| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=Administering the Monitoring Service |
| next=lifecycle-modules.html |
| prev=logging.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| Administering the Monitoring Service |
| ==================================== |
| |
| [[GSADG00011]][[ablur]] |
| |
| |
| [[administering-the-monitoring-service]] |
| 8 Administering the Monitoring Service |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| This chapter explains how to monitor the GlassFish Server Open Source |
| Edition 5.0 components and services by using the `asadmin` command-line |
| utility. Instructions for configuring JConsole to monitor GlassFish |
| Server resources are also provided. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#ablus[About Monitoring] |
| * link:#ablvp[Configuring Monitoring] |
| * link:#ablvs[Viewing Common Monitoring Data] |
| * link:#ghmct[Viewing Comprehensive Monitoring Data] |
| * link:#giwqm[Configuring JConsole to View GlassFish Server Monitoring |
| Data] |
| |
| Instructions for monitoring by using the Administration Console are |
| contained in the Administration Console online help. |
| |
| For information on using REST interfaces for monitoring, see |
| link:general-administration.html#gjipx[Using REST Interfaces to |
| Administer GlassFish Server]. |
| |
| [[ablus]][[GSADG00557]][[about-monitoring]] |
| |
| About Monitoring |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Monitoring is the process of reviewing the statistics of a system to |
| improve performance or solve problems. The monitoring service can track |
| and display operational statistics, such as the number of requests per |
| second, the average response time, and the throughput. By monitoring the |
| state of various components and services deployed in GlassFish Server, |
| you can identify performance bottlenecks, predict failures, perform root |
| cause analysis, and ensure that everything is functioning as expected. |
| Data gathered by monitoring can also be useful in performance tuning and |
| capacity planning. |
| |
| For this release of GlassFish Server, monitoring is exposed in a modular |
| way so that many client modules can access and display the monitoring |
| statistics. These clients include the Administration Console, the |
| `asadmin` utility, AMX, and REST interfaces. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#ghbaz[How the Monitoring Tree Structure Works] |
| * link:#gitkq[About Monitoring for Add-on Components] |
| * link:#ghbfq[Tools for Monitoring GlassFish Server] |
| |
| [[ghbaz]][[GSADG00727]][[how-the-monitoring-tree-structure-works]] |
| |
| How the Monitoring Tree Structure Works |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| A monitorable object is a component, subcomponent, or service that can |
| be monitored. GlassFish Server uses a tree structure to track |
| monitorable objects. Because the tree is dynamic, the tree changes as |
| GlassFish Server components are added or removed. |
| |
| In the tree, a monitorable object can have child objects (nodes) that |
| represent exactly what can be monitored for that object. All child |
| objects are addressed using the dot (.) character as a separator. These |
| constructed names are referred to as dotted names. Detailed information |
| on dotted names is available in the |
| link:../reference-manual/dotted-names.html#GSRFM00268[`dotted-names`(5ASC)] help page. |
| |
| The following command lists the monitorable child objects of the |
| instance `server`: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list --monitor "server.*" |
| |
| server.applications |
| server.connector-service |
| server.http-service |
| server.jms-service |
| server.jvm |
| server.network |
| server.orb |
| server.resources |
| server.security |
| server.thread-pool |
| server.transaction-service |
| server.web |
| ---- |
| |
| Each object is represented by a dotted name. Dotted names can also |
| address specific attributes in monitorable objects. For example, the |
| `jvm` object has a `memory` attribute with a statistic called |
| `maxheapsize`. The following dotted name addresses the attribute: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.memory.maxheapsize |
| ---- |
| |
| Although an object is monitorable, it is not necessarily being actively |
| monitored. For instructions on activating monitoring, see |
| link:#ablvp[Configuring Monitoring]. |
| |
| [[abluv]][[GSADG00647]][[tree-structure-of-monitorable-objects]] |
| |
| Tree Structure of Monitorable Objects |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Each monitorable object has a hierarchical tree structure. In the tree, |
| a replaceable such as *statistics represents the name of the attribute |
| that you can show statistics for. |
| |
| The following node tree hierarchies are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#abluw[Applications Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#abluz[Connector Service Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ghlin[HTTP Service Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ablva[JMS/Container Service Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ghlic[JVM Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#giznj[Network Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ablvb[ORB Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#giqdo[Resources Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#gjios[Security Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ablvc[Thread Pool Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#gitci[Transactions Service Tree Hierarchy] |
| * link:#ghlff[Web Tree Hierarchy] |
| |
| [[abluw]][[GSADG00040]][[applications-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Applications Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `applications` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications |
| |--- application1 |
| | |--- ejb-module-1 |
| | | |--- ejb1 * |
| | | |--- bean-cache (for entity/sfsb) * |
| | | |--- bean-pool (for slsb/mdb/entity) * |
| | | |--- bean-methods |
| | | |---method1 * |
| | | |---method2 * |
| | | |--- timers (for s1sb/entity/mdb) * |
| | |--- web-module-1 |
| | | |--- virtual-server-1 * |
| | | |---servlet1 * |
| | | |---servlet2 * |
| |--- standalone-web-module-1 |
| | | |----- virtual-server-2 * |
| | | |---servlet3 * |
| | | |---servlet4 * |
| | | |----- virtual-server-3 * |
| | | |---servlet3 *(same servlet on different vs) |
| | | |---servlet5 * |
| |--- standalone-ejb-module-1 |
| | | |--- ejb2 * |
| | | |--- bean-cache (for entity/sfsb) * |
| | | |--- bean-pool (for slsb/mdb/entity) * |
| | | |--- bean-methods |
| | | |--- method1 * |
| | | |--- method2 * |
| | | |--- timers (for s1sb/entity/mdb) * |
| |--- jersey-application-1 |
| | |--- jersey |
| | | |--- resources |
| resource-0 |
| hitcount |
| *statistic |
| |--- application2 |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.hello.server.request.maxtime |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name under the EJB `method` node might be: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.ejbsfapp1.ejbsfapp1ejbmod1\.jar.SFApp1EJB1 |
| ---- |
| |
| An example Jersey dotted name might be: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.helloworld-webapp.jersey.resources.resource-0.hitcount.resourcehitcount-count |
| ---- |
| |
| For available statistics, see link:#gjkbi[EJB Statistics], |
| link:#gjjyb[Jersey Statistics], and link:#ablvf[Web Statistics]. |
| |
| [[abluz]][[GSADG00041]][[connector-service-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Connector Service Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `connector-service` tree holds monitorable attributes for pools such |
| as the connector connection pool. The `connector-service` tree contains |
| the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.connector-service |
| resource-adapter-1 |
| connection-pools |
| pool-1 |
| work-management |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be |
| `server.connector-service.resource-adapter-1.connection-pools.pool-1`. |
| For available statistics, see link:#ablvi[JMS/Connector Service |
| Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ghlin]][[GSADG00042]][[http-service-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| HTTP Service Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `http-service` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.http-service |
| virtual-server |
| request |
| *statistic |
| _asadmin |
| request |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name under the virutal-server node might be |
| `server.http-service.virtual-server1.request.requestcount`. For |
| available statistics, see link:#ablvg[HTTP Service Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ablva]][[GSADG00043]][[jmscontainer-service-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| JMS/Container Service Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `jms-service` tree holds monitorable attributes for connection |
| factories (connection pools for resource adapters) and work management |
| (for Message Queue resource adapters). The `jms-service` tree contains |
| the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jms-service |
| connection-factories |
| connection-factory-1 |
| work-management |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name under the `connection-factories` node might be |
| `server.jms-service.connection-factories.connection-factory-1` which |
| shows all the statistics for this connection factory. For available |
| statistics, see link:#ablvi[JMS/Connector Service Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ghlic]][[GSADG00044]][[jvm-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| JVM Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `jvm` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm |
| class-loading-system |
| compilation-system |
| garbage-collectors |
| memory |
| operating-system |
| runtime |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name under the `memory` node might be |
| `server.jvm.memory.maxheapsize`. For available statistics, see |
| link:#ablvm[JVM Statistics]. |
| |
| [[giznj]][[GSADG00045]][[network-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Network Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The network statistics apply to the network listener, such as |
| `admin-listener`, `http-listener-1`, `ttp-listener-2`. The `network` |
| tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.network |
| type-of-listener |
| keep-alive |
| *statistic |
| file-cache |
| *statistic |
| thread-pool |
| *statistic |
| connection-queue |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name under the `network` node might be |
| `server.network.admin-listener.keep-alive.maxrequests-count`. For |
| available statistics, see link:#gjipy[Network Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ablvb]][[GSADG00046]][[orb-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| ORB Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `orb` tree holds monitorable attributes for connection managers. The |
| `orb` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.orb |
| transport |
| connectioncache |
| inbound |
| *statistic |
| outbound |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be |
| `server.orb.transport.connectioncache.inbound.connectionsidle-count`. |
| For available statistics, see link:#ablvj[ORB Statistics (Connection |
| Manager)]. |
| |
| [[giqdo]][[GSADG00047]][[resources-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Resources Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `resources` tree holds monitorable attributes for pools such as the |
| JDBC connection pool and connector connection pool. The `resources` tree |
| contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.resources |
| connection-pool |
| request |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be |
| `server.resources.jdbc-connection-pool1.numconnfree.count`. For |
