blob: 6316612015e2c28a4f80f8ecac53895d2f799fdb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.ts.lib.harness;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import com.sun.javatest.Status;
import com.sun.ts.lib.util.TestUtil;
import com.sun.ts.tests.common.vehicle.VehicleRunnable;
import com.sun.ts.tests.common.vehicle.VehicleRunnerFactory;
* This abstract class must be extended by all clients of tests of J2EE service apis; for example, JDBC, RMI-IIOP, JavaMail, JMS,
* etc. When a service test is encountered by the JavaTest Client, the instance is passed to a J2EE server component and run from
* that remote location. Using this model to develop tests allows the same test to be run from different locations within the
* scope of the J2EE Application Programming Model.
* @author Kyle Grucci
public abstract class ServiceEETest extends EETest {
* Please do NOT change this class in an incompatible manner with respect to
* serialization. Please see the serialization specification to determine what
* is a compatible change versus incompatible. If you do need to change this
* class in an incompatible manner you will need to rebuild the compat tests.
* You should also increment the serialVersionUID field to denote that this
* class is incompatible with older versions.
// static final long serialVersionUID = -1396452037848185296L;
String[] sVehicles;
private Object theSharedObject;
private Object theSharedObjectArray[];
* Returns any additional properties that may need to be set by a subclass of ServiceEETest for use by a specific vehicle. This
* method was created due to a need for clients of the JBIVehicle to set the name of the object to lookup in the rmiregistry. By
* rule, this value should match the id name for the component specified in the JBI installation descriptor. This impl returns an
* empty properties object by default.
* @param p user configured properties used by the test
* @return Properties Additional properties that may need to be set by a subclass of ServiceEETest for use by a specific vehicle.
public Properties getVehicleSpecificClientProps(Properties p) {
return new Properties();
* When called within the harness VM, this method passes an instance of itself to the appropriate J2EE server component. When
* called from within that server component, EETest's run method is called and the test is run.
* @param argv an array of arguments that a test may use
* @param p user configured properties used by this test
* @return a Javatest Status object (passed or failed)
public Status run(String[] argv, Properties p) {
Status status = null;
if (TestUtil.iWhereAreWe == TestUtil.VM_HARNESS && this instanceof com.sun.ts.tests.common.vehicle.VehicleClient) {
TestUtil.logTrace("in method");
String sVehicle = p.getProperty("vehicle");
String className = this.getClass().getName();
// use this name for the context root or jndi name to eliminate
// naming conflicts for apps deployed at the same time
String sVehicleEarName = p.getProperty("vehicle_ear_name");
TestUtil.logTrace("Vehicle to be used for this test is: " + sVehicle);
// call to the Deliverable to run in deliverable specific vehicles
// This should never be called on the server, so there is
// no need to pass in the deliverable.class system property
try {
VehicleRunnable runner = VehicleRunnerFactory.getVehicleRunner(sVehicle);
status =, p);
} catch (Throwable e) {
return Status.failed("Vehicle runner failed.");
return status;
} else {
// we're on the server in a custom vehicle, so just call on EETest
TestUtil.logTrace("in custom vehicle so call on EETest.");
return, p);
protected Properties getTestPropsFromArgs(String[] argv) {
Properties p = new Properties();
Properties ap = new Properties();
String sProp = null;
String sVal = null;
boolean bRunIndividualTest = false;
vLeftOverTestArgs = new Vector();
if (TestUtil.harnessDebug)
TestUtil.logHarnessDebug("ServiceEETest: " + argv.length + " args: " + Arrays.asList(argv).toString());
// load a props object if used with -p
boolean tFound = false;
String argItem = null;
for (int ii = 0; ii < argv.length; ii++) {
argItem = argv[ii];
if (argItem.equals("-p") || argItem.equals("-ap")) {
ap = initializeProperties(argv[++ii]);
// add additional props to "p"
Enumeration e = ap.propertyNames();
String key = null;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (String) e.nextElement();
p.put(key, ap.getProperty(key));
} else if (argItem.startsWith("-d") && argItem.indexOf('=') != -1) {
int equalSign = argItem.indexOf('=');
sProp = argItem.substring(2, equalSign);
sVal = argItem.substring(equalSign + 1);
p.put(sProp, sVal);
// the first -t specifies test name and should be consumed by harness.
