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<p><a id="task-lifecyclemoduleedit" name="task-lifecyclemoduleedit"></a><a id="GHCOM00170" name="GHCOM00170"></a></p>
<h4><a id="sthref64" name="sthref64"></a>To Edit a Lifecycle Module</h4>
<a name="BEGIN" id="BEGIN"></a>
<p>In the navigation tree, select the Lifecycle Modules node.</p>
<p>The Lifecycle Modules page opens.</p>
<p>On the Lifecycle Modules page, click the name of the lifecycle module that you are editing.</p>
<p>The Edit Lifecycle Module page opens.</p>
<p>In the Class Name field, type the fully qualified name of the lifecycle module's class file.</p>
<p>The class must implement the <code>com.sun.appserv.server.LifecycleListener</code> interface.</p>
<p>In the Classpath field, type the classpath for the lifecycle module.</p>
<p>The classpath specifies where the lifecycle module is located. The default value is <i>domain-dir</i><code>/applications</code>. If the module is already in this directory (that is, in the server classpath), this field can be left blank.</p>
<p>In the Load Order field, type a value specifying the order in which this lifecycle module is to be loaded at startup.</p>
<p>Modules with smaller integer load order values are loaded sooner. The value can range from 101 to the operating system's <code>MAXINT</code>. Values from 1 to 100 are reserved.</p>
<p>In the Description field, type a description of the lifecycle module.</p>
<p>Select the Status Enabled checkbox to enable the lifecycle module.</p>
<p>This option is enabled by default.</p>
<p>Select the On Load Failure Prevent Instance Startup checkbox to specify that the server is to be shut down if the lifecycle module fails to load.</p>
<p>This option is disabled by default.</p>
<p>The Targets tab appears if clusters or standalone server instances aside from the default server instance (<code>server</code>) exist. Select the Targets tab to view the targets on which the lifecycle module has been enabled. See <a href="task-appviewtargets.html">To View Application Targets</a> for instructions on how to enable or disable a lifecycle module on one or multiple targets.</p>
<p>Click Save.</p>
<a id="GHCOM267" name="GHCOM267"></a>
<h5>See Also</h5>
<p><a href="task-lifecyclemodulenew.html">To Create a Lifecycle Module</a></p>
<p><a href="task-lifecyclemoduledelete.html">To Delete a Lifecycle Module</a></p>
<small>Copyright &#169; 2005, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. <a href="docinfo.html">Legal Notices</a></small>