| available statistics, see link:#gipzv[Resource Statistics (Connection |
| Pool)]. |
| |
| [[gjios]][[GSADG00048]][[security-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Security Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The security tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.security |
| ejb |
| *statistic |
| web |
| *statistic |
| realm |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be |
| `server.security.realm.realmcount-starttime`. For available statistics, |
| see link:#gjiov[Security Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ablvc]][[GSADG00049]][[thread-pool-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Thread Pool Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `thread-pool` tree holds monitorable attributes for connection |
| managers, and contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.thread-pool |
| orb |
| threadpool |
| thread-pool-1 |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be |
| `server.thread-pool.orb.threadpool.thread-pool-1.averagetimeinqueue-current`. |
| For available statistics, see link:#ablvk[Thread Pool Statistics]. |
| |
| [[gitci]][[GSADG00050]][[transactions-service-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Transactions Service Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `transaction-service` tree holds monitorable attributes for the |
| transaction subsystem for the purpose of rolling back transactions. The |
| `transaction-service` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.transaction-service |
| statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name might be `server.tranaction-service.activeids`. |
| For available statistics, see link:#ablvl[Transaction Service |
| Statistics]. |
| |
| [[ghlff]][[GSADG00051]][[web-tree-hierarchy]] |
| |
| Web Tree Hierarchy |
| |
| The `web` tree contains the following nodes: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.web |
| jsp |
| *statistic |
| servlet |
| *statistic |
| session |
| *statistic |
| request |
| *statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| An example dotted name for the `servlet` node might be |
| `server.web.servlet.activeservletsloadedcount`. For available |
| statistics, see link:#ghljx[Web Module Common Statistics]. |
| |
| [[gitkq]][[GSADG00728]][[about-monitoring-for-add-on-components]] |
| |
| About Monitoring for Add-on Components |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| An add-on component typically generates statistics that GlassFish Server |
| can gather at runtime. Adding monitoring capabilities enables an add-on |
| component to provide statistics to GlassFish Server in the same way as |
| components that are supplied in the GlassFish Server distributions. As a |
| result, you can use the same administrative interfaces to monitor |
| statistics from any installed GlassFish Server component, regardless of |
| the origin of the component. |
| |
| [[ghbfq]][[GSADG00729]][[tools-for-monitoring-glassfish-server]] |
| |
| Tools for Monitoring GlassFish Server |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The following `asadmin` subcommands are provided for monitoring the |
| services and components of GlassFish Server: |
| |
| * The `enable-monitoring`, `disable-monitoring`, or the `get` and `set` |
| subcommands are used to turn monitoring on or off. For instructions, see |
| link:#ablvp[Configuring Monitoring]. |
| * The `monitor` `type` subcommand is used to display basic data for a |
| particular type of monitorable object. For instructions, see |
| link:#ablvs[Viewing Common Monitoring Data]. |
| * The `list` `--monitor` subcommand is used to display the objects that |
| can be monitored with the `monitor` subcommand. For guidelines and |
| instructions, see link:#ablwh[Guidelines for Using the `list` and `get` |
| Subcommands for Monitoring]. |
| * The `get` subcommand is used to display comprehensive data, such as |
| the attributes and values for a dotted name. The `get` subcommand used |
| with a wildcard parameter displays all available attributes for any |
| monitorable object. For additional information, see |
| link:#ablwh[Guidelines for Using the `list` and `get` Subcommands for |
| Monitoring]. |
| |
| [[ablvp]][[GSADG00558]][[configuring-monitoring]] |
| |
| Configuring Monitoring |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| By default, the monitoring service is enabled for GlassFish Server, but |
| monitoring for the individual modules is not. To enable monitoring for a |
| module, you change the monitoring level for that module to LOW or HIGH, |
| You can choose to leave monitoring OFF for objects that do not need to |
| be monitored. |
| |
| * LOW. Simple statistics, such as create count, byte count, and so on |
| * HIGH. Simple statistics plus method statistics, such as method count, |
| duration, and so on |
| * OFF. No monitoring, no impact on performance |
| |
| The following tasks are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#ablvr[To Enable Monitoring] |
| * link:#gglcu[To Disable Monitoring] |
| |
| [[ablvr]][[GSADG00386]][[to-enable-monitoring]] |
| |
| To Enable Monitoring |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `enable-monitoring` subcommand to enable the monitoring service |
| itself, or to enable monitoring for individual modules. Monitoring is |
| immediately activated, without restarting GlassFish Server. |
| |
| You can also use the link:../reference-manual/set.html#GSRFM00226[`set`] subcommand to enable |
| monitoring for a module. Using the `set` command is not a dynamic |
| procedure, so you need to restart GlassFish Server for your changes to |
| take effect. |
| |
| 1. Determine which services and components are currently enabled for |
| monitoring. + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> get server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.* |
| ---- |
| This example output shows that the HTTP service is not enabled (OFF for |
| monitoring), but other objects are enabled: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.web-container=HIGH |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=OFF |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.jvm=HIGH |
| ---- |
| 2. Enable monitoring by using the olink:GSRFM00128[`enable-monitoring`] |
| subcommand. + |
| Server restart is not required. |
| |
| [[GSADG00188]][[gixri]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-1 Enabling the Monitoring Service Dynamically |
| |
| This example enables the monitoring service without affecting monitoring |
| for individual modules. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> enable-monitoring |
| Command enable-monitoring executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00189]][[gixre]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-2 Enabling Monitoring for Modules Dynamically |
| |
| This example enables monitoring for the `ejb-container` module. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> enable-monitoring --level ejb-container=HIGH |
| Command enable-monitoring executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00190]][[gjcmm]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-3 Enabling Monitoring for Modules by Using the `set` |
| Subcommand |
| |
| This example enables monitoring for the HTTP service by setting the |
| monitoring level to HIGH (you must restart the server for changes to |
| take effect). |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=HIGH |
| Command set executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG875]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help enable-monitoring` at the command line. |
| |
| [[gglcu]][[GSADG00387]][[to-disable-monitoring]] |
| |
| To Disable Monitoring |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `disable-monitoring` subcommand to disable the monitoring |
| service itself, or to disable monitoring for individual modules. |
| Monitoring is immediately stopped, without restarting GlassFish Server. |
| |
| You can also use the link:../reference-manual/set.html#GSRFM00226[`set`] subcommand to disable |
| monitoring for a module. Using the `set` command is not a dynamic |
| procedure, so you need to restart GlassFish Server for your changes to |
| take effect. |
| |
| 1. Determine which services and components currently are enabled for |
| monitoring. + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin get server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.* |
| ---- |
| This example output shows that monitoring is enabled for |
| `web-container`, `http-service`, and `jvm`: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.web-container=HIGH |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=HIGH |
| configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.jvm=HIGH |
| ---- |
| 2. Disable monitoring for a service or module by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/disable-monitoring.html#GSRFM00120[`disable-monitoring`] subcommand. + |
| Server restart is not required. |
| |
| [[GSADG00191]][[gixsc]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-4 Disabling the Monitoring Service Dynamically |
| |
| This example disables the monitoring service without changing the |
| monitoring levels for individual modules. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> disable-monitoring |
| Command disable-monitoring executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00192]][[gjcnw]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-5 Disabling Monitoring for Modules Dynamically |
| |
| This example disables monitoring for specific modules. Their monitoring |
| levels are set to OFF. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> disable-monitoring --modules web-container,ejb-container |
| Command disable-monitoring executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00193]][[gixpg]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-6 Disabling Monitoring by Using the `set` Subcommand |
| |
| This example disables monitoring for the HTTP service (you must restart |
| the server for changes to take effect). |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=OFF |
| Command set executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG876]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help disable-monitoring` at the command line. |
| |
| [[ablvs]][[GSADG00559]][[viewing-common-monitoring-data]] |
| |
| Viewing Common Monitoring Data |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Use the `monitor` subcommand to display basic data on commonly-monitored |
| objects. |
| |
| * link:#gelol[To View Common Monitoring Data] |
| * link:#ghmdc[Common Monitoring Statistics] |
| |
| [[gelol]][[GSADG00388]][[to-view-common-monitoring-data]] |
| |
| To View Common Monitoring Data |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Use the `--type` option of the `monitor` subcommand to specify the |
| object for which you want to display data, such as `httplistener`, |
| `jvm`, `webmodule`. If you use the `monitor` subcommand without |
| specifying a type, an error message is displayed. |
| |
| Output from the subcommand is displayed continuously in a tabular |
| format. The `--interval` option can be used to display output at a |
| particular interval (the default is 30 seconds). |
| |
| [[GSADG877]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| A monitorable object must be configured for monitoring before you can |
| display data on the object. See link:#ablvr[To Enable Monitoring]. |
| |
| 1. Determine which type of monitorable object you want to monitor. + |
| Your choices for 5.0 are `jvm`, `httplistener`, and `webmodule`. |
| 2. Request the monitoring data by using the link:../reference-manual/monitor.html#GSRFM00212[`monitor`] |
| subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSADG00194]][[ghljw]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-7 Viewing Common Monitoring Data |
| |
| This example requests common data for type `jvm` on instance `server`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> monitor --type jvm server |
