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title=List of Examples
List of Examples
List of Examples
* link:overview.html#gkvay[1-1 Determining if the DAS Requires Restart]
* link:overview.html#gkvba[1-2 Determining if an Instance Requires
* link:overview.html#sthref5[1-3 Listing Apache Felix Gogo Remote Shell
* link:overview.html#sthref6[1-4 Running a Remote Shell Command]
* link:overview.html#gjkrh[1-5 Determining the Services That an OSGi
Bundle Provides]
* link:general-administration.html#giwdr[2-1 Running an asadmin Utility
Subcommand in Single Mode]
* link:general-administration.html#giwbf[2-2 Specifying an asadmin
Utility Option With a Subcommand in Single Mode]
* link:general-administration.html#ghvyk[2-3 Specifying an asadmin
Utility Option and a Subcommand Option in Single Mode]
* link:general-administration.html#giwgs[2-4 Displaying Help Information
for the asadmin Utility]
* link:general-administration.html#giusg[2-5 Displaying Help Information
for an asadmin Utility Subcommand]
* link:general-administration.html#givuq[2-6 Starting a Multimode Session
With asadmin Utility Options]
* link:general-administration.html#giwgh[2-7 Starting a Multimode Session
by Using the multimode Subcommand]
* link:general-administration.html#ghvzc[2-8 Running a Subcommand in a
Multimode Session]
* link:general-administration.html#givul[2-9 Running a Set of asadmin
Subcommands From a File]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref7[2-10 Using the --detach Option
in Single Mode]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref8[2-11 Using the --detach Option
in Multimode]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref9[2-12 Listing Jobs]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref10[2-13 Attaching to a
Subcommand and Checking Its Status]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref11[2-14 Configuring Managed
* link:general-administration.html#ggovp[2-15 Creating a System Property]
* link:general-administration.html#ggopn[2-16 Listing System Properties]
* link:general-administration.html#ggoph[2-17 Deleting a System Property]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref12[2-18 Adding Module
Configuration to domain.xml]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref13[2-19 Removing Module
Configuration From domain.xml]
* link:general-administration.html#sthref14[2-20 Displaying the Current
Active Configuration of a Module]
* link:general-administration.html#ggozc[2-21 Adding Resources]
* link:general-administration.html#ghjnb[2-22 Displaying Version
* link:general-administration.html#ggouk[2-23 Listing Applications]
* link:general-administration.html#ggown[2-24 Listing Containers]
* link:general-administration.html#ghlfw[2-25 Listing Modules]
* link:general-administration.html#ggpdl[2-26 Listing Subcommands]
* link:general-administration.html#giojj[2-27 Listing Timers]
* link:general-administration.html#gjhkk[2-28 Showing Status of a
* link:general-administration.html#gjjdi[2-29 Determining the Methods and
Method Parameters That an Object in the Tree Supports]
* link:general-administration.html#gjjed[2-30 Retrieving Data for an
Object in the Tree]
* link:general-administration.html#gjjen[2-31 Adding an Object to the
* link:general-administration.html#gjjhd[2-32 Updating an Object in the
* link:general-administration.html#gjjgp[2-33 Deleting an Object From the
* link:domains.html#ggoeu[3-1 Creating a Domain]
* link:domains.html#ggpfv[3-2 Listing Domains]
* link:domains.html#ghlfx[3-3 Logging In To a Domain on a Remote Machine]
* link:domains.html#ghldv[3-4 Logging In to a Domain on the Default Port
of Localhost]
* link:domains.html#ggoiy[3-5 Deleting a Domain]