// Any subsequent -t is to be passed along to test.
else if (argItem.equalsIgnoreCase("-t") && !tFound) {
sTestCase = argv[++ii];
tFound = true;
bRunIndividualTest = true;
} else if (argItem.equalsIgnoreCase("-vehicle")) {
sVehicles = new String[1];
sVehicles[0] = argv[++ii];
} else {
// there must be args that the test needs,
// so pass these on
if (bRunIndividualTest)
p.setProperty("testName", sTestCase);
return p;
public Status run(String[] argv, PrintWriter log, PrintWriter err) {
Status s = Status.passed("OK");
Properties props;
props = getTestPropsFromArgs(argv);
// get the # of secs we should delay to allow reporting to finish
try {
iLogDelaySeconds = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("harness.log.delayseconds", "1")) * 1000;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// set the default if a number was not set
iLogDelaySeconds = 1000;
if (sVehicles == null) {
if (TestUtil.harnessDebug)
TestUtil.logHarnessDebug(" vehicles = null");
sVehicles = getVehicles(props);
if (props.isEmpty())
return Status.failed("FAILED: An error occurred while trying to load the test properties");
// copy leftover args to an array and pass them on
int iSize = vLeftOverTestArgs.size();
if (iSize == 0) {
argv = null;
} else {
argv = new String[iSize];
for (int ii = 0; ii < iSize; ii++) {
argv[ii] = (String) vLeftOverTestArgs.elementAt(ii);
if (sTestCase == null)
return runAllTestCases(argv, props, log, err);
else {
for (int ii = 0; ii < sVehicles.length; ii++) {
props.put("vehicle", sVehicles[ii]);
// need to pass these streams to the Local Reporter
TestUtil.setCurrentTest(sTestCase, new PrintWriter(log, true), new PrintWriter(err, true));
s = getPropsReady(argv, props);
try {
TestUtil.logTrace("SLEPT FOR: " + iLogDelaySeconds);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
logErr("Exception: " + e);
return s;
// overridden to allow service tests to run in standalone
// mode outside of javatest
protected Status runAllTestCases(String[] argv, Properties p, PrintStream log, PrintStream err) {
if (sVehicles == null) {
if (TestUtil.harnessDebug)
TestUtil.logHarnessDebug("ServiceEETest.runAllTestCases(): vehicles = null");
sVehicles = getVehicles(p);
Status s = Status.passed("OK");
for (int ii = 0; ii < sVehicles.length; ii++) {
p.put("vehicle", sVehicles[ii]);
s = super.runAllTestCases(argv, p, new PrintWriter(log, true), new PrintWriter(err, true));
log.println("Completed running tests in " + sVehicles[ii] + " vehicle.");
return s;
private String[] getVehicles(Properties p) {
String[] sReturn = null;
String sVal = null;
String sVehiclesToUse = null;
StringTokenizer st = null;
try {
// get vehicles property (DEFAULT to all)
sVal = p.getProperty("service_eetest.vehicles");
} catch (Exception e) {
// got an exception looking up the prop, so set defaults
sVal = "";
sVal = "ejb servlet jsp";
if (sVal == null || sVal.equals("")) {
sVehiclesToUse = "ejb servlet jsp";
if (TestUtil.harnessDebug)
TestUtil.logHarnessDebug("getVehicles: " + "Using default - all vehicles");
} else {
sVehiclesToUse = sVal;
if (TestUtil.harnessDebug)
TestUtil.logHarnessDebug("getVehicles: using vehicle(s) - " + sVehiclesToUse);
st = new StringTokenizer(sVehiclesToUse);
int iCount = st.countTokens();
sReturn = new String[iCount];
for (int ii = 0; ii < iCount; ii++) {
// create 1 desc for each vehicle to be tested
sReturn[ii] = st.nextToken().trim();
return sReturn;
* Set shared object
public void setSharedObject(Object o) {
theSharedObject = o;
* Get shared object
public Object getSharedObject() {
return theSharedObject;