blob: 2f9e33629d2049b259271dbc314af89f2be4056c [file] [log] [blame]
The admin infrastructure quicklook tests.
Instructions to run:
1- as part of overall tests.
2- stand-alone.
For 1, you do not have to do anything, it will be executed as part of the top-level QL.
For 2, you need to use your own ANT.
- set S1AS_HOME
- set APS_HOME as the environmental variables.
- make sure that the servers are started (in case of PE, start the default domain, in case of EE start the sqe-domain, node agent and server instance).
- ant <target-that-you-wish-to-test>.
$Author: $
$Id: $
Note that most of the variables (ANT properties) are reused from the current quicklook infrastructure. Here are some of them:
<Shell Environment as property>
env.S1AS_HOME -> The server installation path.
env.APS_HOME -> The location (absolute) of the tests directory.
</Shell Environment as property>
<Property as part of ANT>
APPCLIENT -> <S1AS_HOME/bin>/appclient.bat
ASADMIN -> <S1AS_HOME>/bin/asadmin.bat
ld.library.path -> <S1AS_HOME>/bin
s1as.classpath = <The Entire ClassPath that we can rely on for compilation/running, including where the test classes are compiled>
admin.domain -> domain1
admin.password -> adminadmin
ssl.password -> changeit
resources.dottedname.prefix -> domain.resources
results.mailer ->
admin.domain.dir -> D:\work\gf\latest\serverimage/domains
admin.user -> admin
config.dottedname.prefix -> server
precompilejsp -> true
http.port -> 8080
https.port -> 8181
results.mailee -> -> server -> localhost
admin.port -> 4848
autodeploy.dir -> D:\work\gf\latest\serverimage/domains/domain1/autodeploy
orb.port -> 3700 -> localhost
as.props -> --user admin --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848
authrealmname -> file
build.classes.dir -> <The parent directory of the directory where the classes should get compiled> -> localhost
das.jmx.port -> 8686
http.listener1.port -> 38080
http.listener2.port -> 38181
orb.listener1.port -> 33700
ssl.port -> 33820
ssl.mutualauth.port -> 33920
jmx.system.connector.port -> 38686
http.listener1.port.two -> 38081
http.listener2.port.two -> 38182
orb.listener1.port.two -> 33701
ssl.port.two -> 33821
ssl.mutualauth.port.two -> 33921
jmx.system.connector.port.two -> 38687