* link:domains.html#ggocw[3-6 Starting a Domain]
* link:domains.html#gioes[3-7 Stopping a Domain (or Server)]
* link:domains.html#ggoet[3-8 Restarting a Domain (or Server)]
* link:domains.html#giupx[3-9 Restarting a Domain in a Browser]
* link:domains.html#gjzix[3-10 Creating a Service to Restart a DAS
Automatically on Windows]
* link:domains.html#gktso[3-11 Querying the Service to Restart a DAS
Automatically on Windows]
* link:domains.html#sthref19[3-12 Creating a Service to Restart a DAS
Automatically on Linux]
* link:domains.html#giuqp[3-13 Creating a Service to Restart a Domain
Automatically on Oracle Solaris]
* link:domains.html#ggoxt[3-14 Backing Up the Default Domain]
* link:domains.html#ggoys[3-15 Restoring the Default Domain]
* link:domains.html#ghgsv[3-16 Listing Backups of the Default Domain]
* link:domains.html#ghlds[3-17 Displaying the DAS Uptime]
* link:domains.html#gkvkl[3-18 Changing the Administration Port of a
* link:jvm.html#ghqwm[4-1 Creating JVM Options]
* link:jvm.html#ggphx[4-2 Listing JVM Options]
* link:jvm.html#ggpgz[4-3 Deleting a JVM Option]
* link:jvm.html#ggpkr[4-4 Deleting Multiple JVM Options]
* link:jvm.html#ghhkr[4-5 Generating a JVM Report]
* link:jvm.html#ggpla[4-6 Creating a Profiler]
* link:jvm.html#ggpkc[4-7 Deleting a Profiler]
* link:threadpools.html#giuez[5-1 Creating a Thread Pool]
* link:threadpools.html#giugs[5-2 Listing Thread Pools]
* link:threadpools.html#giuhc[5-3 Updating a Thread Pool]
* link:threadpools.html#giugt[5-4 Deleting a Thread Pool]
* link:webapps.html#giyhf[6-1 Invoking a Servlet With a URL]
* link:webapps.html#giyib[6-2 Invoking a Servlet From Within a JSP File]
* link:webapps.html#giyis[6-3 Redirecting a URL]
* link:webapps.html#gixrq[6-4 httpd.conf File for mod_jk]
* link:webapps.html#gixqt[6-5 File for mod_jk]
* link:webapps.html#gjjzu[6-6 httpd.conf File for Load Balancing]
* link:webapps.html#gjjzf[6-7 File for Load Balancing]
* link:webapps.html#gjpnc[6-8 http-ssl.conf File for mod_jk Security]
* link:logging.html#gkmal[7-1 Changing the Name and Location of a
Cluster's Log File]
* link:logging.html#gkmgz[7-2 Setting the java.util.logging.config.file
System Property]
* link:logging.html#gjiti[7-3 Listing Logger Levels for Modules]
* link:logging.html#gkkot[7-4 Listing Log Levels for an Instance]
* link:logging.html#ghmfi[7-5 Changing the Global Log Level for All
Module Loggers]
* link:logging.html#ghmev[7-6 Setting the Log Level for a Module Logger]
* link:logging.html#gjkat[7-7 Setting Log Levels for Multiple Loggers]
* link:logging.html#sthref23[7-8 Setting the Log File Format using
* link:logging.html#sthref24[7-9 Setting the Log File Format using
* link:logging.html#sthref25[7-10 Excluding Fields in Log Records]
* link:logging.html#sthref26[7-11 Setting Multiline Mode]
* link:logging.html#gkmay[7-12 Changing the Rotation Size]
* link:logging.html#gkmbc[7-13 Changing the Rotation Interval]
* link:logging.html#gkmaq[7-14 Changing the Limit Number of Retained
* link:logging.html#gkmav[7-15 Rotating Log Files Manually]
* link:logging.html#ghphb[7-16 Adding a New Log Handler]
* link:logging.html#gklap[7-17 Creating a ZIP Archive]
* link:logging.html#sthref27[7-18 Listing Loggers]
* link:monitoring.html#gixri[8-1 Enabling the Monitoring Service
* link:monitoring.html#gixre[8-2 Enabling Monitoring for Modules
* link:monitoring.html#gjcmm[8-3 Enabling Monitoring for Modules by Using
the set Subcommand]
* link:monitoring.html#gixsc[8-4 Disabling the Monitoring Service
* link:monitoring.html#gjcnw[8-5 Disabling Monitoring for Modules
* link:monitoring.html#gixpg[8-6 Disabling Monitoring by Using the set
* link:monitoring.html#ghljw[8-7 Viewing Common Monitoring Data]
