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* Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl;
import com.sun.enterprise.naming.spi.NamingObjectFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.ComponentInvocation;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.InvocationManager;
import org.glassfish.api.invocation.InvocationManagerImpl;
import org.glassfish.api.naming.JNDIBinding;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;
public class AppTest {
private static final String INITIAL_CONTEXT_TEST_MODE = "com.sun.enterprise.naming.TestMode";
public void testCreateNewInitialContext() throws Exception {
public void testBind() throws Exception {
InitialContext ic = newInitialContext();
GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm = new GlassfishNamingManagerImpl(ic);
nm.publishObject("foo", "Hello: foo", false);
public void testEmptySubContext() throws Exception {
Context ctx = newInitialContext();
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> ctx.bind("rmi://a//b/c/d/name1", "Name1"));
public void testCachingNamingObjectFactory() throws Exception {
InitialContext ic = newInitialContext();
GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm = new GlassfishNamingManagerImpl(ic);
String nameFoo = "foo";
String valueFoo = "Hello: foo";
nm.publishObject(nameFoo, valueFoo, false);
assertEquals(valueFoo, ic.lookup(nameFoo));
NamingObjectFactory factory = new NamingObjectFactory() {
private int counter = 1;
public boolean isCreateResultCacheable() {
return true;
public Object create(Context ic) {
return "FACTORY_Created: " + counter++;
String nameBar = "bar";
nm.publishObject(nameBar, factory, false);
assertEquals("FACTORY_Created: 1", ic.lookup(nameBar));
assertEquals("FACTORY_Created: 2", ic.lookup(nameBar));
assertEquals(valueFoo, ic.lookup(nameFoo));
public void testEmptyJavaCompEnv() throws Exception {
InitialContext ic = newInitialContext();
GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm = new GlassfishNamingManagerImpl(ic);
InvocationManager im = new InvocationManagerImpl();
ComponentInvocation inv = new ComponentInvocation(
"comp1", ComponentInvocation.ComponentInvocationType.EJB_INVOCATION, null, null, null);
nm.bindToComponentNamespace("app1", "mod1", "comp1", false, new ArrayList<Binding>());
Context ctx = (Context) ic.lookup("java:comp/env");
assertThat(ctx, instanceOf(JavaURLContext.class));
public void testNonCachingNamingObjectFactory() throws Exception {
InitialContext ic = newInitialContext();
InvocationManager im = new InvocationManagerImpl();
GlassfishNamingManagerImpl nm = new GlassfishNamingManagerImpl(ic);
NamingObjectFactory intFactory = new NamingObjectFactory() {
private int counter = 1;
public boolean isCreateResultCacheable() {
return false;
public Object create(Context ic) {
return Integer.valueOf(++counter);
List<Binding> bindings = new ArrayList<>();
bindings.add(new Binding("conf/area", intFactory));
String valueSantaClara = "Santa Clara";
bindings.add(new Binding("conf/location", valueSantaClara));
nm.bindToComponentNamespace("app1", "mod1", "comp1", false, bindings);
ComponentInvocation inv = new ComponentInvocation(
"comp1", ComponentInvocation.ComponentInvocationType.EJB_INVOCATION, null, null, null);
assertEquals(2, ic.lookup("java:comp/env/conf/area"));
assertEquals(valueSantaClara, ic.lookup("java:comp/env/conf/location"));
NamingObjectFactory floatFactory = new NamingObjectFactory() {
private int counter = 1;
public boolean isCreateResultCacheable() {
return false;
public Object create(Context ic) {
return Float.valueOf(("7" + (++counter)) + "." + 2323);
List<Binding> bindings2 = new ArrayList<>();
bindings2.add(new Binding("conf/area", floatFactory));
String valueSantaClara14 = "Santa Clara[14]";
bindings2.add(new Binding("conf/location", valueSantaClara14));
nm.bindToComponentNamespace("app1", "mod1", "comp2", false, bindings2);
inv = new ComponentInvocation(
"comp2", ComponentInvocation.ComponentInvocationType.EJB_INVOCATION, null, null, null);
assertEquals(72.2323F, ic.lookup("java:comp/env/conf/area"));
assertEquals(valueSantaClara14, ic.lookup("java:comp/env/conf/location"));
private InitialContext newInitialContext() throws NamingException {
// Create a special InitialContext for test purposes
// Can't just do a new no-arg InitialContext() since
// this code runs outside a managed environment and the
// normal behavior would be to try to contact a server.
// Instead, create an initialcontext with a special
// property to tell InitialContext to act as if it's
// running in the server.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty(SerialContext.INITIAL_CONTEXT_TEST_MODE, "true");
return new InitialContext(props);
* Performs an ignored test lookup to trigger the initial loading of named proxies.
* See NamedNamingObjectManager.checkAndLoadProxies, which creates a default
* GlassFishNamingManagerImpl. This is not what we want in this test class; we
* want our own instance of GlassFishNamingManagerImpl that takes our own
* InvocationManagerImpl.
* GlassFishNamingManagerImpl(InitialContext) calls JavaURLContext.setNamingManager(this)
* to save the GlassFishNamingManagerImpl into JavaURLContext, so the last call wins.
* We want to make sure our test GlassFishNamingManagerImpl is instantiated after the
* default one.
private void triggerLoadingNamedProxies(InitialContext ic) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
private static class Binding implements JNDIBinding {
String logicalName;
Object value;
public Binding(String logicalName, Object value) {
this.logicalName = "java:comp/env/" + logicalName;
this.value = value;
public String getName() {
return logicalName;
public String getJndiName() {
return null;
public Object getValue() {
return value;