blob: 3680b2733e6aab69f25327e679353782bda5a0e1 [file] [log] [blame]
Description: Readme for security testsuite
- It is a bank admin application constaing 3 archives having 3+2+1=6 ear files.
- Ported from RI1.4 to S1AS8
FIX? sun-acc.xml is added for appclient runtime on windows platform as a workaround to fix the host/port null values picked up during the appclient runtime by default. The same test worked on solaris without sun-acc.xml.
Author:$ Author $ Jagadesh Munta
Build requirements as on 02/03/2003:
[echo] ==============================================
[echo] ****** Security Testsuite (BankAdmin App) *****
[echo] Standard Commands:
[echo] ant all -->build,deploy,setup and run the testsuite
[echo] Optional Commands:
[echo] ant setup -->Does the serverside config
[echo] ant restart-server -->Restarts appserver
[echo] ant create-realm -->Creates security file realm users/groups
[echo] ant create-jmsresource -->Configures all the required jms resources
[echo] ant config-db -->Configures the DB
[echo] ==============================================