blob: ff648d46a59c23cb2443e6c12ccf4ab4a19c93e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 20010-2011 Hauke Heibel <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// IWYU pragma: private
#include "./InternalHeaderCheck.h"
#include "../../../../Eigen/Core"
namespace Eigen {
template <typename Scalar, int Dim, int Degree = Dynamic>
class Spline;
template <typename SplineType, int DerivativeOrder = Dynamic>
struct SplineTraits {};
* \ingroup Splines_Module
* \brief Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for Dynamic degree.
template <typename Scalar_, int Dim_, int Degree_>
struct SplineTraits<Spline<Scalar_, Dim_, Degree_>, Dynamic> {
typedef Scalar_ Scalar; /*!< The spline curve's scalar type. */
enum { Dimension = Dim_ /*!< The spline curve's dimension. */ };
enum { Degree = Degree_ /*!< The spline curve's degree. */ };
enum {
OrderAtCompileTime = Degree_ == Dynamic ? Dynamic : Degree_ + 1 /*!< The spline curve's order at compile-time. */
enum {
NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime = OrderAtCompileTime /*!< The number of derivatives defined for the current spline. */
enum { DerivativeMemoryLayout = Dimension == 1 ? RowMajor : ColMajor /*!< The derivative type's memory layout. */ };
/** \brief The data type used to store non-zero basis functions. */
typedef Array<Scalar, 1, OrderAtCompileTime> BasisVectorType;
/** \brief The data type used to store the values of the basis function derivatives. */
typedef Array<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor, NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime, OrderAtCompileTime>
/** \brief The data type used to store the spline's derivative values. */
typedef Array<Scalar, Dimension, Dynamic, DerivativeMemoryLayout, Dimension, NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime>
/** \brief The point type the spline is representing. */
typedef Array<Scalar, Dimension, 1> PointType;
/** \brief The data type used to store knot vectors. */
typedef Array<Scalar, 1, Dynamic> KnotVectorType;
/** \brief The data type used to store parameter vectors. */
typedef Array<Scalar, 1, Dynamic> ParameterVectorType;
/** \brief The data type representing the spline's control points. */
typedef Array<Scalar, Dimension, Dynamic> ControlPointVectorType;
* \ingroup Splines_Module
* \brief Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for fixed degree.
* The traits class inherits all attributes from the SplineTraits of Dynamic degree.
template <typename Scalar_, int Dim_, int Degree_, int _DerivativeOrder>
struct SplineTraits<Spline<Scalar_, Dim_, Degree_>, _DerivativeOrder>
: public SplineTraits<Spline<Scalar_, Dim_, Degree_> > {
enum {
OrderAtCompileTime = Degree_ == Dynamic ? Dynamic : Degree_ + 1 /*!< The spline curve's order at compile-time. */
enum {
NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime =
_DerivativeOrder == Dynamic
? Dynamic
: _DerivativeOrder + 1 /*!< The number of derivatives defined for the current spline. */
enum { DerivativeMemoryLayout = Dim_ == 1 ? RowMajor : ColMajor /*!< The derivative type's memory layout. */ };
/** \brief The data type used to store the values of the basis function derivatives. */
typedef Array<Scalar_, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor, NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime, OrderAtCompileTime>
/** \brief The data type used to store the spline's derivative values. */
typedef Array<Scalar_, Dim_, Dynamic, DerivativeMemoryLayout, Dim_, NumOfDerivativesAtCompileTime> DerivativeType;
/** \brief 2D float B-spline with dynamic degree. */
typedef Spline<float, 2> Spline2f;
/** \brief 3D float B-spline with dynamic degree. */
typedef Spline<float, 3> Spline3f;
/** \brief 2D double B-spline with dynamic degree. */
typedef Spline<double, 2> Spline2d;
/** \brief 3D double B-spline with dynamic degree. */
typedef Spline<double, 3> Spline3d;
} // namespace Eigen