blob: 7f5186f23ecda5d9d2120c35940a58ce965e4b45 [file] [log] [blame]
Test for transparent dynamic reconfiguration of jdbc-connection-pool :
[Same as 'transparent-pool-reconfig' test, but uses glassfish-resources.xml,
appropriate dotted-names-get/set for reconfiguration]
* Tests whether the connection-factory (DataSource) remains valid even after
a hard reconfiguration (ie., User / Password property change for pool)
* Tests whether the changes are visible to the connection-factory
(Setting invalid user will fail, setting valid user will pass)
* Tests whether in-flight transactions are allowed for completion after
which actual pool reconfiguration must happen
@TODO : merge the changes with 'transparent-pool-reconfig' to test
app-scoped-resources as part of same test