* link:monitoring.html#ghlre[8-8 Viewing Attributes for a Specific Type]
* link:monitoring.html#ghbgv[8-9 Viewing Monitorable Applications]
* link:monitoring.html#ghbfj[8-10 Viewing Attributes for an Application]
* link:monitoring.html#ghbge[8-11 Viewing a Specific Attribute]
* link:lifecycle-modules.html#giuyo[9-1 Creating a Life Cycle Module]
* link:lifecycle-modules.html#giuyr[9-2 Listing Life Cycle Modules]
* link:lifecycle-modules.html#giuyq[9-3 Updating a Life Cycle Module]
* link:lifecycle-modules.html#giuyi[9-4 Deleting a Life Cycle Module]
* link:batch.html#sthref67[10-1 Listing Batch Jobs]
* link:batch.html#sthref68[10-2 Listing Batch Job Executions]
* link:batch.html#sthref69[10-3 Listing Batch Job Steps]
* link:batch.html#sthref70[10-4 Listing the Batch Runtime Configuration]
* link:batch.html#sthref71[10-5 Configuring the Batch Runtime]
* link:jdbc.html#ggooc[11-1 Starting a Database]
* link:jdbc.html#ggorc[11-2 Stopping a Database]
* link:jdbc.html#ggrgh[11-3 Creating a JDBC Connection Pool]
* link:jdbc.html#ggpcf[11-4 Listing JDBC Connection Pools]
* link:jdbc.html#ggpcs[11-5 Contacting a Connection Pool]
* link:jdbc.html#gjirk[11-6 Resetting (Flushing) a Connection Pool]
* link:jdbc.html#ggpis[11-7 Deleting a JDBC Connection Pool]
* link:jdbc.html#ggplj[11-8 Creating a JDBC Resource]
* link:jdbc.html#ggpgi[11-9 Listing JDBC Resources]
* link:jdbc.html#gjkrz[11-10 Updating a JDBC Resource]
* link:jdbc.html#ggpga[11-11 Deleting a JDBC Resource]
* link:connectors.html#giocc[12-1 Creating a Connector Connection Pool]
* link:connectors.html#giody[12-2 Listing Connector Connection Pools]
* link:connectors.html#giohd[12-3 Deleting a Connector Connection Pool]
* link:connectors.html#giogn[12-4 Creating a Connector Resource]
* link:connectors.html#gioia[12-5 Listing Connector Resources]
* link:connectors.html#giokh[12-6 Deleting a Connector Resource]
* link:connectors.html#gionp[12-7 Creating a Resource Adapter
* link:connectors.html#gioof[12-8 Listing Configurations for a Resource
* link:connectors.html#giorj[12-9 Deleting a Resource Adapter
* link:connectors.html#giuxc[12-10 Creating a Connector Security Map]
* link:connectors.html#giuwj[12-11 Listing All Connector Security Maps
for a Connector Connection Pool]
* link:connectors.html#giuyc[12-12 Listing Principals for a Specific
Security Map for a Connector Connection Pool]
* link:connectors.html#giuuf[12-13 Listing Principals of All Connector
Security Maps for a Connector Connection Pool]
* link:connectors.html#giuwi[12-14 Updating a Connector Security Map]
* link:connectors.html#giuvr[12-15 Deleting a Connector Security Map]
* link:connectors.html#giokw[12-16 Creating Connector Work Security Maps]
* link:connectors.html#gionj[12-17 Listing the Connector Work Security
* link:connectors.html#gioll[12-18 Updating a Connector Work Security
* link:connectors.html#giolk[12-19 Deleting a Connector Work Security
* link:connectors.html#giokx[12-20 Creating an Administered Object]
* link:connectors.html#giokg[12-21 Listing Administered Objects]
* link:connectors.html#giolc[12-22 Deleting an Administered Object]
* link:http_https.html#gjhos[13-1 Creating an HTTP Protocol]
* link:http_https.html#gjhqg[13-2 Listing the Protocols]
* link:http_https.html#gjhop[13-3 Deleting a Protocol]
* link:http_https.html#gjhnz[13-4 Creating an HTTP Configuration]
* link:http_https.html#gjhov[13-5 Deleting an HTTP Configuration]
* link:http_https.html#gjhpx[13-6 Creating a Transport]
* link:http_https.html#gjhqj[13-7 Listing HTTP Transports]
* link:http_https.html#gjhoh[13-8 Deleting a Transport]
* link:http_https.html#ggpjk[13-9 Creating an HTTP Listener]
