blob: 98e095aa7f9eac5ce9935142b9533e2eca549527 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE project [
Copyright (c) 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
<!ENTITY commonSetup SYSTEM "file:./config/properties.xml">
<!ENTITY commonBuild SYSTEM "file:./config/common.xml">
<!ENTITY commonEEBuild SYSTEM "file:./config/ee-common.xml">
<!ENTITY reporting SYSTEM "file:./config/report.xml">
<!ENTITY run SYSTEM "file:./config/run.xml">
<!ENTITY mail SYSTEM "file:./config/mail.xml">
<project name="appserv-tests" default="usage" basedir=".">
<target name="all">
<antcall target="sqetests"/>
<target name="all-ee" depends="clean">
<record name="runtest.output" action="start"/>
<ant dir="sqetests" target="run-eesqe-target"/>
<antcall target="report"/>
<antcall target="mail"/>
<record name="runtest.output" action="stop"/>
<target name="all-pe" depends="clean">
<record name="runtest.output" action="start"/>
<antcall target="startDerby"/>
<antcall target="startDomain"/>
<antcall target="sqetests"/>
<antcall target="stopDerby"/>
<antcall target="stopDomain"/>
<antcall target="create-report"/>
<antcall target="mail"/>
<antcall target="report-java"/>
<record name="runtest.output" action="stop"/>
<target name="only-ee" depends="ee-init, ee">
<record name="appserv-tests.log" action="start"/>
<antcall target="rename_results"/>
<record name="runtest.output" action="start"/>
<echo message="value of ee: ${ee}"/>
<ant dir="sqetests" target="run-eesqe-target"/>
<antcall target="stopee"/>
<antcall target="stopDerby"/>
<antcall target="create-report"/>
<antcall target="mail"/>
<antcall target="report-java"/>
<record name="runtest.output" action="stop"/>
<record name="appserv-tests.log" action="stop"/>
<!-- clean -->
<target name="clean">
<delete failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${env.APS_HOME}" excludes="PE_*"
includes="count.txt *.output test_results*"/>
<!-- clobber -->
<target name="clobber-tests" depends="init-common">
<delete dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<delete failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="${env.APS_HOME}"
includes="*count.txt *.output *test_results*"/>
<!-- ee-init -->
<target name="ee-init">
<antcall target="startDerby"/>
<antcall target="eeunsetup"/>
<echo message="eeunsetup done..."/>
<echo message="Spawning eesetup.."/>
<antcall target="eesetup"/>
<echo message="eesetup done..."/>
<target name="show-list">
============ Expected Outputs ==============
Executing ejb/stateless/converter [Total :1]
Executing ejb/mdb/simple [Total :1]
Executing ejb/bmp/enroller [Total :1]
Executing ejb/cmp/roster [Total :3]
Executing ejb/ejb30/hello/session [Total :1]
Executing corba [Total :1]
Executing connector/cci [Total :1]
Executing jndi/url [Total :1]
Executing transaction/txglobal [Total :1]
Executing security/integration [Total :1]
Executing web/subclassing [Total :3]
<target name="sqetests">
<record name="sqetests.output" action="start" />
<ant dir="sqetests" target="all"/>
<record name="sqetests.output" action="stop" />
<target name="setupMQ" depends="setup-mq-common" />
<target name="usage">
ant sqetests (Executes all sqetests tests)
ant all (Executes all sqetests)
ant show-list (Lists all test suites)