blob: 7b98cc7d8b261f7b017d49616c92a406917e6f76 [file] [log] [blame]
= configure-jms-cluster
== configure-jms-cluster
Configures the Message Queue cluster providing JMS services to a
{productName} cluster
=== Synopsis
asadmin [asadmin-options] configure-jms-cluster [--help]
[--dbvendor database-vendor]
[--dbuser database-user]
[--dburl database-url]
[--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
=== Description
The `configure-jms-cluster` configures the Message Queue cluster
providing JMS services to a {productName} cluster.
This subcommand should be used before the {productName} cluster is
started for the first time. Otherwise, follow the instructions in
"link:../administration-guide/jms.html#GSADG00020[Administering the Java Message Service (JMS)]" in
{productName} Administration Guide.
This subcommand is supported in remote mode only. Remote `asadmin`
subcommands require a running domain administration server (DAS).
=== Options
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
The type of Message Queue cluster to configure. The value
`conventional` specifies a conventional cluster, and the value
`enhanced` specifies an enhanced, high-availability cluster. For
information about these cluster types of Message Queue clusters, see
"link:../../openmq/mq-tech-over/broker-clusters.html#GMTOV00028[Broker Clusters]"
in Open Message Queue Technical Overview. +
The default value is `conventional`. +
If `enhanced` is specified, the `configstoretype` and
`messagestoretype` options are ignored.
The type of data store for configuration data in a conventional
cluster. The value `masterbroker` specifies the use of a master broker
to store and manage the configuration data. The value `shareddb`
specifies the use of a shared database to store the configuration
data. +
The default value is `masterbroker`. +
This option is ignored if `clustertype` is set to `enhanced`.
The type of data store for message data in brokers in a conventional
cluster. The value `file` specifies a file store. The value `jdbc`
specifies a JDBC store. +
The default value is `file`. +
This option is ignored if `clustertype` is set to `enhanced`.
The database vendor, user, and access url of the JDBC database to use
in any of these situations:
* When `clustertype` is set to `enhanced`
* When `configstoretype` is set to `shareddb`
* When `messagestoretype` is set to `jdbc`
For information about supported vendors and the formats of access urls
for each vendor, see "link:../../openmq/mq-admin-guide/persistence-services.html#GMADG00244[JDBC-Based Persistence]" in
Open Message Queue Administration Guide.
To specify the password of the JDBC database user, use the `--passwordfile` utility option
of the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] command after adding the entry
`AS_ADMIN_JMSDBPASSWORD` to the password file.
A list of additional database-vendor-specific properties to configure
the JDBC database for use by the Message Queue cluster. Specify
properties as a colon (`:`) separated list of property names and
values in the form:
=== Operands
The name of the {productName} cluster for which the Message Queue
cluster is to provide JMS services. +
Because {productName} uses the cluster name to uniquely identify
database tables the Message Queue cluster might require, the length of
the name is restricted in the following situations:
* If `clustertype` is set to `enhanced`, the name can be no longer
than n21 characters, where n is the maximum table name length allowed
by the database.
* If `configstoretype` is set to `shareddb`, the name can be no longer
than n19 characters, where n is the maximum table name length allowed
by the database.
=== Exit Status
subcommand executed successfully
error in executing the subcommand
=== See Also