* link:http_https.html#gjimj[13-10 Creating a Network Listener]
* link:http_https.html#ggpgw[13-11 Listing HTTP Listeners]
* link:http_https.html#giwiw[13-12 Updating an HTTP Network Listener]
* link:http_https.html#ggpjr[13-13 Deleting an HTTP Listener]
* link:http_https.html#ggphv[13-14 Configuring an HTTP Listener for SSL]
* link:http_https.html#ggpln[13-15 Deleting SSL From an HTTP Listener]
* link:http_https.html#ggpha[13-16 Creating a Virtual Server]
* link:http_https.html#ggpgr[13-17 Listing Virtual Servers]
* link:http_https.html#ggpmd[13-18 Deleting a Virtual Server]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref74[14-1 Creating a Context Service]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref75[14-2 Listing Context Services]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref76[14-3 Deleting a Context Service]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref77[14-4 Creating a Managed Thread Factory]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref78[14-5 Listing Managed Thread Factories]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref79[14-6 Deleting a Managed Thread Factory]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref80[14-7 Creating a Managed Executor Service]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref81[14-8 Listing Managed Executor Services]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref82[14-9 Deleting a Managed Executor Service]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref83[14-10 Creating a Managed Scheduled
Executor Service]
* link:concurrent.html#sthref84[14-11 Listing Managed Scheduled Executor
* link:concurrent.html#sthref85[14-12 Deleting a Managed Scheduled
Executor Service]
* link:orb.html#gipfl[15-1 Creating an IIOP Listener]
* link:orb.html#gipcm[15-2 Listing IIOP Listeners]
* link:orb.html#giwlj[15-3 Updating an IIOP Listener]
* link:orb.html#giped[15-4 Deleting an IIOP Listener]
* link:javamail.html#gipfs[16-1 Creating a JavaMail Resource]
* link:javamail.html#gipfe[16-2 Listing JavaMail Resources]
* link:javamail.html#giwjb[16-3 Updating a JavaMail Resource]
* link:javamail.html#gipcd[16-4 Deleting a JavaMail Resource]
* link:jms.html#gipbb[17-1 Creating a JMS Host]
* link:jms.html#gipdw[17-2 Listing JMS Hosts]
* link:jms.html#givlz[17-3 Updating a JMS Host]
* link:jms.html#gipbj[17-4 Deleting a JMS Host]
* link:jms.html#giovy[17-5 Creating a JMS Connection Factory]
* link:jms.html#giovn[17-6 Creating a JMS Destination]
* link:jms.html#giovz[17-7 Listing All JMS Resources]
* link:jms.html#giovq[17-8 Listing a JMS Resources of a Specific Type]
* link:jms.html#giovi[17-9 Deleting a JMS Resource]
* link:jms.html#gioxt[17-10 Creating a JMS Physical Destination]
* link:jms.html#gioxo[17-11 Listing JMS Physical Destinations]
* link:jms.html#giows[17-12 Flushing Messages From a JMS Physical
* link:jms.html#gioxx[17-13 Deleting a Physical Destination]
* link:jndi.html#gioyi[18-1 Creating a Custom Resource]
* link:jndi.html#gioyr[18-2 Listing Custom Resources]
* link:jndi.html#giwkg[18-3 Updating a Custom JNDI Resource]
* link:jndi.html#gioxh[18-4 Deleting a Custom Resource]
* link:jndi.html#giwcx[18-5 Registering an External JNDI Resource]
* link:jndi.html#giwbe[18-6 Listing JNDI Resources]
* link:jndi.html#giwal[18-7 Listing JNDI Entries]
* link:jndi.html#giwoa[18-8 Updating an External JNDI Resource]
* link:jndi.html#giwby[18-9 Deleting an External JNDI Resource]
* link:transactions.html#giufq[19-1 Stopping the Transaction Service]
* link:transactions.html#giufy[19-2 Rolling Back a Transaction]
* link:transactions.html#giuef[19-3 Restarting the Transaction Service]
* link:transactions.html#giugn[19-4 Manually Recovering Transactions]