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<%-- $Id: chart.jsp,v 1.2 2004/11/14 07:33:19 tcfujii Exp $ --%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="d" %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Chart Example</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<th align="left"><h:outputText value="Vertical Bar Chart with data specifed via JSP" /></th>
<d:chart width="300" height="300" title="Employee Number By Department" xlabel="Departments" ylabel="Employees">
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Eng" itemValue="200" itemColor="red" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Mktg" itemValue="400" itemColor="green" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Sales" itemValue="250" itemColor="blue" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="R&D" itemValue="350" itemColor="orange" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="HR" itemValue="450" itemColor="cyan" />
<th align="left"><h:outputText value="Horizontal Bar Chart with data specifed via JSP" /></th>
<d:chart width="300" height="300" type="bar" orientation="horizontal"
title="Employee Number By Department" xlabel="Employees" ylabel="Departments">
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Eng" itemValue="200" itemColor="red" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Mktg" itemValue="400" itemColor="green" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Sales" itemValue="250" itemColor="blue" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="R&D" itemValue="350" itemColor="orange" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="HR" itemValue="450" itemColor="cyan" />
<th align="left"><h:outputText value="Pie Chart with data specifed via JSP" /></th>
<d:chart width="400" height="200" type="pie"
title="Employee Number By Department">
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Eng" itemValue="200" itemColor="red" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Mktg" itemValue="400" itemColor="green" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="Sales" itemValue="600" itemColor="blue" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="R&D" itemValue="700" itemColor="orange" />
<d:chartItem itemLabel="HR" itemValue="800" itemColor="cyan" />
</d:chart> </td>
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<h1>How to Use this Component</h1>
<p>This component generates different types of charts like Bar and Pie.
<h2>JSP Attributes</h2>
<table border="1">
<th>JSP Attribute Name
<th>What it Does
A value binding expression or a literal value corresponding to the width of the chart.
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value corresponding to the height of the chart.
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value corresponding to the orientation of the chart.
This attribute applies to bar charts only. Valid values are "horizontal" and "vertical".
Default orientation is "vertical".
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value corresponding to the title of the chart.
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value that represents the label for x-axis.
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value that represents the label for y-axis.
<td>A value binding expression or a literal value that specifies what type of chart to generate.
Supported types are "bar" and "pie". Default type is "bar".
<h2>How to specify data for chart</h2>
<p>Chart can be described using an array of <code>ChartItem</code> specified in the model or it can be described using <code>JSP</code> tags.</p>
<h3>Described From JSP</h3>
<p>The <code>chart</code> tag consists of multiple <code>chartItem</code> tags.
Each <code>chartItem</code> tag corresponds to a single column of the chart.
The <code>chartItem</code> tag supports attributes like itemLabel, itemColor and itemValue
which can be literal value or a valueBinding expression that points to a ChartItem.</p>
<h3>Described From Model</h3>
<p>The <code>value</code> attribute specified on a chart tag refers to an array of <code>ChartItem</code>.
Each element of the array represents a single column of the chart.</p>
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