blob: 035ee329736aadb689fd2642ababe8420bf64ec7 [file] [log] [blame]
= create-virtual-server
== create-virtual-server
Creates the named virtual server
=== Synopsis
asadmin [asadmin-options] create-virtual-server [--help]
--hosts hosts
[--httplisteners http-listeners]
[--networklisteners network-listeners]
[--defaultwebmodule default-web-module]
[--logfile log-file]
[--property (name=value)[:name=value]*]
[--target target]
=== Description
The `create-virtual-server` subcommand creates the named virtual server.
Virtualization in the {productName} allows multiple URL domains to
be served by a single HTTP server process that is listening on multiple
host addresses. If the application is available at two virtual servers,
they still share the same physical resource pools.
This subcommand is supported in remote mode only.
=== Options
Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these
options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page.
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
A comma-separated (,) list of values allowed in the host request
header to select the current virtual server. Each virtual server that
is configured to the same connection group must have a unique host for
that group.
A comma-separated (,) list of HTTP listener IDs. Required only for a
virtual server that is not the default virtual server. HTTP listeners
are converted to network listeners. This option is deprecated but
maintained for backward compatibility. Use `--networklisteners`
instead. If `--networklisteners` is used, this option is ignored.
A comma-separated (,) list of network listener IDs. Required only for
a virtual server that is not the default virtual server.
The standalone web module associated with this virtual server by
Determines whether a virtual server is active (`on`) or inactive
(`off` or disabled). Default is `on`. When inactive, the virtual
server does not service requests.
Name of the file where log entries for this virtual server are to be
written. By default, this is the server log. The file and directory in
which the access log is kept must be writable by the user account
under which the server runs.
Optional property name/value pairs for configuring the virtual server.
The following properties are available:
Specifies the number of seconds after which a user's single sign-on
record becomes eligible for purging if no client activity is
received. Since single sign-on applies across several applications
on the same virtual server, access to any of the applications keeps
the single sign-on record active. The default value is 300 seconds
(5 minutes). Higher values provide longer single sign-on persistence
for users, but at the expense of more memory use on the server.
Specifies the number of seconds between purges of expired single
sign-on records. The default value is 60.
Specifies a comma-separated list of `Cache-Control` response
directives. For a list of valid directives, see section 14.9 of the
document at
If the value of this property is `true`, resources that are symbolic
links will be served for all web applications deployed on this
virtual server. Individual web applications may override this
setting by using the property `allowLinking` under the `sun-web-app`
element in the `sun-web.xml` file:
<property name="allowLinking" value="[true|false]"/>
The default value is `true`.
Indicates the number of seconds before the log will be written to
the disk. The access log is written when the buffer is full or when
the interval expires. If the value is 0 (zero), then the buffer is
always written even if it is not full. This means that each time the
server is accessed, the log message is stored directly to the file.
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer where access log calls
are stored.
This is a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to
which the remote client's IP address is compared. If this property
is specified, the remote address must match for this request to be
accepted. If this property is not specified, all requests will be
accepted unless the remote address matches a `denyRemoteAddress`
pattern. The default value for this property is null.
This is a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to
which the remote client's IP address is compared. If this property
is specified, the remote address must not match for this request to
be accepted. If this property is not specified, request acceptance
is governed solely by the `allowRemoteAddress` property. The default
value for this property is null.
This is a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to
which the remote client's host name (as returned by
``) is compared. If
this property is specified, the remote host name must match for this
request to be accepted. If this property is not specified, all
requests will be accepted unless the remote host name matches a
denyRemoteHost pattern. The default value for this property is null.
This is a comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to
which the remote client's host name (as returned by
``) is compared. If
this property is specified, the remote host name must not match for
this request to be accepted. If this property is not specified,
request acceptance is governed solely by the `allowRemoteHost`
property. The default value for this property is null.
Specifies the `name` attribute of an `auth-realm`, which overrides
the server instance's default realm for standalone web applications
deployed to this virtual server. A realm defined in a standalone web
application's `web.xml` file overrides the virtual server's realm.
Set this property to `false` to ensure that for all web applications
on this virtual server file downloads using SSL work properly in
Internet Explorer. +
You can set this property for a specific web application. For
details, see "link:../application-deployment-guide/dd-elements.html#GSDPG00161[glassfish-web-app]" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Specifies the location, relative to domain-dir, of the `context.xml`
file for this virtual server, if one is used. For more information
about the `context.xml` file, see "link:../application-development-guide/webapps.html#GSDVG00416[Using a
context.xml File]" in GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
Application Development Guide and The Context Container
Context parameters, environment entries, and resource definitions in
`context.xml` are supported in the {productName}.
Specifies an alternate document root (docroot), where n is a
positive integer that allows specification of more than one.
Alternate docroots allow web applications to serve requests for
certain resources from outside their own docroot, based on whether
those requests match one (or more) of the URI patterns of the web
application's alternate docroots. +
If a request matches an alternate docroot's URI pattern, it is
mapped to the alternate docroot by appending the request URI (minus
the web application's context root) to the alternate docroot's
physical location (directory). If a request matches multiple URI
patterns, the alternate docroot is determined according to the
following precedence order:
* Exact match
* Longest path match
* Extension match
For example, the following properties specify three alternate
docroots. The URI pattern of the first alternate docroot uses an
exact match, whereas the URI patterns of the second and third
alternate docroots use extension and longest path prefix matches, respectively.
