blob: f861df0e04b6ddcb4198fc5dee5ba7e2f6d78a57 [file] [log] [blame]
This test is for testing if ic-based policy for loadbalancing works.
The following is happening in the client code:
InitialContext initial is used for looking up the following:
Lookup is performed thrice with 3 different InitialContexts.
The appclient script takes in a new config file called sun-acc-lb.xml which specifies the loadbalancingpolicy and endpoint list. Please specify the endpoints list as host:port values separated by comma.
For standalone clients, please modify the's ENDPOINTS variable to specify the endpoints.
Assume there are 2 hosts specified:
a:3700 and b:3700
start the server under domain1 for machine a
start the server under domain2 for machine b
start pointbase for both machines.
run the following for the primary machine (for e.g. a) :
ant build setup deploy
run the following for the secondary machine (for e.g. b) :
ant deploy
Next, run the following for the primary machine (for e.g. a) :
ant run
This will run the appclient twice, with java.naming.factory.initial set to
- com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
- com.sun.appserv.naming.S1ASCtxFactory
Next the stand alone client will be run with java.naming.factory.initial set to
- com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory
- com.sun.appserv.naming.S1ASCtxFactory
After executing the client, you can view the log created in the file specified in sun-acc-lb.xml.
The log displays the SerialContext instance value (address). Please keep the Log level to FINE. The same instance should be used for looking up the ejb refs.
Make sure you run "ant unsetup setup" on all machines before executing the test multiple times.
ant run does the following:
run appclient with SerialInitContextFactory
run appclient with S1ASCtxFactory
run standalone client with SerialInitContextFactory
run standalone client with S1ASCtxFactory
This has a problem with cleaning the database if the server instances are on different machines. In that case, run appclient separately as "ant run-appclient"
Remember to:
1> comment out "-xml ..." in the runclient-common target in $APS_HOME/config/common.xml
2> specify endpoints and target serverhost/port in sun-acc-lb.xml,sun-acc-lb1.xml,sun-acc-lb2.xml
3> make sure that the admin's port is 4848 else you will need to modify the cluster-setup & cluster-unsetup scripts.
4> start derby
5> run "ant all"
6> there are 4 cases:
sun-acc-lb.xml : no target-server specified. So results in a parse error
sun-acc.-lb1.xml : target-server+ specified and no endpoints
sun-acc-lb2.xml : both specified
sun-acc-lb3.xml :endpoints specified , only 1 target-server specified.
7> Do this for debugging : execute the following:
./asadmin set --user admin --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848,new
./asadmin set --user admin --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848
./asadmin set --user admin --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848
./asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --datasourceclassname com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcDataSource --restype javax.sql.DataSource --target C1 --user admin --password adminadmin bmpEnrollerPool
./asadmin create-jdbc-resource --user admin --password adminadmin --connectionpoolid bmpEnrollerPool --target C1 jdbc/bmp-enrollerDB
./asadmin deploy --user admin --password adminadmin --target C1 --type application --retrieve /home/sheetal/ws7-15/appserv-tests//build/module/archive /home/sheetal/ws7-15/appserv-tests//build/module/archive/loadbalancing-AppApp.ear