| |
| UpTime(ms) Heap and NonHeap Memory(bytes) |
| current min max low high count |
| |
| 9437266 8585216 619642880 0 0 93093888 |
| 9467250 8585216 619642880 0 0 93093888 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG878]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by |
| typing `asadmin help monitor` at the command line. |
| |
| [[ghmdc]][[GSADG00730]][[common-monitoring-statistics]] |
| |
| Common Monitoring Statistics |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Common monitoring statistics are described in the following sections: |
| |
| * link:#ghltk[HTTP Listener Common Statistics] |
| * link:#ghlvm[JVM Common Statistics] |
| * link:#ghljx[Web Module Common Statistics] |
| |
| [[ghltk]][[GSADG00648]][[http-listener-common-statistics]] |
| |
| HTTP Listener Common Statistics |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The statistics available for the `httplistener` type are shown in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG879]][[sthref28]][[ghlta]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-1 HTTP Listener Common Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="17%,83%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Description |
| |`ec` |Error count. Cumulative value of the error count |
| |
| |`mt` |Maximum time. Longest response time for a request; not a |
| cumulative value, but the largest response time from among the response |
| times |
| |
| |`pt` |Processing time. Cumulative value of the times taken to process |
| each request, with processing time being the average of request |
| processing times over request |
| |
| |`rc` |Request count. Cumulative number of requests processed so far |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghlvm]][[GSADG00649]][[jvm-common-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Common Statistics |
| +++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The statistics available for the `jvm` type are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG880]][[sthref29]][[ghlsl]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-2 JVM Common Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="19%,81%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Description |
| |`count` |Amount of memory (in bytes) that is guaranteed to be available |
| for use by the JVM machine |
| |
| |`high` |Retained for compatibility with other releases |
| |
| |`low` |Retained for compatibility with other releases |
| |
| |`max` |The maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory |
| management. |
| |
| |`min` |Initial amount of memory (in bytes) that the JVM machine |
| requests from the operating system for memory management during startup |
| |
| |`UpTime` |Number of milliseconds that the JVM machine has been running |
| since it was last started |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghljx]][[GSADG00650]][[web-module-common-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Module Common Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The statistics available for the `webmodule` type are shown in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG881]][[sthref30]][[ghqly]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-3 Web Module Common Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="18%,82%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Description |
| |`ajlc` |Number of active JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology pages that |
| are loaded |
| |
| |`asc` |Current active sessions |
| |
| |`aslc` |Number of active servlets that are loaded |
| |
| |`ast` |Total active sessions |
| |
| |`mjlc` |Maximum number of JSP pages that are loaded |
| |
| |`mslc` |Maximum number of servlets that are loaded |
| |
| |`rst` |Total rejected sessions |
| |
| |`st` |Total sessions |
| |
| |`tjlc` |Total number of JSP pages that are loaded |
| |
| |`tslc` |Total number of servlets that are loaded |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghmct]][[GSADG00560]][[viewing-comprehensive-monitoring-data]] |
| |
| Viewing Comprehensive Monitoring Data |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| By applying the `list` and `get` subcommands against the tree structure |
| using dotted names, you can display more comprehensive monitoring data, |
| such as a description of each of the statistics and its unit of |
| measurement. |
| |
| The following topics are addressed here: |
| |
| * link:#ablwh[Guidelines for Using the `list` and `get` Subcommands for |
| Monitoring] |
| * link:#ablvv[To View Comprehensive Monitoring Data] |
| * link:#ghmcn[Comprehensive Monitoring Statistics] |
| |
| [[ablwh]][[GSADG00731]][[guidelines-for-using-the-list-and-get-subcommands-for-monitoring]] |
| |
| Guidelines for Using the `list` and `get` Subcommands for Monitoring |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| The underlying assumptions for using the `list` and `get` subcommands |
| with dotted names are: |
| |
| * A `list` subcommand that specifies a dotted name that is not followed |
| by a wildcard (`*`) lists the current node's immediate children. For |
| example, the following subcommand lists all immediate children belonging |
| to the `server` node: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| list --monitor server |
| ---- |
| * A `list` subcommand that specifies a dotted name followed by a |
| wildcard of the form `.*` lists a hierarchical tree of child nodes from |
| the specified node. For example, the following subcommand lists all |
| children of the `applications` node, their subsequent child nodes, and |
| so on: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| list --monitor server.applications.* |
| ---- |
| * A `list` subcommand that specifies a dotted name preceded or followed |
| by a wildcard of the form *dottedname or dotted * name or dottedname * |
| lists all nodes and their children that match the regular expression |
| created by the specified matching pattern. |
| * A `get` subcommand followed by a `.*` or a `*` gets the set of |
| attributes and their values that belong to the node specified. |
| |
| For example, the following table explains the output of the `list` and |
| `get` subcommands used with the dotted name for the `resources` node. |
| |
| [[GSADG882]][[sthref31]][[ggnpb]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-4 Example Resources Level Dotted Names |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="23%,41%,36%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Subcommand |Dotted Name |Output |
| |`list --monitor` |`server.resources` |List of pool names. |
| |
| |`list --monitor` |`server.resources.``connection-pool1` |No attributes, |
| but a message saying "Use `get` subcommand with the `--monitor` option |
| to view this node's attributes and values." |
| |
| |`get --monitor` |`server.resources.``connection-pool1.*` |List of |
| attributes and values corresponding to connection pool attributes. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| For detailed information on dotted names, see the |
| link:../reference-manual/dotted-names.html#GSRFM00268[`dotted-names`(5ASC)] help page. |
| |
| [[ablvv]][[GSADG00389]][[to-view-comprehensive-monitoring-data]] |
| |
| To View Comprehensive Monitoring Data |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Although the `monitor` subcommand is useful in many situations, it does |
| not offer the complete list of all monitorable objects. To work with |
| comprehensive data for an object type, use the `list` `monitor` and the |
| `get` `monitor` subcommands followed by the dotted name of a monitorable |
| object. |
| |
| [[GSADG883]] |
| |
| Before You Begin |
| |
| A monitorable object must be configured for monitoring before you can |
| display information about the object. See link:#ablvr[To Enable |
| Monitoring] if needed. |
| |
| 1. List the objects that are enabled for monitoring by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/list.html#GSRFM00145[`list`] subcommand. + |
| For example, the following subcommand lists all components and services |
| that have monitoring enabled for instance `server`. + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list --monitor "*" |
| server.web |
| server.connector-service |
| server.orb |
| server.jms-serviceserver.jvm |
| server.applications |
| server.http-service |
| server.thread-pools |
| ---- |
| 2. Get data for a monitored component or service by using the |
| link:../reference-manual/get.html#GSRFM00139[`get`] subcommand. |
| |
| [[GSADG00195]][[ghlre]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-8 Viewing Attributes for a Specific Type |
| |
| This example gets information about all the attributes for object type |
| `jvm` on instance `server`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> get --monitor server.jvm.* |
| server.jvm.class-loading-system.loadedclasscount = 3715 |
| server.jvm.class-loading-system.totalloadedclasscount = 3731 |
| server.jvm.class-loading-system.unloadedclasscount = 16 |
| server.jvm.compilation-system.name-current = HotSpot Client Compiler |
| server.jvm.compilation-system.totalcompilationtime = 769 |
| server.jvm.garbage-collectors.Copy.collectioncount = 285 |
| server.jvm.garbage-collectors.Copy.collectiontime = 980 |
| server.jvm.garbage-collectors.MarkSweepCompact.collectioncount = 2 |
| server.jvm.garbage-collectors.MarkSweepCompact.collectiontime = 383 |
| server.jvm.memory.committedheapsize = 23498752 |
| server.jvm.memory.committednonheapsize = 13598720 |
| server.jvm.memory.initheapsize = 0 |
| server.jvm.memory.initnonheapsize = 8585216 |
| server.jvm.memory.maxheapsize = 66650112 |
| server.jvm.memory.maxnonheapsize = 100663296 |
| server.jvm.memory.objectpendingfinalizationcount = 0 |
| server.jvm.memory.usedheapsize = 19741184 |
| server.jvm.memory.usednonheapsize = 13398352 |
| server.jvm.operating-system.arch-current = x86 |
| server.jvm.operating-system.availableprocessors = 2 |
| server.jvm.operating-system.name-current = Windows XP |
| server.jvm.operating-system.version-current = 5.1 |
| server.jvm.runtime.classpath-current = glassfish.jar |
| server.jvm.runtime.inputarguments-current = [] |
| server.jvm.runtime.managementspecversion-current = 1.0 |
| server.jvm.runtime.name-current = 4372@ABBAGANI_WORK |
| server.jvm.runtime.specname-current = Java Virtual Machine Specification |
| server.jvm.runtime.specvendor-current = Sun Microsystems Inc. |
| server.jvm.runtime.specversion-current = 1.0 |
| server.jvm.runtime.uptime = 84813 |
| server.jvm.runtime.vmname-current = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM |
| server.jvm.runtime.vmvendor-current = Sun Microsystems Inc. |
| server.jvm.runtime.vmversion-current = 1.5.0_11-b03 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00196]][[ghbgv]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-9 Viewing Monitorable Applications |
| |
| This example lists all the monitorable applications for instance |
| `server`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> list --monitor server.applications.* |
| server.applications.app1 |
| server.applications.app2 |
| server.applications.app1.virtual-server1 |
| server.applications.app2.virtual-server1 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00197]][[ghbfj]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-10 Viewing Attributes for an Application |
| |
| This example gets information about all the attributes for application |
| `hello`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> get --monitor server.applications.hello.* |
| server.applications.hello.server.activatedsessionstotal = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.activejspsloadedcount = 1 |
| server.applications.hello.server.activeservletsloadedcount = 1 |
| server.applications.hello.server.activesessionscurrent = 1 |
| server.applications.hello.server.activesessionshigh = 1 |
| server.applications.hello.server.errorcount = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.expiredsessionstotal = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.maxjspsloadedcount = 1 |
