blob: 9c25365090bb88554ddf5b448d43561d55fbff68 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2014 Benoit Steiner <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
// with this file, You can obtain one at
// clang-format off
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {
#if defined(__CUDACC__) && defined(EIGEN_USE_GPU)
// Many std::complex methods such as operator+, operator-, operator* and
// operator/ are not constexpr. Due to this, clang does not treat them as device
// functions and thus Eigen functors making use of these operators fail to
// compile. Here, we manually specialize these functors for complex types when
// building for CUDA to avoid non-constexpr methods.
// Sum
template<typename T> struct scalar_sum_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > : binary_op_base<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {
typedef typename std::complex<T> result_type;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::complex<T> operator() (const std::complex<T>& a, const std::complex<T>& b) const {
return std::complex<T>(numext::real(a) + numext::real(b),
numext::imag(a) + numext::imag(b));
template<typename T> struct scalar_sum_op<std::complex<T>, std::complex<T> > : scalar_sum_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {};
// Difference
template<typename T> struct scalar_difference_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > : binary_op_base<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {
typedef typename std::complex<T> result_type;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::complex<T> operator() (const std::complex<T>& a, const std::complex<T>& b) const {
return std::complex<T>(numext::real(a) - numext::real(b),
numext::imag(a) - numext::imag(b));
template<typename T> struct scalar_difference_op<std::complex<T>, std::complex<T> > : scalar_difference_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {};
// Product
template<typename T> struct scalar_product_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > : binary_op_base<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {
enum {
Vectorizable = packet_traits<std::complex<T>>::HasMul
typedef typename std::complex<T> result_type;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::complex<T> operator() (const std::complex<T>& a, const std::complex<T>& b) const {
const T a_real = numext::real(a);
const T a_imag = numext::imag(a);
const T b_real = numext::real(b);
const T b_imag = numext::imag(b);
return std::complex<T>(a_real * b_real - a_imag * b_imag,
a_real * b_imag + a_imag * b_real);
template<typename T> struct scalar_product_op<std::complex<T>, std::complex<T> > : scalar_product_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {};
// Quotient
template<typename T> struct scalar_quotient_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > : binary_op_base<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {
enum {
Vectorizable = packet_traits<std::complex<T>>::HasDiv
typedef typename std::complex<T> result_type;
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE std::complex<T> operator() (const std::complex<T>& a, const std::complex<T>& b) const {
const T a_real = numext::real(a);
const T a_imag = numext::imag(a);
const T b_real = numext::real(b);
const T b_imag = numext::imag(b);
const T norm = T(1) / (b_real * b_real + b_imag * b_imag);
return std::complex<T>((a_real * b_real + a_imag * b_imag) * norm,
(a_imag * b_real - a_real * b_imag) * norm);
template<typename T> struct scalar_quotient_op<std::complex<T>, std::complex<T> > : scalar_quotient_op<const std::complex<T>, const std::complex<T> > {};
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen