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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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<!DOCTYPE taglib
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
<short-name>JavaServerFaces Example Components Tag Library</short-name>
This tag library contains tags for several useful demo components.
These components are *not* part of the standard JavaServer Faces
Specification, but are provided as examples of how components, renderers,
and component tags can be built on top of the framework.
Description of a single hotspot in a client side image map. This
tag MUST be nested inside a &lt;map&gt; tag. To specify the hotspot
characteristics, you must specify EITHER a value OR the
alt, coords, and shape attributes.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Alternate text for a synthesized ImageArea bean. The set of
alt values for all hotspots in a particular map must be unique.
Hotspot coordinates for a synthesized ImageArea bean.
Component id of this component.
Context-relative path to the image to be displayed for this
hotspot when the mouse is not hovering over it.
Context-relative path to the image to be displayed for this
hotspot when the mouse is hovering over it.
Specifies the ID if the image component.
Shape for a synthesized ImageArea bean (default, rect, circle, poly).
CSS style class to use when rendering this element.
Value binding expression pointing at an ImageArea bean describing
the characteristics of this hotspot. If not present, an ImageArea
bean will be synthesized from the values of the alt, coords, and
shape attributes.
Render the components of the child UIColumn components under the
UIData component associated with this tag, once per row. The actual
renderer class (components.renderkit.RepeaterRenderer) can serve as
the base class for more specialized markup generation.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Zero-relative row index of the first row to be displayed. If not
specified, the default value is zero (i.e. the first row of the
underlying data model).
Component identifier of this component.
Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered.
If not specified, the default value is "true".
The maximum number of rows (from the underlying data model) to be
rendered. If not specified, the default value is zero, which indicates
that all remaining rows should be rendered.
The CSS style class to use when rendering the entire table, if any.
Value binding expression pointing at (a) a DataModel instance,
(b) an array of objects, (c) a List of objects, (d) a
java.sql.ResultSet (or RowSet), (d) a jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result
object, or (e) a JavaBean (which will be treated as a one-row dataset).
Attribute key under which an object representing the current row
will be exposed as a request scope attribute. If not specified, no
such row data object will be exposed.
Render a components.model.Graph (bindingd by the current value of a
UIOutput component) as a menu bar (whose items are from the children
of the root node of the graph), with expanded menus (and submenus)
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Optional method binding binding to handle tree expansion and contraction events.
A flag indicating that the default ActionListener should execute
immediately (that is, during the Apply Request Values phase of the
request processing lifecycle, instead of waiting for Invoke
Application phase). The default value of this property must be false.
CSS style class to use when rendering this component.
Component id of this component
value binding expression pointing at a components.model.Graph
CSS style class to use when rendering a seelcted node.
CSS style class to use when rendering a unselected node.
Render a components.model.Graph (referenced by the current value of a
UIOutput component) as a tree control with subtrees expanded or
contracted based on the "expanded" property.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Optional method binding reference to handle tree expansion and contraction events.
A flag indicating that the default ActionListener should execute
immediately (that is, during the Apply Request Values phase of the
request processing lifecycle, instead of waiting for Invoke
Application phase). The default value of this property must be false.
CSS style class to use when rendering this component.
Component id of this component
Model binding expression pointing at a components.model.Graph instance.
CSS style class to use when rendering a seelcted node.
CSS style class to use when rendering a unselected node.
Render a components.model.Node that represents a node of the tree.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
context-relative URL triggered when node selected.
should the node be enabled ?
Should the node appear expanded or collapased ?
icon to visually represent the node. This can be used with or without
visual representation of the node.
Name of the node.
Render a components.model.Node that represents a node of the tree.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
context-relative URL triggered when node selected.
should the node be enabled ?
Should the node appear expanded or collapased ?
icon to visually represent the node. This can be used with or without
visual representation of the node.
Name of the node.
Component representing a client-side image map, with which the user
can click on hotspots to activate selections, and see changes in the
displayed image when the mouse is hovered over hotspots. Only
&lt;area&gt; components may be nested inside this component.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Alternate text for the currently selected area child.
Component identifier of this component.
CSS style class to use when rendering this element.
Render a set of hyperlinks to enable navigation over results that span
across several pages. Child tags nested inside this tag must be:
* facet tags that can optionally nest panel_group tag that provide widgets
* for easy navigation.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Component id of this component.
The data grid component for which this acts as a scroller.
When rendering a widget representing "page navigation" where
should the facet markup be rendered in relation to the page
navigation widget? Values are "NORTH", "SOUTH", "EAST", "WEST".
Case insensitive.
Optional method binding reference to handle scroll event.
Render an individual pane of a tabbed control. This tag is only
valid when immediately nested in a pane_tabbed tag.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Component id of this component
CSS style class to use when rendering this component.
Flag indicating whether or not this component should be rendered.
If not specified, the default value is "true".
Render a tabbed control with immediately nested pane_tab tags
to represent each pane.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
If present, specifies the CSS style class to be used when
rendering the content of the selected pane.
Component id of this component
If present, specifies the CSS style class to be used when
rendering the entire tabbed pane control. Style classes
for the selected tab, unselected tabs, and the content data
support overriding these defaults in the usual CSS manner.
If present, specifies the CSS style class to be used when
rendering the tab for the currently selected pane.
If present, specifies the CSS style class to be used when
rendering the tabs for panes that are not currently selected.
Render an individual pane tab label of a tabbed control. This
tag is only valid when immediately nested in a pane_tab tag.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
command name for this component
Component id of this component
image for the face of this component
label "text" for the face of this component
CSS style class to use when rendering this component.
Renders an HTML link element to a CSS stylesheet (content type text/css)
at the context-relative path specified by the "path" attribute.
Value binding expression to bind this component to a backing bean.
Component id of this component.
Context-relative path to a CSS stylesheet resource within this
webapp. The path must start with a slash ("/") character.
Displays a chart as either a bar chart or pie chart.
The width of the Chart
The height of the Chart
Type of Chart. Valid values are "BarChart" and "PieChart".
Orientation of the chart. This attribute applies only to bar chart.
Points to a collection of chart items. Currently the only array type
is supported. So either value should be present or
a set of nested chartItem tags should be present. If both are
present, value takes precedence and nested ChartItem tags are ignored.
The title of the chart.
The label that appears along the x axis of the chart.
The label that appears along the y axis of the chart.
Specifies data for individual entries of the chart, for instance,
if a bar chart is being displayed, the attributes will correspond to
label, color and value of an particular bar in the chart. ChartComponent
then aggregates the various chartItem instances into a collection for
display purposes.
The Color of the Chart entry
The label of the Chart entry
A chart item value defined as a primitive integer.
Points of a ChartItem instance. So either value should be present or
itemColor, itemLabel and itemValue should be present. If both are
present, value takes precedence and other attributes are ignored.