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title=List of Examples
= List of Examples
== List of Examples
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gikmz[1-1 Creating an Embedded
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gksjo[1-2 Creating an Embedded
{productName} with configuration customizations]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjkxc[1-3 Setting the port of an
Embedded {productName}]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gilry[1-4 Starting an Embedded
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gilnz[1-5 Stopping an Embedded
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gioph[1-6 Deploying an Application From
an Archive File]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gilwu[1-7 Undeploying an Application]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjrfq[1-8 Deploying an Application From
a Scattered Archive]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gkvga[1-9 Deploying an Application From
a Scattered Enterprise Archive]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjldj[1-10 Running an asadmin
create-jdbc-resource Command]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjlfm[1-11 Running an asadmin
set-log-level Command]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gionq[1-12 Using an Existing domain.xml
File and Deploying an Application From an Archive File]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjkod[1-13 POM File for Configuring
Maven to Use Embedded {productName}]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gjxds[1-14 Maven POM File for Using the
EJB 3.1 Embeddable API with Embedded {productName}]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gkrhh[1-15 Using the {productName}
Embedded Server API]
* link:embedded-server-guide.html#gkrgw[1-16 Creating a Custom Logging
Configuration File]