| server.applications.hello.server.maxservletsloadedcount = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.maxtime = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.passivatedsessionstotal = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.persistedsessionstotal = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.processingtime = 0.0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.rejectedsessionstotal = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.requestcount = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.sessionstotal = |
| server.applications.hello.server.totaljspsloadedcount = 0 |
| server.applications.hello.server.totalservletsloadedcount = 0 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[GSADG00198]][[ghbge]] |
| |
| |
| Example 8-11 Viewing a Specific Attribute |
| |
| This example gets information about the `jvm` attribute |
| `runtime.vmversion-current` on instance `server`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> get --monitor server.jvm.runtime.vmversion-current |
| server.jvm.runtime.vmversion-current = 10.0-b23 |
| ---- |
| |
| [[ghmcn]][[GSADG00732]][[comprehensive-monitoring-statistics]] |
| |
| Comprehensive Monitoring Statistics |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| You can get comprehensive monitoring statistics by forming a dotted name |
| that specifies the statistic you are looking for. For example, the |
| following dotted name will display the cumulative number of requests for |
| the HTTP service on `virtual-server1`: |
| |
| `server.http-service.virtual-server1.request.requestcount` |
| |
| The tables in the following sections list the statistics that are |
| available for each monitorable object: |
| |
| * link:#gjkbi[EJB Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvg[HTTP Service Statistics] |
| * link:#gjjyb[Jersey Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvi[JMS/Connector Service Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvm[JVM Statistics] |
| * link:#gjipy[Network Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvj[ORB Statistics (Connection Manager)] |
| * link:#gipzv[Resource Statistics (Connection Pool)] |
| * link:#gjiov[Security Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvk[Thread Pool Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvl[Transaction Service Statistics] |
| * link:#ablvf[Web Statistics] |
| |
| [[gjkbi]][[GSADG00651]][[ejb-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++ |
| |
| EJBs fit into the tree of objects as shown in link:#abluw[Applications |
| Tree Hierarchy]. Use the following dotted name pattern to get EJB |
| statistics for an application: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.ejbname.bean-cache.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| EJB statistics for an application are available after the application is |
| executed. If the application is deployed but has not yet been executed, |
| all counts will show default values. When the application is undeployed, |
| all its monitoring data is lost. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| Statistics available for applications are shown in the following |
| sections: |
| |
| * link:#gisyw[EJB Cache Statistics] |
| * link:#giszu[EJB Container Statistics] |
| * link:#gisyx[EJB Method Statistics] |
| * link:#gisza[EJB Pool Statistics] |
| * link:#gisyr[Timer Statistics] |
| |
| [[gisyw]][[GSADG00052]][[ejb-cache-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Cache Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for EJB cache statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.bean-cache.ejbname.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for EJB caches are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG884]][[sthref32]][[gelod]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-5 EJB Cache Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="37%,16%,47%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`cachemisses` |RangeStatistic |The number of times a user request does |
| not find a bean in the cache. |
| |
| |`cachehits` |RangeStatistic |The number of times a user request found |
| an entry in the cache. |
| |
| |`numbeansincache` |RangeStatistic |The number of beans in the cache. |
| This is the current size of the cache. |
| |
| |`numpassivations` |CountStatistic |Number of passivated beans. Applies |
| only to stateful session beans. |
| |
| |`numpassivationerrors` |CountStatistic |Number of errors during |
| passivation. Applies only to stateful session beans. |
| |
| |`numexpiredsessionsremoved` |CountStatistic |Number of expired sessions |
| removed by the cleanup thread. Applies only to stateful session beans. |
| |
| |`numpassivationsuccess` |CountStatistic |Number of times passivation |
| completed successfully. Applies only to stateful session beans. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[giszu]][[GSADG00053]][[ejb-container-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Container Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for EJB container statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.container.ejbname |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for EJB containers are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG885]][[sthref33]][[gelns]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-6 EJB Container Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="24%,16%,60%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`createcount` |CountStatistic |Number of times an EJB's `create` method |
| is called. |
| |
| |`messagecount` |CountStatistic |Number of messages received for a |
| message-driven bean. |
| |
| |`methodreadycount` |RangeStatistic |Number of stateful or stateless |
| session beans that are in the `MethodReady` state. |
| |
| |`passivecount` |RangeStatistic |Number of stateful session beans that |
| are in `Passive` state. |
| |
| |`pooledcount` |RangeStatistic |Number of entity beans in pooled state. |
| |
| |`readycount` |RangeStatistic |Number of entity beans in ready state. |
| |
| |`removecount` |CountStatistic |Number of times an EJB's `remove` method |
| is called. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gisyx]][[GSADG00054]][[ejb-method-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Method Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for EJB method statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.bean-methods.ejbname.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for EJB method invocations are listed in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG886]][[sthref34]][[gelnu]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-7 EJB Method Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="23%,16%,61%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`executiontime` |CountStatistic |Time, in milliseconds, spent executing |
| the method for the last successful/unsuccessful attempt to run the |
| operation. This is collected for stateless and stateful session beans |
| and entity beans if monitoring is enabled on the EJB container. |
| |
| |`methodstatistic` |TimeStatistic |Number of times an operation is |
| called; the total time that is spent during the invocation, and so on. |
| |
| |`totalnumerrors` |CountStatistic |Number of times the method execution |
| resulted in an exception. This is collected for stateless and stateful |
| session beans and entity beans if monitoring is enabled for the EJB |
| container. |
| |
| |`totalnumsuccess` |CountStatistic |Number of times the method |
| successfully executed. This is collected for stateless and stateful |
| session beans and entity beans if monitoring enabled is true for EJB |
| container. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gisza]][[GSADG00055]][[ejb-pool-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Pool Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for EJB pool statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.bean-pool.ejbname.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for EJB pools are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG887]][[sthref35]][[gelpe]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-8 EJB Pool Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`jmsmaxmessagesload` |CountStatistic |The maximum number of messages to |
| load into a JMS session at one time for a message-driven bean to serve. |
| Default is 1. Applies only to pools for message driven beans. |
| |
| |`numbeansinpool` |RangeStatistic |Number of EJBs in the associated |
| pool, providing information about how the pool is changing. |
| |
| |`numthreadswaiting` |RangeStatistic |Number of threads waiting for free |
| beans, giving an indication of possible congestion of requests. |
| |
| |`totalbeanscreated` |CountStatistic |Number of beans created in |
| associated pool since the gathering of data started. |
| |
| |`totalbeansdestroyed` |CountStatistic |Number of beans destroyed from |
| associated pool since the gathering of data started. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gisyr]][[GSADG00057]][[timer-statistics]] |
| |
| Timer Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for timer statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.appname.ejbmodulename.timers.ejbname.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for timers are listed in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG889]][[sthref36]][[gelob]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-9 Timer Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`numtimerscreated` |CountStatistic |Number of timers created in the |
| system. |
| |
| |`numtimersdelivered` |CountStatistic |Number of timers delivered by the |
| system. |
| |
| |`numtimersremoved` |CountStatistic |Number of timers removed from the |
| system. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvg]][[GSADG00652]][[http-service-statistics]] |
| |
| HTTP Service Statistics |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The HTTP service fits into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#ghlin[HTTP Service Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| [[ghqdi]][[GSADG00059]][[http-service-virtual-server-statistics]] |
| |
| HTTP Service Virtual Server Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for HTTP service virtual server |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.http-service.virtual-server.request.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The HTTP service statistics for virtual servers are shown in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG891]][[sthref37]][[gelnm]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-10 HTTP Service Virtual Server Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="21%,16%,63%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`count200` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 200 |
| |
| |`count2xx` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code in |
| the 2xx range |
| |
| |`count302` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 302 |
| |
| |`count304` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 304 |
| |
| |`count3xx` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal in the 3xx range |
| |
| |`count400` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 400 |
| |
| |`count401` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 401 |
| |
| |`count403` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 403 |
| |
| |`count404` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 404 |
| |
| |`count4xx` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal in the 4xx range |
| |
| |`count503` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal to 503 |
| |
| |`count5xx` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| equal in the 5xx range |
| |
| |`countother` |CountStatistic |Number of responses with a status code |
| outside the 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx range |
| |
