blob: 09c9237b227b7f086341b8e9f192a3c210eb94ec [file] [log] [blame]
1. Make sure ant version is 1.8+ (and emma version must be 2.1.5320 or higher)
2. Copy emma.jar under appserv-tests/lib to java.home/jre/lib/ext before testing
3. Build a GlassFish distribution (as emma will instrument jar files in this distribution):
mvn clean install
4. In addition to APS_HOME and S1AS_HOME variables, the following 2 variables have to be exported:
export GLASSFISH_ZIP_FILE=any_path/ (a glssfish distribution, used for restore)
export GLASSFISH_SRC_DIR=source_path
5. Each component must change its build.xml in order to :
(1). include appserv-tests/config/emma.xml.
+<!ENTITY emma SYSTEM "../../config/emma.xml">
+ &emma;
(2). define its own jar file set that is to be instrumented.
The jar files can be found under ${env.S1AS_HOME}/modules
<patternset id="emma.instrument.jar.files">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
6. Each component can also define filters in a file with name 'emma-filters.txt'
Reference :
7. Usage : (Take ejb component for example)
ant all -> ant enable.emma all -Demma.enabled=true
8. Browse the result in 'report' folder