blob: 01465d3e7871adccbeb998196935d971440146fd [file] [log] [blame]
#define BFLOAT16_UNROLL _Pragma("unroll 8")
#define BFLOAT16_UNROLL _Pragma("GCC unroll(8)")
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE void scaleAndStore(float* result, Packet4f& acc, const Packet4f& pAlpha)
Packet4f result_block = ploadu<Packet4f>(result);
result_block = pmadd(acc, pAlpha, result_block);
pstoreu(result, result_block);
template<Index num_packets, bool zero>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet8bf loadLhsBfloat16(const bfloat16* indexA)
Packet8bf lhs1 = ploadu<Packet8bf>(indexA);
Packet8bf lhs2 = pset1<Packet8bf>(Eigen::bfloat16(0));
return vec_mergeh(lhs1.m_val, lhs2.m_val);
} else {
return lhs1;
template<bool zero>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet8bf loadBfloat16Extra(const bfloat16* indexA, Index strideA, Index extra_rows)
Index row_count = 0;
if (zero) {
EIGEN_ALIGN16 bfloat16 lhs_array[8] = { Eigen::bfloat16(0) };
lhs_array[row_count] = *indexA;
indexA += strideA;
} while ((row_count += 2) < extra_rows*2);
return pload_partial<Packet8bf>(lhs_array, extra_rows*2);
} else {
EIGEN_ALIGN16 int lhs_array[4];
lhs_array[row_count] = *reinterpret_cast<const int *>(indexA);
indexA += strideA;
} while ((row_count += 1) < extra_rows);
return reinterpret_cast<Packet8us>(pload_partial<Packet4i>(lhs_array, extra_rows));
template<bool zero>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet8bf loadLhsBfloat16ExtraRows(const bfloat16* indexA, Index strideA, Index row, Index extra_rows)
return loadBfloat16Extra<zero>(indexA + row*strideA, strideA, extra_rows);
template<bool zero>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet8bf loadRhsBfloat16(const bfloat16* baseB, Index strideB, Index i, Index k)
const bfloat16* indexB = baseB + strideB*4*i + (k*4);
Packet8bf rhs1 = ploadu<Packet8bf>(indexB);
Packet8bf rhs2 = pset1<Packet8bf>(Eigen::bfloat16(0));
return vec_mergeh(rhs1.m_val, rhs2.m_val);
return rhs1;
template<bool zero>
EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE Packet8bf loadRhsBfloat16ExtraCols(const bfloat16* blockB, Index strideB, Index offsetB, Index col, Index i, Index k, Index extra_cols)
return loadBfloat16Extra<zero>(blockB + ((col+4*i)*strideB)+k+offsetB, strideB, extra_cols);
template<Index num_acc, Index num_packets, bool zero, bool rhs_extra_cols, bool lhs_extra_rows>
const bfloat16* indexA,
const bfloat16* indexB,
__vector_quad (&quad_acc)[num_acc],
Index strideA,
Index strideB,
Index offsetB,
Index k,
Index row,
Index col,
Index extra_rows,
Index extra_cols
Packet8bf lhs;
Packet8bf rhs[num_acc];
if(lhs_extra_rows) lhs = loadLhsBfloat16ExtraRows<zero>(indexA+k, strideA, row, extra_rows);
else lhs = loadLhsBfloat16<num_packets, zero>(indexA + k*num_packets); //a packet of bfloat16 has 8 elements
for(Index i = 0; i < num_acc; i++){
rhs[i] = loadRhsBfloat16<zero>(indexB, strideB, i, k);
rhs[i] = loadRhsBfloat16ExtraCols<zero>(indexB, strideB, offsetB, col, i, k, extra_cols);
__builtin_mma_xvbf16ger2pp(&(quad_acc[i]), reinterpret_cast<Packet16uc>(rhs[i].m_val), reinterpret_cast<Packet16uc>(lhs.m_val));
template<const Index num_acc, const Index num_packets, bool rhsExtraCols = false, bool lhsExtraRows = false>
void colLoopBody(Index& col, Index row, Index depth, Index cols, Index rows, Index offset_row, Index block_index, const Packet4f& pAlpha, const bfloat16* indexA, Index strideA, const bfloat16* blockB, Index strideB, Index offsetB, float* result, Index extra_cols = 0, Index extra_rows = 0)
const Index step = rhsExtraCols ? 1 : (num_acc * 4); //each accumulator has 4 elements
const bfloat16* indexB = rhsExtraCols ? blockB : (blockB + 4*offsetB + strideB*col);
while(col + step <= cols){
Index k = 0;
Packet4f acc[num_acc][4];
__vector_quad quad_acc[num_acc];
for(Index i = 0; i < num_acc; i++)
for(; k + 2 <= depth; k += 2){
KLoop<num_acc, num_packets, false, rhsExtraCols, lhsExtraRows>(indexA, indexB, quad_acc, strideA, strideB, offsetB, k, row, col, extra_rows, extra_cols);
KLoop<num_acc, num_packets, true, rhsExtraCols, lhsExtraRows>(indexA-offset_row, indexB, quad_acc, strideA, strideB, offsetB, k, row, col, extra_rows, extra_cols);
for(Index i = 0; i < num_acc; i++)
__builtin_mma_disassemble_acc((void*)acc[i], &(quad_acc[i]));
for(Index i = 0; i < num_acc; i++){
float *r = result + (col+i*4)*rows + row;
for(Index x = 0; x < extra_cols; x++, r += rows){
Packet4f result_block = ploadu_partial<Packet4f>(r, extra_rows);
result_block = pmadd(acc[i][x], pAlpha, result_block);
pstoreu_partial<float>(r, result_block, extra_rows);
float *r = result + (col+i*4)*rows + row + offset_row;
for(Index x = 0; x < cols-col; x++, r += rows){
scaleAndStore(r,acc[i][x], pAlpha);
float *r = result + (col+i*4)*rows + (block_index*16) + offset_row;
for(Index x = 0; x < 4; x++, r += rows){
scaleAndStore(r,acc[i][x], pAlpha);
if(rhsExtraCols) return;
indexB += strideB*step;
col += step;
template<typename Index, typename Packet, typename RhsPacket, typename DataMapper, const Index accRows, const Index accCols>