| |`errorcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative value of the error count, with |
| error count representing the number of cases where the response code was |
| greater than or equal to 400 |
| |
| |`hosts` |StringStatistic |The host (alias) names of the virtual server |
| |
| |`maxtime` |CountStatistic |Longest response time for a request; not a |
| cumulative value, but the largest response time from among the response |
| times |
| |
| |`processingtime` |CountStatistic |Cumulative value of the times taken |
| to process each request, with processing time being the average of |
| request processing times over the request count |
| |
| |`requestcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative number of requests processed |
| so far |
| |
| |`state` |StringStatistic |The state of the virtual server |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjyb]][[GSADG00653]][[jersey-statistics]] |
| |
| Jersey Statistics |
| +++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Jersey fits into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#abluw[Applications Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for Jersey statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.jersey-application.jersey.resources.resource-0.hitcount.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for Jersey are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG892]][[sthref38]][[gjjys]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-11 Jersey Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="33%,21%,46%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`resourcehitcount` |CountStatistic |Number of hits on this resource |
| class |
| |
| |`rootresourcehitcount` |CountStatistic |Number of hits on this root |
| resource class |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvi]][[GSADG00654]][[jmsconnector-service-statistics]] |
| |
| JMS/Connector Service Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The JMS/Connector Service fits into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#ablva[JMS/Container Service Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| JMS/Connector Service statistics are shown in the following sections: |
| |
| * link:#giszy[Connector Connection Pool Statistics (JMS)] |
| * link:#giszh[Connector Work Management Statistics (JMS)] |
| |
| [[giszy]][[GSADG00060]][[connector-connection-pool-statistics-jms]] |
| |
| Connector Connection Pool Statistics (JMS) |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JMS/Connector Service |
| connection pool statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.connector-service.resource-adapter-1.connection-pool.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| JMS/Connector Service statistics available for the connector connection |
| pools are shown in the following table. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| In order to improve system performance, connection pools are initialized |
| lazily; that is, a pool is not initialized until an application first |
| uses the pool or the pool is explicitly pinged. Monitoring statistics |
| for a connection pool are not available until the pool is initialized. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[GSADG893]][[sthref39]][[gelot]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-12 Connector Connection Pool Monitoring Statistics (JMS) |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="37%,16%,47%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`averageconnwaittime` |CountStatistic |Average wait time of connections |
| before they are serviced by the connection pool. |
| |
| |`connectionrequestwaittime` |RangeStatistic |The longest and shortest |
| wait times of connection requests. The current value indicates the wait |
| time of the last request that was serviced by the pool. |
| |
| |`numconnfailedvalidation` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections |
| in the connection pool that failed validation from the start time until |
| the last sample time. |
| |
| |`numconnused` |RangeStatistic |Total number of connections that are |
| currently being used, as well as information about the maximum number of |
| connections that were used (the high water mark). |
| |
| |`numconnfree` |RangeStatistic |Total number of free connections in the |
| pool as of the last sampling. |
| |
| |`numconntimedout` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections in the |
| pool that timed out between the start time and the last sample time. |
| |
| |`numconncreated` |CountStatistic |Number of physical connections, in |
| milliseconds, that were created since the last reset. |
| |
| |`numconndestroyed` |CountStatistic |Number of physical connections that |
| were destroyed since the last reset. |
| |
| |`numconnacquired` |CountStatistic |Number of logical connections |
| acquired from the pool. |
| |
| |`numconnreleased` |CountStatistic |Number of logical connections |
| released to the pool. |
| |
| |`waitqueuelenght` |CountStatistic |Number of connection requests in the |
| queue waiting to be serviced. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[giszh]][[GSADG00061]][[connector-work-management-statistics-jms]] |
| |
| Connector Work Management Statistics (JMS) |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JMS/Connector Service work |
| management statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.connector-service.resource-adapter-1.work-management.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| JMS/Connector Service statistics available for connector work management |
| are listed in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG894]][[sthref40]][[gelnz]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-13 Connector Work Management Monitoring Statistics (JMS) |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`activeworkcount` |RangeStatistic |Number of work objects executed by |
| the connector. |
| |
| |`completedworkcount` |CountStatistic |Number of work objects that were |
| completed. |
| |
| |`rejectedworkcount` |CountStatistic |Number of work objects rejected by |
| the GlassFish Server. |
| |
| |`submittedworkcount` |CountStatistic |Number of work objects submitted |
| by a connector module. |
| |
| |`waitqueuelength` |RangeStatistic |Number of work objects waiting in |
| the queue before executing. |
| |
| |`workrequestwaittime` |RangeStatistic |Longest and shortest wait of a |
| work object before it gets executed. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvm]][[GSADG00655]][[jvm-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The JVM fits into the tree of objects as show in link:#ghlic[JVM Tree |
| Hierarchy]. |
| |
| The statistics that are available for the Virtual Machine for Java |
| platform (Java Virtual Machine) or JVM machine are shown in the |
| following sections: |
| |
| * link:#ablvn[JVM Class Loading System Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqfh[JVM Compilation System Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqea[JVM Garbage Collectors Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqdn[JVM Memory Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqec[JVM Operating System Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqby[JVM Runtime Statistics] |
| |
| [[ablvn]][[GSADG00062]][[jvm-class-loading-system-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Class Loading System Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM class loading system |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.class-loading-system.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| With Java SE, additional monitoring information can be obtained from the |
| JVM. Set the monitoring level to LOW to enable the display of this |
| additional information. Set the monitoring level to HIGH to also view |
| information pertaining to each live thread in the system. More |
| information about the additional monitoring features for Java SE is |
| available in |
| http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17409_01/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/management/[Monitoring |
| and Management for the Java Platform] . |
| |
| The Java SE monitoring tools are discussed at |
| `http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/`. |
| |
| The statistics that are available for class loading in the JVM for Java |
| SE are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG895]][[sthref41]][[gelow]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-14 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE Class Loading |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="31%,16%,53%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`loadedclasscount` |CountStatistic |Number of classes that are |
| currently loaded in the JVM |
| |
| |`totalloadedclasscount` |CountStatistic |Total number of classes that |
| have been loaded since the JVM began execution |
| |
| |`unloadedclasscount` |CountStatistic |Number of classes that have been |
| unloaded from the JVM since the JVM began execution |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| The statistics available for threads in the JVM in Java SE are shown in |
| the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG896]][[sthref42]][[geloa]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-15 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE - Threads |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="35%,16%,49%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`allthreadids` |StringStatistic |List of all live thread ids. |
| |
| |`currentthreadcputime` |CountStatistic |CPU time for the current thread |
| (in nanoseconds) if CPU time measurement is enabled. If CPU time |
| measurement is disabled, returns -1. |
| |
| |`daemonthreadcount` |CountStatistic |Current number of live daemon |
| threads. |
| |
| |`monitordeadlockedthreads` |StringStatistic |List of thread ids that |
| are monitor deadlocked. |
| |
| |`peakthreadcount` |CountStatistic |Peak live thread count since the JVM |
| started or the peak was reset. |
| |
| |`threadcount` |CountStatistic |Current number of live daemon and |
| non-daemon threads. |
| |
| |`totalstartedthreadcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of threads |
| created and/or started since the JVM started. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqfh]][[GSADG00063]][[jvm-compilation-system-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Compilation System Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM compilation system |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.compilation-system.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics that are available for compilation in the JVM for Java SE |
| are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG897]][[sthref43]][[gelnt]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-16 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE Compilation |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="34%,20%,46%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`name-current` |StringStatistic |Name of the current compiler |
| |
| |`totalcompilationtime` |CountStatistic |Accumulated time (in |
| milliseconds) spent in compilation |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqea]][[GSADG00064]][[jvm-garbage-collectors-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Garbage Collectors Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM garbage collectors |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.garbage-collectors.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics that are available for garbage collection in the JVM for |
| Java SE are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG898]][[sthref44]][[gelox]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-17 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE Garbage Collectors |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="23%,16%,61%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`collectioncount` |CountStatistic |Total number of collections that |
