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title=Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform
= Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform
== 4 Administering the Virtual Machine for the Java Platform
This chapter provides procedures for administering the Virtual Machine
for the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine) or JVM machine) in the
{productName} 7 environment by using the
`asadmin` command-line utility.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#gepzd[Administering JVM Options]
* link:#ggnde[Administering the Profiler]
Instructions for accomplishing these tasks by using the Administration
Console are contained in the Administration Console online help.
=== Administering JVM Options
The Java Virtual Machine is an interpretive computing engine responsible
for running the byte codes in a compiled Java program. The virtual
machine translates the Java byte codes into the native instructions of
the host machine. {productName}, being a Java process, requires a
virtual machine to run and support the Java applications running on it.
JVM settings are part of an {productName} configuration.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#ggnes[To Create JVM Options]
* link:#ggnce[To List JVM Options]
* link:#ggnfi[To Delete JVM Options]
* link:#ggnbu[To Generate a JVM Report]
==== To Create JVM Options
Use the `create-jvm-options` subcommand in remote mode to create JVM
options in the Java configuration or the profiler elements of the
`domain.xml` file. If JVM options are created for a profiler, these
options are used to record the settings that initiate the profiler.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Create JVM options by using the
link:reference-manual/create-jvm-options.html#GSRFM00042[`create-jvm-options`] subcommand.
To create more than one JVM option, use a colon (:) to separate the
options. If the JVM option itself contains a colon (:), use the
backslash (\) to offset the colon delimiter.
Information about properties for the subcommand is included in this help
3. To apply your changes, restart {productName}. See
link:domains.html#ginqj[To Restart a Domain].
Example 4-1 Creating JVM Options
This example sets multiple Java system properties.
asadmin> create-jvm-options -Dunixlocation=/root/example:
created 4 option(s)
Command create-jvm-options executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help create-jvm-options` at the command line.
==== To List JVM Options
Use the `list-jvm-options` subcommand in remote mode to list the
existing JVM options.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List JVM options by using the link:reference-manual/list-jvm-options.html#GSRFM00180[`list-jvm-options`]
Example 4-2 Listing JVM Options
This example lists all JVM options.
asadmin> list-jvm-options${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/login.conf
-XX: LogVMOutput
-XX: UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
Command list-jvm-options executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help list-jvm-options` at the command line.
==== To Delete JVM Options
Use the `delete-jvm-options` subcommand in remote mode to delete JVM
options from the Java configuration or profiler elements of the
`domain.xml` file.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. List JVM options by using the link:reference-manual/list-jvm-options.html#GSRFM00180[`list-jvm-options`]
3. If necessary, notify users that the JVM option is being deleted.
4. Delete JVM options by using the
link:reference-manual/delete-jvm-options.html#GSRFM00094[`delete-jvm-options`] subcommand.
To remove more than one JVM option, use a colon (:) to separate the
options. If the JVM option itself contains a colon, use the backslash
(\) to offset the colon delimiter.
5. To apply your changes, restart {productName}. See
link:domains.html#ginqj[To Restart a Domain].
Example 4-3 Deleting a JVM Option
This example removes a single JVM option.
asadmin> delete-jvm-options -Dopt1=A
deleted 1 option(s)
Command delete-jvm-options executed successfully.
Example 4-4 Deleting Multiple JVM Options
This example removes multiple JVM options.
asadmin> delete-jvm-options -Doption1=-value1:-Dvariable=\$HOME
deleted 2 option(s)
Command delete-jvm-options executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help delete-jvm-options` at the command line.
==== To Generate a JVM Report
Use the `generate-jvm-report` subcommand in remote mode to generate a
JVM report showing the threads (dump of a stack trace), classes, memory,
and loggers for a specified instance, including the domain
administration server (DAS). You can generate the following types of
reports: summary (default), class, thread, log.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Generate the report by using the
link:reference-manual/generate-jvm-report.html#GSRFM00138[`generate-jvm-report`] subcommand.
Example 4-5 Generating a JVM Report
This example displays summary information about the threads, classes,
and memory.
asadmin> generate-jvm-report --type summary
Operating System Information:
Name of the Operating System: Windows XP
Binary Architecture name of the Operating System: x86, Version: 5.1
Number of processors available on the Operating System: 2
System load on the available processors for the last minute: NOT_AVAILABLE.
(Sum of running and queued runnable entities per minute).
user.home = C:\Documents and Settings\Jennifer
user.language = en = Jennifer
user.timezone = America/New_York
user.variant =
variable = \$HOME
web.home = C:\Preview\v3_Preview_release\distributions\web\target\
Command generate-jvm-report executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help generate-jvm-report` at the command line.
=== Administering the Profiler
A profiler generates information used to analyze server performance.
The following topics are addressed here:
* link:#ggneb[To Create a Profiler]
* link:#ggnem[To Delete a Profiler]
==== To Create a Profiler
A server instance is tied to a particular profiler by the profiler
element in the Java configuration. If JVM options are created for a
profiler, the options are used to record the settings needed to activate
a particular profiler. Use the `create-profiler` subcommand in remote
mode to create the profiler element in the Java configuration.
Only one profiler can exist. If a profiler already exists, you receive
an error message that directs you to delete the existing profiler before
creating a new one.
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Create a profiler by using the link:reference-manual/create-profiler.html#GSRFM00050[`create-profiler`]
Information about properties for the subcommand is included in this help
3. To apply your changes, restart {productName}.
See link:domains.html#ginqj[To Restart a Domain].
Example 4-6 Creating a Profiler
This example creates a profiler named `sample_profiler`.
asadmin> create-profiler --classpath=/home/appserver/ --nativelibrarypath=/u/home/lib
--enabled=false --property=defaultuser=admin:password=adminadmin sample_profiler
Command create-profiler executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help create-profiler` at the command line.
==== To Delete a Profiler
Use the `delete-profiler` subcommand in remote mode to delete the
profiler element from the Java configuration. You can then create a new
1. Ensure that the server is running. Remote subcommands require a running server.
2. Delete the profiler by using the link:reference-manual/delete-profiler.html#GSRFM00102[`delete-profiler`]
3. To apply your changes, restart {productName}.
See link:domains.html#ginqj[To Restart a Domain].
Example 4-7 Deleting a Profiler
This example deletes the profiler named `sample_profiler`.
asadmin> delete-profiler sample_profiler
Command delete-profiler executed successfully.
See Also
You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by
typing `asadmin help delete-profiler` at the command line.