<property name="alternatedocroot_1"
value="from=/my.jpg dir=/srv/images/jpg"/>
<property name="alternatedocroot_2"
value="from=*.jpg dir=/srv/images/jpg"/>
<property name="alternatedocroot_3"
value="from=/jpg/* dir=/src/images"/>
The `value` of each alternate docroot has two components: The first
component, `from`, specifies the alternate docroot's URI pattern,
and the second component, `dir`, specifies the alternate docroot's
physical location (directory). Spaces are allowed in the `dir`
component. +
You can set this property for a specific web application. For
details, see "link:../application-deployment-guide/dd-elements.html#GSDPG00161[glassfish-web-app]" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Specifies custom error page mappings for the virtual server, which
are inherited by all web applications deployed on the virtual
server. A web application can override these custom error page
mappings in its `web.xml` deployment descriptor. The value of each
`send-error_n` property has three components, which may be specified
in any order:
* The first component, `code`, specifies the three-digit HTTP response
status code for which the custom error page should be returned in
the response.
* The second component, `path`, specifies the absolute or relative
file system path of the custom error page. A relative file system
path is interpreted as relative to the domain-dir`/config`
* The third component, `reason`, is optional and specifies the text of
the reason string (such as `Unauthorized` or `Forbidden`) to be
For example:
<property name="send-error_1"
value="code=401 path=/myhost/401.html reason=MY-401-REASON"/>
This example property definition causes the contents of
`/myhost/401.html` to be returned with 401 responses, along with
this response line:
HTTP/1.1 401 MY-401-REASON
Specifies that a request for an old URL is treated as a request for
a new URL. These properties are inherited by all web applications
deployed on the virtual server. The value of each `redirect_n`
property has two components, which may be specified in any order:
* The first component, `from`, specifies the prefix of the requested URI to match.
* The second component, `url-prefix`, specifies the new URL prefix to
return to the client. The from prefix is simply replaced by this URL prefix.
For example:
<property name="redirect_1" value="from=/dummy url-prefix=http://etude"/>
Specifies a fully qualified class name of a custom valve, where n is
a positive integer that allows specification of more than one.
The valve class must implement the `org.apache.catalina.Valve` interface
from Tomcat or previous {productName} releases, or the
`org.glassfish.web.valve.GlassFishValve` interface from the current
{productName} release. For example:
<property name="valve_1" value="org.glassfish.extension.Valve"/>
You can set this property for a specific web application. For
details, see "link:../application-deployment-guide/dd-elements.html#GSDPG00161[glassfish-web-app]" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Specifies a fully qualified class name of a custom Catalina
listener, where n is a positive integer that allows specification of
more than one. The listener class must implement the
`org.apache.catalina.ContainerListener` or
`org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener` interface. For example:
<property name="listener_1"
You can set this property for a specific web application. For
details, see "link:../application-deployment-guide/dd-elements.html#GSDPG00161[glassfish-web-app]" in GlassFish
Server Open Source Edition Application Deployment Guide.
Absolute path to root document directory for server. Deprecated.
Replaced with a `virtual-server` attribute, `docroot`, that is
accessible using the `get`, `set`, and `list` subcommands.
Absolute path to server access logs. Deprecated. Replaced with a
`virtual-server` attribute , `access-log`, that is accessible using
the `get`, `set`, and `list` subcommands.
If `true`, access logging is enabled for this virtual server.
Deprecated. Replaced with a `virtual-server` attribute,
`access-logging-enabled`, that is accessible using the `get`, `set`,
and `list` subcommands.
If `true`, single sign-on is enabled for web applications on this
virtual server that are configured for the same realm. Deprecated.
Replaced with a `virtual-server` attribute, `sso-enabled`, that is
accessible using the `get`, `set`, and `list` subcommands.
Sets the `Secure` attribute of any `JSESSIONIDSSO` cookies
associated with the web applications deployed to this virtual
server. Deprecated. Replaced with a `virtual-server` attribute,
`sso-cookie-secure`, that is accessible using the `get`, `set`, and
`list` subcommands.
Specifies a fully qualified class name of a custom valve that
produces default error pages for applications on this virtual
server. Specify an empty string to disable the default error page
mechanism for this virtual server.
Creates the virtual server only on the specified target. Valid values
are as follows:
Creates the virtual server on the default server instance.
This is the default value.
Creates the virtual server in the specified configuration.
Creates the virtual server on all server instances in the specified cluster.
Creates the virtual server on the specified standalone server instance.
=== Operands
Identifies the unique ID for the virtual server to be created. This ID
cannot begin with a number.
=== Examples
==== Example 1   Creating a Virtual Server
The following command creates a virtual server named `sampleServer`:
asadmin> create-virtual-server --hosts pigeon,localhost
--property authRealm=ldap sampleServer
Command create-virtual-server executed successfully.
=== Exit Status
command executed successfully
error in executing the command
=== See Also
link:get.html#get-1[`get`(1)], link:list.html#list-1[`list`(1)],