| have occurred |
| |
| |`collectiontime` |CountStatistic |Accumulated time (in milliseconds) |
| spent in collection |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqdn]][[GSADG00065]][[jvm-memory-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Memory Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM memory statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.memory.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics that are available for memory in the JVM for Java SE are |
| shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG899]][[sthref45]][[gelnx]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-18 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE Memory |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="44%,16%,40%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`committedheapsize` |CountStatistic |Amount of heap memory (in bytes) |
| that is committed for the JVM to use |
| |
| |`committednonheapsize` |CountStatistic |Amount of non-heap memory (in |
| bytes) that is committed for the JVM to use |
| |
| |`initheapsize` |CountStatistic |Size of the heap initially requested by |
| the JVM |
| |
| |`initnonheapsize` |CountStatistic |Size of the non-heap area initially |
| requested by the JVM |
| |
| |`maxheapsize` |CountStatistic |Maximum amount of heap memory (in bytes) |
| that can be used for memory management |
| |
| |`maxnonheapsize` |CountStatistic |Maximum amount of non-heap memory (in |
| bytes) that can be used for memory management |
| |
| |`objectpendingfinalizationcount` |CountStatistic |Approximate number of |
| objects that are pending finalization |
| |
| |`usedheapsize` |CountStatistic |Size of the heap currently in use |
| |
| |`usednonheapsize` |CountStatistic |Size of the non-heap area currently |
| in use |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqec]][[GSADG00066]][[jvm-operating-system-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Operating System Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM operating system |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.operating-system.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics that are available for the operating system for the JVM |
| machine in Java SE are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG900]][[sthref46]][[gelog]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-19 JVM Statistics for the Java SE Operating System |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`arch-current` |StringStatistic |Operating system architecture |
| |
| |`availableprocessors` |CountStatistic |Number of processors available |
| to the JVM |
| |
| |`name-current` |StringStatistic |Operating system name |
| |
| |`version-current` |StringStatistic |Operating system version |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqby]][[GSADG00067]][[jvm-runtime-statistics]] |
| |
| JVM Runtime Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for JVM runtime statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.jvm.runtime.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics that are available for the runtime in the JVM runtime for |
| Java SE are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG901]][[sthref47]][[gelop]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-20 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE Runtime |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="42%,16%,42%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`classpath-current` |StringStatistic |Classpath that is used by the |
| system class loader to search for class files |
| |
| |`inputarguments-current` |StringStatistic |Input arguments passed to |
| the JVM; not including arguments to the `main` method |
| |
| |`managementspecversion-current` |StringStatistic |Management |
| specification version implemented by the JVM |
| |
| |`name-current` |StringStatistic |Name representing the running JVM |
| |
| |`specname-current` |StringStatistic |JVM specification name |
| |
| |`specvendor-current` |StringStatistic |JVM specification vendor |
| |
| |`specversion-current` |StringStatistic |JVM specification version |
| |
| |`uptime` |CountStatistic |Uptime of the JVM (in milliseconds) |
| |
| |`vmname-current` |StringStatistic |JVM implementation name |
| |
| |`vmvendor-current` |StringStatistic |JVM implementation vendor |
| |
| |`vmversion-current` |StringStatistic |JVM implementation version |
| |
| | | | |
| |
| | | | |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjipy]][[GSADG00656]][[network-statistics]] |
| |
| Network Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Network fits into the tree of objects as shown in link:#giznj[Network |
| Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Network statistics are described in the following sections: |
| |
| * link:#gjiqu[Network Keep Alive Statistics] |
| * link:#gjjom[Network Connection Queue Statistics] |
| * link:#gjjpi[Network File Cache Statistics] |
| * link:#gjjpp[Network Thread Pool Statistics] |
| |
| [[gjiqu]][[GSADG00068]][[network-keep-alive-statistics]] |
| |
| Network Keep Alive Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for network keep alive statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.network.type-of-listener.keep-alive.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Statistics available for network keep alive are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG902]][[sthref48]][[gjirp]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-21 Network Keep Alive Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="25%,16%,59%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`countconnections` |CountStatistic |Number of connections in keep-alive |
| mode. |
| |
| |`counttimeouts` |CountStatistic |Number of keep-alive connections that |
| timed out. |
| |
| |`secondstimeouts` |CountStatistic |Keep-alive timeout value in seconds. |
| |
| |`maxrequests` |CountStatistic |Maximum number of requests allowed on a |
| single keep-alive connection. |
| |
| |`countflushes` |CountStatistic |Number of keep-alive connections that |
| were closed. |
| |
| |`counthits` |CountStatistic |Number of requests received by connections |
| in keep-alive mode. |
| |
| |`countrefusals` |CountStatistic |Number of keep-alive connections that |
| were rejected. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjom]][[GSADG00069]][[network-connection-queue-statistics]] |
| |
| Network Connection Queue Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for network connection queue |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.network.type-of-listener.connection-queue.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Statistics available for network connection queue are shown in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG903]][[sthref49]][[gjjxc]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-22 Network Connection Queue Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="40%,16%,44%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`countopenconnections` |CountStatistic |The number of open/active |
| connections |
| |
| |`countoverflows` |CountStatistic |Number of times the queue has been |
| too full to accommodate a connection |
| |
| |`countqueued` |CountStatistic |Number of connections currently in the |
| queue |
| |
| |`countqueued15minutesaverage` |CountStatistic |Average number of |
| connections queued in the last 15 minutes |
| |
| |`countqueued1minuteaverage` |CountStatistic |Average number of |
| connections queued in the last 1 minute |
| |
| |`countqueued5minutesaverage` |CountStatistic |Average number of |
| connections queued in the last 5 minutes |
| |
| |`counttotalconnections` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections |
| that have been accepted |
| |
| |`counttotalqueued` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections that |
| have been queued |
| |
| |`maxqueued` |CountStatistic |Maximum size of the connection queue |
| |
| |`peakqueued` |CountStatistic |Largest number of connections that were |
| in the queue simultaneously |
| |
| |`tickstotalqueued` |CountStatistic |(Unsupported) Total number of ticks |
| that connections have spent in the queue |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjpi]][[GSADG00070]][[network-file-cache-statistics]] |
| |
| Network File Cache Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for network file cache statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.network.type-of-listener.file-cache.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Statistics available for network file cache are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG904]][[sthref50]][[gjjpd]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-23 Network File Cache Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`contenthits` |CountStatistic |Number of hits on cached file content |
| |
| |`contentmisses` |CountStatistic |Number of misses on cached file |
| content |
| |
| |`heapsize` |CountStatistic |Current cache size in bytes |
| |
| |`hits` |CountStatistic |Number of cache lookup hits |
| |
| |`infohits` |CountStatistic |Number of hits on cached file info |
| |
| |`infomisses` |CountStatistic |Number of misses on cached file info |
| |
| |`mappedmemorysize` |CountStatistic |Size of mapped memory used for |
| caching in bytes |
| |
| |`maxheapsize` |CountStatistic |Maximum heap space used for cache in |
| bytes |
| |
| |`maxmappedmemorysize` |CountStatistic |Maximum memory map size used for |
| caching in bytes |
| |
| |`misses` |CountStatistic |Number of cache lookup misses data type |
| |
| |`opencacheentries` |CountStatistic |Number of current open cache |
| entries |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjjpp]][[GSADG00071]][[network-thread-pool-statistics]] |
| |
| Network Thread Pool Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for network thread pool |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.network.type-of-listener.thread-pool.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Statistics available for network thread pool are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG905]][[sthref51]][[gjjov]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-24 Network Thread Pool Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="28%,16%,56%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`corethreads` |CountStatistic |Core number of threads in the thread |
| pool |
| |
| |`currentthreadcount` |CountStatistic |Provides the number of request |
| processing threads currently in the listener thread pool |
| |
| |`currentthreadsbusy` |CountStatistic |Provides the number of request |
| processing threads currently in use in the listener thread pool serving |
| requests |
| |
| |`maxthreads` |CountStatistic |Maximum number of threads allowed in the |
| thread pool |
| |
| |`totalexecutedtasks` |CountStatistic |Provides the total number of |
| tasks, which were executed by the thread pool |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvj]][[GSADG00657]][[orb-statistics-connection-manager]] |
| |
| ORB Statistics (Connection Manager) |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The ORB fits into the tree of objects as shown in link:#ablvb[ORB Tree |
| Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Use the following dotted name patterns for ORB statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.orb.transport.connectioncache.inbound.statistic |
| server.orb.transport.connectioncache.outbound.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for the connection manager in an ORB are listed |
| in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG906]][[sthref52]][[gelqw]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-25 ORB Monitoring Statistics (Connection Manager) |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="24%,26%,50%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`connectionsidle` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections that are |
