blob: 119cc3e60e4db7a678a3a27008adb474d1e00277 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * project : libmng * */
/* * file : libmng_read.h copyright (c) 2000-2004 G.Juyn * */
/* * version : 1.0.8 * */
/* * * */
/* * purpose : Read management (definition) * */
/* * * */
/* * author : G.Juyn * */
/* * * */
/* * comment : Definition of the read management routines * */
/* * * */
/* * changes : 0.5.1 - 05/08/2000 - G.Juyn * */
/* * - changed strict-ANSI stuff * */
/* * * */
/* * 0.9.2 - 08/05/2000 - G.Juyn * */
/* * - changed file-prefixes * */
/* * * */
/* * 0.9.3 - 10/18/2000 - G.Juyn * */
/* * - added closestream() processing for mng_cleanup() * */
/* * * */
/* * 1.0.5 - 08/19/2002 - G.Juyn * */
/* * - B597134 - libmng pollutes the linker namespace * */
/* * * */
/* * 1.0.8 - 04/12/2004 - G.Juyn * */
/* * - added data-push mechanisms for specialized decoders * */
/* * * */
/* ************************************************************************** */
#if defined(__BORLANDC__) && defined(MNG_STRICT_ANSI)
#pragma option -A /* force ANSI-C */
#ifndef _libmng_read_h_
#define _libmng_read_h_
/* ************************************************************************** */
mng_retcode mng_process_eof (mng_datap pData);
mng_retcode mng_release_pushdata (mng_datap pData);
mng_retcode mng_release_pushchunk (mng_datap pData);
mng_retcode mng_read_graphic (mng_datap pData);
/* ************************************************************************** */
#endif /* _libmng_read_h_ */
/* ************************************************************************** */
/* * end of file * */
/* ************************************************************************** */