blob: 082f756e0ddb4988bcd794c2bff3705a8e27bc0a [file] [log] [blame]
To test "deploy --force=true .rar"
To test "undeploy --cascade=true rarname"
This test is similar to redeployRAR test, difference being we do not undeploy first version of testjdbcra.rar and deploy second version of testjdbcra.rar.
Instead we do "deploy --force=true" for second version of testjdbcra.rar without undeploying first version of testjdbcra.rar
deploy --force=true should undeploy the first version of resource-adapter , its resources, resource-adapter-config and use the second version's testjdbcra.rar, use the same resource-adapter-config
and recreate the resources
This test is executed twice to make sure that "undeploy --cascade=true rarname" works fine. Second run will try to create same resource which will fail in case the resource by the name exists.
Resource types include : Connector-connection-pool, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, resource-adapter-config
How to run :
pwd :(force-deploy-rar directory)
cd ra
ant all - will create necessary resource adapter bundles, classes
cd ../
ant all