| idle to the ORB |
| |
| |`connectionsinuse` |CountStatistic |Total number of connections in use |
| to the ORB |
| |
| |`totalconnections` |BoundedRangeStatistic |Total number of connections |
| to the ORB |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gipzv]][[GSADG00658]][[resource-statistics-connection-pool]] |
| |
| Resource Statistics (Connection Pool) |
| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| By monitoring connection pool resources you can measure performance and |
| capture resource usage at runtime. Connections are expensive and |
| frequently cause performance bottlenecks in applications. It is |
| important to monitor how a connection pool is releasing and creating new |
| connections and how many threads are waiting to retrieve a connection |
| from a particular pool. |
| |
| The connection pool resources fit into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#giqdo[Resources Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for general connection pool |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.resources.pool-name.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for application-scoped connection |
| pool statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.application-name.resources.pool-name.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for module-scoped connection pool |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.application-name.module-name.resources.pool-name.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The connection pool statistics are shown in the following tables. |
| |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| In order to improve system performance, connection pools are initialized |
| lazily; that is, a pool is not initialized until an application first |
| uses the pool or the pool is explicitly pinged. Monitoring statistics |
| for a connection pool are not available until the pool is initialized. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[GSADG907]][[sthref53]][[gelqa]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-26 General Resource Monitoring Statistics (Connection Pool) |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="43%,16%,41%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`averageconnwaittime` |CountStatistic |Average wait-time-duration per |
| successful connection request |
| |
| |`connrequestwaittime` |RangeStatistic |Longest and shortest wait times, |
| in milliseconds, of connection requests since the last sampling. current |
| value indicates the wait time of the last request that was serviced by |
| the pool |
| |
| |`numconnacquired` |CountStatistic |Number of logical connections |
| acquired from the pool since the last sampling |
| |
| |`numconncreated` |CountStatistic |Number of physical connections that |
| were created by the pool since the last reset |
| |
| |`numconndestroyed` |CountStatistic |Number of physical connections that |
| were destroyed since the last reset |
| |
| |`numconnfailedvalidation` |CountStatistic |Number of connections in the |
| connection pool that failed validation from the start time until the |
| last sampling time |
| |
| |`numconnfree` |RangeStatistic |Number of free connections in the pool |
| as of the last sampling |
| |
| |`numconnnotsuccessfullymatched` |CountStatistic |Number of connections |
| rejected during matching |
| |
| |`numconnreleased` |CountStatistic |Number of connections released back |
| to the pool since the last sampling |
| |
| |`numconnsuccessfullymatched` |CountStatistic |Number of connections |
| successfully matched |
| |
| |`numconntimedout` |CountStatistic |Number of connections in the pool |
| that timed out between the start time and the last sampling time |
| |
| |`numconnused` |RangeStatistic |Number of connections that are currently |
| being used, as well as information about the maximum number of |
| connections that were used (high water mark) |
| |
| |`frequsedsqlqueries` |StringStatistic |List of the most frequently used |
| SQL queries (Available only when SQL Tracing is enabled) |
| |
| |`numpotentialconnleak` |CountStatistic |Number of potential connection |
| leaks |
| |
| |`numpotentialstatementleak` |CountStatistic |Number of potential |
| statement leaks (Available only when Statement Leak Dectection is |
| enabled) |
| |
| |`numstatementcachehit` |CountStatistic |Number of statements that were |
| found in the statement cache (Available only when the Statement Cache is |
| enabled) |
| |
| |`numstatementcachemiss` |CountStatistic |Number of statements that were |
| not found in the statement cache (Available only when the Statement |
| Cache is enabled) |
| |
| |`waitqueuelength` |CountStatistic |Number of connection requests in the |
| queue waiting to be serviced |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[GSADG908]][[sthref54]][[gktcp]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-27 Application Specific Resource Monitoring Statistics |
| (Connection Pool) |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="23%,16%,61%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`numconnacquired` |CountStatistic |Number of logical connections |
| acquired from the pool since the last sampling |
| |
| |`numconnreleased` |CountStatistic |Number of connections released back |
| to the pool since the last sampling |
| |
| |`numconnused` |RangeStatistic |Number of connections that are currently |
| being used, as well as information about the maximum number of |
| connections that were used (high water mark) |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjiov]][[GSADG00659]][[security-statistics]] |
| |
| Security Statistics |
| +++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| Security fits into the tree of objects as shown in link:#gjios[Security |
| Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Statistics available for security are shown in the following sections: |
| |
| * link:#gjira[EJB Security Statistics] |
| * link:#gjirn[Web Security Statistics] |
| * link:#gjirj[Realm Security Statistics] |
| |
| [[gjira]][[GSADG00072]][[ejb-security-statistics]] |
| |
| EJB Security Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for EJB security statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.security.ejb.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for EJB security are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG909]][[sthref55]][[gjirc]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-28 EJB Security Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="40%,18%,42%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`policyconfigurationcount` |CountStatistic |Number of policy |
| configuration |
| |
| |`securitymanagercount` |CountStatistic |Number of EJB security managers |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjirn]][[GSADG00073]][[web-security-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Security Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web security statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.security.web.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for web security are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG910]][[sthref56]][[gjiqv]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-29 Web Security Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="40%,16%,44%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`websecuritymanagercount` |CountStatistic |Number of security managers |
| |
| |`webpolicyconfigurationcount` |CountStatistic |Number of policy |
| configuration objects |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gjirj]][[GSADG00074]][[realm-security-statistics]] |
| |
| Realm Security Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for realm security statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.security.realm.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for realm security are listed in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG911]][[sthref57]][[gjirq]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-30 Realm Security Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="32%,22%,46%",options="header",] |
| |============================================== |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`realmcount` |CountStatistic |Number of realms |
| |============================================== |
| |
| |
| [[ablvk]][[GSADG00660]][[thread-pool-statistics]] |
| |
| Thread Pool Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The thread pool fits into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#ablvc[Thread Pool Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| The statistics available for thread pools are shown in the following |
| sections: |
| |
| * link:#gitct[Thread Pool Monitoring Statistics] |
| * link:#gitce[JVM Statistics for Java SE-Thread Information] |
| |
| [[gitct]][[GSADG00075]][[thread-pool-monitoring-statistics]] |
| |
| Thread Pool Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for thread pool statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.thread-pool.thread-pool.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for the thread pool are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG912]][[sthref58]][[gelqt]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-31 Thread Pool Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="37%,26%,37%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`averagetimeinqueue` |BoundedRangeStatistic |Average amount of time (in |
| milliseconds) a request waited in the queue before being processed |
| |
| |`averageworkcompletiontime` |BoundedRangeStatistic |Average amount of |
| time (in milliseconds) taken to complete an assignment |
| |
| |`currentbusythreads` |CountStatistic |Number of busy threads |
| |
| |`currentnumberofthreads` |BoundedRangeStatistic |Current number of |
| request processing threads |
| |
| |`numberofavailablethreads` |CountStatistic |Number of available threads |
| |
| |`numberofworkitemsinqueue` |BoundedRangeStatistic |Current number of |
| work items waiting in queue |
| |
| |`totalworkitemsadded` |CountStatistic |Total number of work items added |
| to the work queue as of last sampling |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[gitce]][[GSADG00076]][[jvm-statistics-for-java-se-thread-information]] |
| |
| JVM Statistics for Java SE-Thread Information |
| |
| The statistics available for `ThreadInfo` in the JVM in Java SE are |
| shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG913]][[sthref59]][[geloy]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-32 JVM Monitoring Statistics for Java SE - Thread Info |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="20%,16%,64%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`blockedcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of times that the thread |
| entered the `BLOCKED` state. |
| |
| |`blockedtime` |CountStatistic |Time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the |
| thread entered the `BLOCKED` state. Returns -1 if thread contention |
| monitoring is disabled. |
| |
| |`lockname` |StringStatistic |String representation of the monitor lock |
| that the thread is blocked to enter or waiting to be notified through |
| the `Object.wait` method. |
| |
| |`lockownerid` |CountStatistic |ID of the thread that holds the monitor |
| lock of an object on which this thread is blocking. |
| |
| |`lockownername` |StringStatistic |Name of the thread that holds the |
| monitor lock of the object this thread is blocking on. |
| |
| |`stacktrace` |StringStatistic |Stack trace associated with this thread. |
| |
| |`threadid` |CountStatistic |ID of the thread. |
| |
| |`threadname` |StringStatistic |Name of the thread. |
| |
| |`threadstate` |StringStatistic |State of the thread. |
| |
| |`waitedtime` |CountStatistic |Elapsed time (in milliseconds) that the |
| thread has been in a `WAITING` state. Returns -1 if thread contention |
| monitoring is disabled. |
| |
| |`waitedcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of times the thread was in |
