blob: ac62bc1748703a11f21589fe3cd85fb435573706 [file] [log] [blame]
This reporter is an adapter around reporter.jar written by Ramesh.
Adapter is written by Jean Francois Arcand.
Main purpose is to:
1. Give same ease of use as statusU of earlier J2EE workspace
2. Doesn't write to a file so there is no J2EE security breach
3. Uses reporterAPI only for generating test results
build.xml is the ant build file for building whole of reporter.jar along with adapter.This build file jars it also and places jar file in EJTE_HOME/lib/reporter.jar
in client class:
import com.sun.ejte.ccl.reporter.*;
private static SimpleReporterAdapter stat=new SimpleReporterAdapter()
//for adding testsuites and test cases:
stat.addStatus(String testsuite,String testcase,stat.PASS or stat.FAIL)
stat.addStatus(adminControllerSession setupJNDIContext,stat.PASS);
stat.addStatus(adminControllerSession setupJNDIContext,stat.FAIL);
// in the end when test is finished
stat.printSummary(String testsuite);
This adapter is currently being used in admincontroller and AddressBook App.