blob: 0c5448f27552c473fc4cc402c7e600face83c01d [file] [log] [blame]
= disable-monitoring
== disable-monitoring
Disables monitoring for the server or for specific monitorable modules
=== Synopsis
asadmin [asadmin-options] disable-monitoring [--help]
[--modules module-name][:module-name]*
=== Description
The `disable-monitoring` subcommand is used to turn off monitoring for
{productName} or for particular modules during runtime. Changes are
dynamic, that is, server restart is not required.
Running the `disable-monitoring` subcommand without the `--module`
option disables the monitoring service by setting the
`monitoring-enabled` attribute of the `monitoring-service` element to
`false`. The individual modules retain their monitoring levels, but no
monitoring data is generated because the entire monitoring service is
This subcommand used with the `--modules` option disables monitoring for
a module by setting the monitoring level to OFF. The status of the
monitoring service is not affected. For a list of monitorable modules,
see the `--modules` option in this help page.
An alternative method for disabling monitoring is to use the `set`
subcommand. In this case, the server must be restarted for changes to
take effect.
This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.
=== Options
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
Disables the specified module or modules by setting the monitoring
level to OFF. Multiple modules are separated by : (colon). Monitorable
modules include `connector-connection-pool`, `connector-service`,
`ejb-container`, `http-service`, `jdbc-connection-pool`, `jersey`,
`jpa`, `jms-service`, `jvm`, `security`, `thread-pool`,
`transaction-service`, `web-container`, and `web-services-container`.
Additional modules can be listed by using the `get` subcommand.
=== Operands
=== Examples
==== Example 1   Disabling the Monitoring Service for {productName}
This example disables monitoring for {productName} in general by
setting the `enable-monitoring` flag to `false` (default is `true`).
asadmin> disable-monitoring
Command disable-monitoring executed successfully
==== Example 2   Disabling Monitoring for the Web and EJB Containers
This example disables monitoring for specific containers. Their
monitoring levels will be set to OFF.
asadmin> disable-monitoring --modules web-container:ejb-container
Command disable-monitoring executed successfully
=== Exit Status
subcommand executed successfully
error in executing the subcommand
=== See Also
link:monitor.html#monitor-1[`monitor`(1)], link:set.html#set-1[`set`(1)]
"link:../administration-guide/monitoring.html#GSADG00011[Administering the Monitoring Service]" in {productName} Administration Guide