| `WAITING` or `TIMED_WAITING` states. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvl]][[GSADG00661]][[transaction-service-statistics]] |
| |
| Transaction Service Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The transaction service allows the client to freeze the transaction |
| subsystem in order to roll back transactions and determine which |
| transactions are in process at the time of the freeze. The transaction |
| service fits into the tree of objects as shown in |
| link:#gitci[Transactions Service Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for transaction service |
| statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.transaction-service.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The statistics available for the transaction service are shown in the |
| following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG914]][[sthref60]][[gelpl]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-33 Transaction Service Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="23%,16%,61%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`activecount` |CountStatistic |Number of transactions currently active. |
| |
| |`activeids` |StringStatistic |The ID's of the transactions that are |
| currently active. Every such transaction can be rolled back after |
| freezing the transaction service. |
| |
| |`committedcount` |CountStatistic |Number of transactions that have been |
| committed. |
| |
| |`rolledbackcount` |CountStatistic |Number of transactions that have |
| been rolled back. |
| |
| |`state` |StringStatistic |Indicates whether or not the transaction has |
| been frozen. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ablvf]][[GSADG00662]][[web-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Statistics |
| ++++++++++++++ |
| |
| The web module fits into the tree of objects as shown in link:#ghlff[Web |
| Tree Hierarchy]. |
| |
| The available web statistics shown in the following sections: |
| |
| * link:#gjkaz[Web Module Servlet Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqge[Web JSP Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqga[Web Request Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqfu[Web Servlet Statistics] |
| * link:#ghqfr[Web Session Statistics] |
| |
| [[gjkaz]][[GSADG00077]][[web-module-servlet-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Module Servlet Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web module servlet statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.web-module.virtual-server.servlet.statistic |
| server.applications.application.web-module.virtual-server.servlet.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The available web module servlet statistics are shown in the following |
| table. |
| |
| [[GSADG915]][[sthref61]][[gjkba]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-34 Web Module Servlet Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="21%,16%,63%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`errorcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative number of cases where the |
| response code is greater than or equal to 400. |
| |
| |`maxtime` |CountStatistic |Maximum amount of time the web container |
| waits for requests. |
| |
| |`processingtime` |CountStatistic |Cumulative value of the amount of |
| time required to process each request. The processing time is the |
| average of request processing times divided by the request count. |
| |
| |`requestcount` |CountStatistic |The total number of requests processed |
| so far. |
| |
| |`servicetime` |CountStatistic |Aggregate response time in milliseconds. |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqge]][[GSADG00079]][[web-jsp-statistics]] |
| |
| Web JSP Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web JSP statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| server.applications.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The available web JSP statistics are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG917]][[sthref62]][[givgh]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-35 Web JSP Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="24%,16%,60%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`jspcount-current` |RangeStatistic |Number of active JSP pages |
| |
| |`jsperrorcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of errors triggered by |
| JSP page invocations |
| |
| |`jspreloadedcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of JSP pages that were |
| reloaded |
| |
| |`totaljspcount` |CountStatistic |Total number of JSP pages ever loaded |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqga]][[GSADG00080]][[web-request-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Request Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web request statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| server.applications.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The available web request statistics are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG918]][[sthref63]][[gjisw]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-36 Web Request Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="21%,16%,63%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`errorcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative value of the error count, with |
| error count representing the number of cases where the response code was |
| greater than or equal to 400 |
| |
| |`maxtime` |CountStatistic |Longest response time for a request; not a |
| cumulative value, but the largest response time from among the response |
| times |
| |
| |`processingtime` |CountStatistic |Average request processing time, in |
| milliseconds |
| |
| |`requestcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative number of the requests |
| processed so far |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqfu]][[GSADG00081]][[web-servlet-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Servlet Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web servlet statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| server.applications.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The available web servlet statistics are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG919]][[sthref64]][[ghqiu]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-37 Web Servlet Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="37%,16%,47%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`activeservletsloadedcount` |RangeStatistic |Number of currently loaded |
| servlets |
| |
| |`servletprocessingtimes` |CountStatistic |Cumulative servlet processing |
| times , in milliseconds |
| |
| |`totalservletsloadedcount` |CountStatistic |Cumulative number of |
| servlets that have been loaded into the web module |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[ghqfr]][[GSADG00082]][[web-session-statistics]] |
| |
| Web Session Statistics |
| |
| Use the following dotted name pattern for web session statistics: |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| server.applications.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| server.applications.application.web-module.virtual-server.statistic |
| ---- |
| |
| The available web session statistics are shown in the following table. |
| |
| [[GSADG920]][[sthref65]][[gellc]] |
| |
| |
| Table 8-38 Web Session Monitoring Statistics |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="34%,16%,50%",options="header",] |
| |======================================================================= |
| |Statistic |Data Type |Description |
| |`activatedsessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of activated |
| sessions |
| |
| |`activesessionscurrent` |RangeStatistic |Number of currently active |
| sessions |
| |
| |`activesessionshigh` |CountStatistic |Maximum number of concurrently |
| active sessions |
| |
| |`expiredsessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of expired |
| sessions |
| |
| |`passivatedsessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of passivated |
| sessions |
| |
| |`persistedsessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of persisted |
| sessions |
| |
| |`rejectedsessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of rejected |
| sessions |
| |
| |`sessionstotal` |CountStatistic |Total number of sessions created |
| |======================================================================= |
| |
| |
| [[giwqm]][[GSADG00561]][[configuring-jconsole-to-view-glassfish-server-monitoring-data]] |
| |
| Configuring JConsole to View GlassFish Server Monitoring Data |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| |
| Java SE provides tools to connect to an MBean Server and view the MBeans |
| registered with the server. JConsole is one such popular JMX Connector |
| Client and is available as part of the standard Java SE distribution. |
| When you configure JConsole for use with GlassFish Server, GlassFish |
| Server becomes the JMX Connector's server end and JConsole becomes the |
| JMX connector's client end. |
| |
| [[ggpfh]][[GSADG00390]][[to-connect-jconsole-to-glassfish-server]] |
| |
| To Connect JConsole to GlassFish Server |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Java SE 6 enhances management and monitoring of the virtual machine by |
| including a Platform MBean Server and by including managed beans |
| (MBeans) to configure the virtual machine. |
| |
| To view all MBeans, GlassFish Server provides a configuration of the |
| standard JMX connector server called System JMX Connector Server. As |
| part of GlassFish Server startup, an instance of this JMX Connector |
| Server is started. Any compliant JMX connector client can connect to the |
| server using the JMX Connector Server. |
| |
| By default, GlassFish Server is configured with a non-secure System JMX |
| Connector Server. If this is an issue, the JMX connector can be removed. |
| However, access can be restricted to a specific IP address (for example, |
| the loopback address) by setting `address` to `locahost`. |
| |
| 1. Start the domain. + |
| For instructions, see link:domains.html#ggoda[To Start a Domain]. |
| 2. Start JConsole using this format: JDK_HOME`/bin/jconsole` + |
| For example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| /usr/java/bin/jconsole |
| ---- |
| The JConsole Connect to Agent window is displayed. |
| 3. Click the Remote tab and type the host name and port. + |
| Always connect remotely with JConsole, otherwise MBeans will not load |
| automatically. |
| 4. Click Connect. |
| 5. In the Remote Process text box, specify the JMX Service URL. + |
| For example: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:8686/jmxrmi |
| ---- |
| The JMX Service URL is emitted by the server at startup, looking |
| something like this: + |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| [#|2009-12-03T10:25:17.737-0800|INFO|glassfishv3.0| |
| x..system.tools.admin.org.glassfish.server|_ThreadID=20; |
| _ThreadName=Thread-26;|JMXStartupService: Started JMXConnector, JMXService |
| URL = service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8686/jndi/rmi://localhost:8686/jmxrmi|#] |
| ---- |
| However, in most cases, simply entering `host:port` is fine, such as, |
| The long Service URL is not needed. + |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| Another host name can be substituted for `localhost`. The default port |
| number (8686) could change if the `jmx-connector` configuration has been |
| modified. |
| |
| ======================================================================= |
| |
| 6. Click Connect. + |
| In the JConsole window you will see all your MBeans, JVM information, |
| and so on, in various tabs. Most of the useful MBeans are to be found in |
| the `amx` and `java.lang` domains. |
| |
| [[GSADG921]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| For more information about JConsole, see |
| `http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/management/jconsole.html`. |
| |
| |