void gemmMMAbfloat16(const DataMapper& res, const bfloat16* blockA, const bfloat16* blockB, Index rows, Index depth, Index cols, bfloat16 alpha, Index strideA, Index strideB, Index offsetA, Index offsetB)
if(rows == 0 || cols == 0 || depth == 0) return;
float falpha = Eigen::bfloat16_impl::bfloat16_to_float(alpha);
if (falpha == float(0)) return;
const Packet4f pAlpha = pset1<Packet4f>(falpha);
ei_declare_aligned_stack_constructed_variable(float, result, cols*rows, 0);
typedef typename DataMapper::LinearMapper LinearMapper;
for(Index j = 0; j < cols; j++){
const LinearMapper res2 = res.getLinearMapper(0, j);
for(Index i = 0; i < rows; i++){
result[j*rows + i] = res2(i);
Index row = 0;
Index col = 0;
if( strideA == -1 ) strideA = depth;
if( strideB == -1 ) strideB = depth;
//Packing is done in blocks.
//There's 3 possible sizes of blocks
//Blocks of 8 columns with 16 elements (8x16) as col major
//Blocks of 8 columns with 8 elements (8x8) as col major. This happens when there's 16 > rows > 8
//Blocks of 8 columns with <8 elements as row major. This happens when there's less than 8 remaining rows
//Loop for LHS standard block (8x16)
const Index standard_block_size = 16;
const Index standard_blocks_quantity = rows/standard_block_size; //Number of standard blocks
Index bigSuffix = (2*8) * (strideA-offsetA-depth);
const bfloat16* indexA = blockA;
const Index offset_factor = 2;
Index block_index;
for(block_index = 0; block_index < standard_blocks_quantity; block_index++){
indexA += 2*8*offsetA;
for(Index offset_row = 0; offset_row < standard_block_size; offset_row += 4){ //This block size has 16 rows maximum
col = 0;
colLoopBody<7, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<6, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<5, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<4, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<3, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<2, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<1, 16>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
if(cols > col){
Index extra_cols= cols-col;
//Remember: It doesnt make sense use multiple acc to extra_cols as we are unrolling col loop
colLoopBody<1, 16, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, extra_cols, 4);
row += 16;
indexA += bigSuffix + 2*8*depth;
//LHS (8x8) block
if(rows - standard_blocks_quantity*16 >= 8){
indexA += 1*8*offsetA + 2*8*offsetA;
for(Index offset_row = 0; offset_row < 8; offset_row += 4){
col = 0;
colLoopBody<7, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<6, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<5, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<4, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<3, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<2, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
colLoopBody<1, 8>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result);
if(cols > col){
Index extra_cols= cols-col;
for(Index offset_row = 0; offset_row < 8; offset_row += 4){
colLoopBody<1, 8, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, offset_row, block_index, pAlpha, indexA+offset_row*offset_factor, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, extra_cols, 4);
} //end extra cols
row += 8;
//extra rows
while(row < rows){
Index extra_rows = rows-row;
Index extra_rows_or_four = (extra_rows <= 4) ? extra_rows : 4;
//This index is the beginning of remaining block.
//This last block for LHS is organized as RowMajor
col = 0;
colLoopBody<7, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<6, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<5, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<4, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<3, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<2, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
colLoopBody<1, 8, false, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, 4, extra_rows_or_four);
if(cols > col){
Index extra_cols= cols-col;
colLoopBody<1, 8, true, true>(col, row, depth, cols, rows, 0, block_index, pAlpha, blockA, strideA, blockB, strideB, offsetB, result, extra_cols, extra_rows_or_four);
row += extra_rows_or_four;
//Convert back to bfloat16
for(col = 0; col + 4 <= cols; col += 4){
const DataMapper res2 = res.getSubMapper(0, col);
for(row = 0; row + 8 <= rows; row += 8){
//get and save block
PacketBlock<Packet8bf,4> block;
for(Index j = 0; j < 4; j++){
Packet16uc fp16_0 = __builtin_vsx_xvcvspbf16(reinterpret_cast<Packet16uc>(pload<Packet4f>(result + (col + j)*rows + row)));
Packet16uc fp16_1 = __builtin_vsx_xvcvspbf16(reinterpret_cast<Packet16uc>(pload<Packet4f>(result + (col + j)*rows + row + 4)));
block.packet[j].m_val = vec_pack(reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(fp16_0), reinterpret_cast<Packet4ui>(fp16_1));
res2.template storePacketBlock<Packet8bf,4>(row, 0, block);
//extra rows
while(row < rows){
for(Index col_off = 0; col_off < 4; col_off++){
res2(row, col_off) = Eigen::bfloat16(result[(col+col_off)*rows+row]);
//extra cols
while(col < cols){
const LinearMapper res2 = res.getLinearMapper(0, col);
for(Index r= 0; r< rows; r++){
res2(r) = Eigen::bfloat16(result[col*rows + r]);