blob: be13dc8587561e7da8f855686ed3625337e21937 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
# Author: Dies Koper (
# This script reads a list of message keys from an input file and
# checks all Java source files for the usage of these keys.
# Message logged for debugging (level FINE, etc.) are omitted from the results.
require 'find'
keys_found = []
# load message keys (or "msg.key=msg text" pairs)
keys = IO.readlines("msgs-with-no-ids.txt")
keys.collect! { |item|
# only interested in message keys (so remove msg text)
if item =~ /^([\w._\-]+\s*[^\\])[=:].*/
# return regex pattern from given array in .*"(a|b|c)".* format, i.e.
# a, b or c is enclosed in double quotes
def build_regex(keys)
#puts keys
keys.each { |key|
regex += key.to_s + '|'
regex = regex.chomp!('|') + ')".*'
#puts regex
#puts keys
# build regex pattern from array elements
regex = build_regex(keys)
#puts regex
keys_total = keys.size
matches = 0
no_id = 0
prev_line = ""
puts "GlassFish Home Is: "+ARGV[0]
# traverse all files under the following root dir
Find.find(ARGV[0] ) do |f|
case File.dirname(f)
# skip directories that store copies of property files
when /.*\/.svn/ then Find.prune # skip .svn dirs
when /.*\/target/ then Find.prune # skip build dirs
when /.*\/tests/ then Find.prune # skip test dirs
case File.extname(f)
when '.java' then
IO.foreach(f) {|line|
# if line contains a message key
unless (line.match(regex).nil?)
key = $1
keys_found << key
case line
# if a line starts with a double quote or opening bracket '(' it is
# probably a continuance of the previous line
when /^\s*["\(].*/
line = prev_line.chomp + line.lstrip
#puts "double line: #{line}"
case line
# do not report if message logged as debug message
when /.*log\(Level\.(FINE|FINER|FINEST|CONFIG).*/ then
# puts "debug msg found: #{key} in #{f.gsub(File::SEPARATOR,
# File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR)}\n#{line}"
when /.*\.(fine|finer|finest|config)\(.*/ then
# puts "debug msg found: #{key} in #{f.gsub(File::SEPARATOR,
# File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR)}\n#{line}"
# Message key found. (Could be in code that is commented out,
# not used, logged as info/warn/severe message, etc.)
puts "- Found key '#{key}' used in #{f.gsub(File::SEPARATOR,
File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR)}\n#{line}"
no_id += 1
prev_line = line
keys_not_found = keys - keys_found
puts "#{no_id} messages may need an Id."
puts "#{keys_not_found.size} of provided #{keys_total} message keys were not found:\n" +