blob: 622c9a13132ecbf347d85a85ea136458e7f2aa79 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
# Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
# version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
# By default a conneciton is made to the server specified by:
#, amxtext.connect.port,
# amxtest.connect.user, amxtest.connect.password,
# amxtest.connect.useTLS,
# [amxtest.connect.truststore, amxtest.connect.truststorePassword]
# Some unit tests are standalone and do not require a connection. You
# may set amxtest.connect=false and no connection will be made. You will
# want to remove any tests requiring a connection from the list of classes
# in the file given by amxtest.testClasses because without a connection
# such tests will always fail.
# Name of host that is running the rmi server
# this is the rmi port
# the name of the admin
# the admin's password
# amxtest.connect.useTLS must match the TLS setting of the server's
# JMX RMI connector.
# Defaults:
# EE build: set to true
# PE build: set to false
# The name of the truststore and its password to be used if TLS is enabled
# These may be left alone, even if TLS is not used.
# There is no need to pre-create the truststore.
# Enabling threading is a more rigorous test,
# since related tests are run in parallel.
# If major changes are made, be sure to set this to true.
# NOTE: HTTPListenerConfigTest tends to hang
# some kind of internal infrastructure bug (non-AMX).
# when amxtest.verbose is true, timings are emitted for most tests
# as well an anything output from printVerbose()
# The location of a list of the classes to be tested.
# If all classes are to be tested then this line can be commented
# out. All of the tests to be tested are always listed when
# the tests are run, so its
# possible to recreate this file with the full list simply by
# executing the tests!
# Some tests have been known to fail on a 2nd try
# due to bugs in not properly removing artifacts
# The DeploymentMgr unit test looks for a common-separated
# list of archives to deploy in the propery 'amxtest.deploy.files'
# Comma-delimited list of archives or directories
# Node agents to included in testing.
# The name of the node agent running on the same machine as the DAS
# (optional, but create a node agent and set this value if you
# want tests that require a node agent to run).
# Whether expanded testing is to be done. This means things
# such as creating extra servers, clusters, etc.
######################### Offline Testing ###########################
### These parameters control testing of AMX in "Offline" mode. ###
### In offline mode, only certain utility MBeans and ###
### config MBeans are tested ###
### ###
# Whether to test the offline config implementation as opposed
# to the DAS.
# amxtest.connect.* is ignored if this is true
# If amxtest.testOffline=true, set this to a valid file path
# for a domain.xml.