))) {
m_dimensions[i] = 0;
degenerate = true;
} else {
m_dimensions[i] =
(interval / m_strides[i]) + (interval % m_strides[i] != 0 ? 1 : 0);
eigen_assert(m_dimensions[i] >= 0);
if (m_strides[i] != 1 || interval != m_impl.dimensions()[i]) {
m_is_identity = false;
Strides output_dims = m_dimensions;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
m_inputStrides[0] = m_strides[0];
m_offsets[0] = startIndicesClamped[0];
Index previousDimProduct = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < NumDims; ++i) {
previousDimProduct *= input_dims[i-1];
m_inputStrides[i] = previousDimProduct * m_strides[i];
m_offsets[i] = startIndicesClamped[i] * previousDimProduct;
// Don't initialize m_fastOutputStrides[0] since it won't ever be accessed.
m_outputStrides[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < NumDims; ++i) {
m_outputStrides[i] = m_outputStrides[i-1] * output_dims[i-1];
// NOTE: if tensor is degenerate, we send 1 to prevent TensorIntDivisor constructor crash
m_fastOutputStrides[i] = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(degenerate ? 1 : m_outputStrides[i]);
} else {
m_inputStrides[NumDims-1] = m_strides[NumDims-1];
m_offsets[NumDims-1] = startIndicesClamped[NumDims-1];
Index previousDimProduct = 1;
for (int i = NumDims - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
previousDimProduct *= input_dims[i+1];
m_inputStrides[i] = previousDimProduct * m_strides[i];
m_offsets[i] = startIndicesClamped[i] * previousDimProduct;
m_outputStrides[NumDims-1] = 1;
for (int i = NumDims - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
m_outputStrides[i] = m_outputStrides[i+1] * output_dims[i+1];
// NOTE: if tensor is degenerate, we send 1 to prevent TensorIntDivisor constructor crash
m_fastOutputStrides[i] = internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>(degenerate ? 1 : m_outputStrides[i]);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Dimensions& dimensions() const { return m_dimensions; }
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool evalSubExprsIfNeeded(EvaluatorPointerType) {
return true;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType coeff(Index index) const
if (m_is_identity) {
return m_impl.coeff(index);
} else {
return m_impl.coeff(srcCoeff(index));
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorOpCost costPerCoeff(bool vectorized) const {
return m_impl.costPerCoeff(vectorized) + TensorOpCost(0, 0, m_is_identity ? 1 : NumDims);
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE typename Storage::Type data() const {
return NULL;
// binding placeholder accessors to a command group handler for SYCL
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void bind(cl::sycl::handler &cgh) const {
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index srcCoeff(Index index) const
Index inputIndex = 0;
if (static_cast<int>(Layout) == static_cast<int>(ColMajor)) {
for (int i = NumDims - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
const Index idx = index / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndex += idx * m_inputStrides[i] + m_offsets[i];
index -= idx * m_outputStrides[i];
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < NumDims; ++i) {
const Index idx = index / m_fastOutputStrides[i];
inputIndex += idx * m_inputStrides[i] + m_offsets[i];
index -= idx * m_outputStrides[i];
return inputIndex;
static EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index clamp(Index value, Index min, Index max) {
return numext::maxi(min, numext::mini(max,value));
return cl::sycl::clamp(value, min, max);
array<Index, NumDims> m_outputStrides;
array<internal::TensorIntDivisor<Index>, NumDims> m_fastOutputStrides;
array<Index, NumDims> m_inputStrides;
bool m_is_identity;
TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device> m_impl;
const Device EIGEN_DEVICE_REF m_device;
DSizes<Index, NumDims> m_startIndices; // clamped startIndices
DSizes<Index, NumDims> m_dimensions;
DSizes<Index, NumDims> m_offsets; // offset in a flattened shape
const Strides m_strides;
// Eval as lvalue
template<typename StartIndices, typename StopIndices, typename Strides, typename ArgType, typename Device>
struct TensorEvaluator<TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType>, Device>
: public TensorEvaluator<const TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType>, Device>
typedef TensorEvaluator<const TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType>, Device> Base;
typedef TensorStridingSlicingOp<StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType> XprType;
static const int NumDims = internal::array_size<Strides>::value;
enum {
IsAligned = false,
PacketAccess = false,
BlockAccess = false,
PreferBlockAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::PreferBlockAccess,
Layout = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::Layout,
CoordAccess = TensorEvaluator<ArgType, Device>::CoordAccess,
RawAccess = false
//===- Tensor block evaluation strategy (see TensorBlock.h) -------------===//
typedef internal::TensorBlockNotImplemented TensorBlock;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE TensorEvaluator(const XprType& op, const Device& device)
: Base(op, device)
{ }
typedef typename XprType::Index Index;
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
typedef typename PacketType<CoeffReturnType, Device>::type PacketReturnType;
typedef Strides Dimensions;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE CoeffReturnType& coeffRef(Index index)
if (this->m_is_identity) {
return this->m_impl.coeffRef(index);
} else {
return this->m_impl.coeffRef(this->srcCoeff(index));
} // end namespace Eigen