blob: 7198daaaee35e9f237a2f08c766697e123b0ba27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats;
import org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.TimeStatistic;
import org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.Statistic;
* An implementation of {@link MutableTimeStatistic} that eases the various
* statistical calculations.
* @author <a href="">Kedar Mhaswade</a>
* @since S1AS8.0
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
public class MutableTimeStatisticImpl implements TimeStatistic, MutableTimeStatistic {
private final TimeStatistic initial;
private long methodCount;
private long min;
private long max;
private long total; //possibility of an overflow?
private long lastSampleTime;
* Constructs an instance of this class from its immutable equivalent. Note that there are
* some constraints on the parameter passed:
* <ul>
* <li>The maxTime, minTime and totTime of param must be same</li>
* </ul>
* @param instance of (immutable) {@link TimeStatistic}
public MutableTimeStatisticImpl(TimeStatistic initial) {
this.initial = initial;
methodCount = initial.getCount();
min = initial.getMinTime();
max = initial.getMaxTime();
total = initial.getTotalTime();
final boolean minMax = min == max;
final boolean minTot = min == total;
if (! (minMax && minTot)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid initial values: " + min + ", " + max + ", " + total);
lastSampleTime = initial.getLastSampleTime();
* Increments the count of operation execution by 1 and also increases the time
* consumed. A successful execution of method will have all the data updated as:
* <ul>
* <li>method count ++</li>
* <li>max time, min time and total time are accordingly adjusted</li>
* </ul>
* @param current long indicating time in whatever unit this statistic is calculated
public void incrementCount(long current) {
if (methodCount == 0) {
total = max = min = current;
} else {
total += current;
max = current >= max ? current : max;
min = current >= min ? min : current;
lastSampleTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Resets the Statistic. Calling this method has following effect:
* <ul>
* <li>Initial state of this Statistic is restored as far as Count, Minimum/Maximum
* and Total time of execution is considered.</li>
* </ul>
public void reset() {
methodCount = initial.getCount();
min = initial.getMinTime();
max = initial.getMaxTime();
total = initial.getTotalTime();
lastSampleTime = initial.getLastSampleTime();
* This method is the essence of this class. Returns the unmodifiable view
* of this instance.
* @return an instance of {@link TimeStatistic}
public Statistic unmodifiableView() {
return new TimeStatisticImpl(
public Statistic modifiableView() {
return ( this );
public long getCount() {
return ( this.methodCount);
public String getDescription() {
return ( initial.getDescription() );
public long getLastSampleTime() {
return ( this.lastSampleTime );
public long getMaxTime() {
return ( this.max );
public long getMinTime() {
return ( this.min );
public String getName() {
return ( initial.getName() );
public long getStartTime() {
return ( initial.getStartTime() );
public long getTotalTime() {
return ( );
public String getUnit() {
return ( initial.getUnit() );
/* hack: bug 5045413 */
public void setDescription (final String s) {
try {
catch(final Exception e) {