blob: 24631fd9d8064283abe316b1ccda28bb2c1b03ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
* Created on Jan 14, 2003
package com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.generator.database;
import org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.jdbcimpl.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.dbschema.util.NameUtil;
* This class assists in creating a database model (dbmodel)
* element-by-element.
class DBElementFactory {
* String which indicates that schema was generated.
private final static String TAGLINE =
"generated schema version "; //NOI18N
* Signature which identifies version of database generator. Updated
* each time the file is checked in to CVS.
private static final String SIGNATURE =
"$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $"; //NOI18N
/** Field type used if null is given in getColumnType. */
private static final String UNKNOWN_FIELD_TYPE = "java.lang.Long"; // NOI18N
/** Field type used for user-defined types in getColumnType. */
private static final String DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE = "java.lang.Object"; // NOI18N
* Disallow outside construction.
private DBElementFactory() {
* Creates and returns a schema from give schema name
* @param schemaName A name for schema.
* @return Newly created schema element.
* @throws DBException
static SchemaElement createSchema(String schemaName) throws DBException {
SchemaElementImpl schemaImpl = new SchemaElementImpl();
SchemaElement schema = new SchemaElement(schemaImpl);
schema.setDatabaseProductVersion(TAGLINE + SIGNATURE);
return schema;
* Create table and add to schema.
* @param schema Schema to which the table gets attached.
* @param tableName Name of the table without the schema name.
* @return TableElement for this table name
* @throws DBException
static TableElement createAndAttachTable(SchemaElement schema,
String tableName) throws DBException {
String fullName = NameUtil.getAbsoluteTableName(
schema.getName().getName(), tableName);
TableElementImpl tableImpl = new TableElementImpl(tableName);
TableElement table = new TableElement(tableImpl, schema);
return table;
* Create column and add to the table.
* @param columnName Name of the column to create.
* @param declaringTbl The declaring table to which column gets added.
* @return ColumnElement that represents the newly-added column.
* @throws DBException
static ColumnElement createAndAttachColumn(String columnName,
TableElement table, JDBCInfo ji) throws DBException {
// Create column id
String fullName = NameUtil.getAbsoluteMemberName(
table.getName().getName(), columnName);
DBIdentifier columnId = DBIdentifier.create(columnName);
ColumnElementImpl columnImpl = new ColumnElementImpl();
ColumnElement column = new ColumnElement(columnImpl, table);
return column;
* Create column pair from local column and reference column.
* @param column The local column.
* @param refColumn The reference column.
* @param declaringTbl The declaring table.
* @return ColumnPairElement that represents the column pair.
* @throws DBException
static ColumnPairElement createColumnPair(ColumnElement column,
ColumnElement refColumn, TableElement declaringTbl)
throws DBException {
ColumnPairElementImpl pairImpl = new ColumnPairElementImpl();
ColumnPairElement pair = new ColumnPairElement(
pairImpl, column, refColumn, declaringTbl);
return pair;
* Create primary key and add to table.
* @param table TableElement for adding primary key.
* @return UniqueKeyElement that represents the primary key.
* @throws DBException
static UniqueKeyElement createAndAttachPrimaryKey(TableElement table,
String pKeyName) throws DBException {
String tableName = table.getName().getName();
String fullName = NameUtil.getAbsoluteMemberName(tableName, pKeyName);
// create index for primary key
TableElementImpl tableImpl = (TableElementImpl)table.getElementImpl();
IndexElementImpl indexImpl =
new IndexElementImpl(tableImpl, fullName, true);
IndexElement index = new IndexElement(indexImpl, table);
UniqueKeyElementImpl pKeyImpl = new UniqueKeyElementImpl();
UniqueKeyElement pKey = new UniqueKeyElement(pKeyImpl, table, index);
return pKey;
* Create foreign key between declaring table and reference table with
* relationship name.
* @param declaringTbl The declaring table.
* @param refTbl The referencing table.
* @param relationName The name for relationship.
* @param uniqueId Id that can be appened to relName to distinguish it
* from other relNames in the database.
* @return The foreign key object.
* @throws DBException
static ForeignKeyElement createAndAttachForeignKey(
TableElement declaringTbl, TableElement refTbl, String keyName,
MappingPolicy mappingPolicy, String uniqueId) throws DBException {
String fkeyName = mappingPolicy.getConstraintName(keyName, uniqueId);
TableElementImpl tableImpl =
(TableElementImpl) declaringTbl. getElementImpl();
ForeignKeyElementImpl fkeyImpl =
new ForeignKeyElementImpl(tableImpl, fkeyName);
ForeignKeyElement fkey = new ForeignKeyElement(fkeyImpl, declaringTbl);
UniqueKeyElement pk = refTbl.getPrimaryKey();
ColumnElement [] pkColumns = pk.getColumns();
String refTblName = refTbl.getName().getName();
// Each PK column contributes to the FK.
if (pkColumns != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pkColumns.length; i++) {
ColumnElement refColumn = pkColumns[i];
// get name from mappingPolicy
String columnName =
refTblName, refColumn.getName().getName());
// create column to ref primary key of ref table
JDBCInfo ji = new JDBCInfo(
// create column and add to declaring table
ColumnElement column = createAndAttachColumn(
columnName, declaringTbl, ji);
// create column pairs and add to foreign key
ColumnPairElement pair = createColumnPair(
column, refColumn, declaringTbl);
return fkey;
* Returns properties of a type of a field.
* @param fieldName Full name of a field, including its package and
* class. If null, UNKNOWN_FIELD_TYPE is used.
* @param fieldType Full name of a type, including its package and
* class.
* @param mappingPolicy Policy dictating properties.
* @return JDBCInfo which indicates properties of a type of field. If
* there is information specific to fieldName, that is returned, else
* information for fieldType is returned.
static JDBCInfo getColumnType(String fieldName, String fieldType,
MappingPolicy mappingPolicy) {
// fieldType will be null when we are handling an unknown PK
// situation. Use a Long in that case.
if (fieldType == null) {
JDBCInfo rc = mappingPolicy.getJDBCInfo(fieldName, fieldType);
// We won't find a JDBCInfo for user-defined types. Treat them as
// Object.
if (null == rc) {
// Treat as user-defined object type.
rc = mappingPolicy.getJDBCInfo(null, DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE); // NOI18N
return rc;