blob: f7c3b384940ceebd0c5afea21e3d125ce71bebc6 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- peTree.jsf
JVM common 100
Logger Setting common 150
Web Container web 200
EJB Container ejb-lite 250
JMS jms-plugin 300
Security common 350
Transaction jts 400
HTTP Srvice web 450
Virtual Server web 500
Network Config web 550
ORB corba 600
Thread Pools web 650
Admin Service common 700
Connector Service 750
monitoring web 800
// Parent == "tree" priorities:
200: pluginTreeNodeServer.jsf
300: pluginTreeNodeApps.jsf
400: pluginTreeNodeResources.jsf
500: pluginTreeNodeClusters.jsf
530: pluginTreeNodeInstances.jsf
560: pluginTreeNodeNodes.jsf
700: pluginTreeNodeConfigurations.jsf
800: update center
// NOTE: Do not include anything outside the sun:form component... it will
// NOTE: not get used on tree refresh.
<sun:form id="treeForm">
setAttribute(key="configName" value="#{pageSession.configsList[0]}");
gf.encodeId(id="${configName}" result="#{requestScope.configNameId}");
<h:commandButton id="update" style="display: none;">
setResourceBundle(key="i18n" bundle="org.glassfish.admingui.core.Strings");
// Must use entire treeForm so that all IntegrationPoints are considered
getUIComponent(clientId="treeForm", component="#{requestScope.oldComp}");
setAttribute(key="parent" value="#{requestScope.oldComp.parent}");
// Replace it with something temporary to hold position
// Needed, or it it will just find the old one vs. create it
createComponent(type="staticText" component=>$attribute{temp});
replaceUIComponent(old="$attribute{oldComp}" new="$attribute{temp}");
// Rengenerate entire tree (must create everything to be complete)
buildUIComponentTree(layoutElement="$attribute{desc}" parent="#{parent}" result=>$attribute{newComp});
replaceUIComponent(old="${temp}" new="$attribute{newComp}");
<sun:tree id="tree"
<!facet content>
// Doing this avoids the JS which highlights the entire tree.
<sun:hyperlink id="ct" url="/common/commonTask.jsf" text="$resource{i18n.tree.commonTasks}" />
getClientId(component="$this{component}" clientId=>$page{treeId});
includeIntegrations(type="org.glassfish.admingui:navNode" root="#{pageSession.treeId}");
foreach(var="configName" list="#{pageSession.configsList}") {
if ("!(${configName}=#{pageSession.configsList[0]})") {
gf.encodeId(id="${configName}" result="#{requestScope.configNameId}");
buildUIComponentTree(layoutElement="$attribute{configTreeNodeLE}" parent="$attribute{configsTreeNode}");
includeIntegrations(type="org.glassfish.admingui:navNode" root="$attribute{configsTreeNode}");
<!-- We only want to set the width for IE browser only. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function setTreeWidth(treeId) {
var version = navigator.appVersion;
var ix = version.indexOf('MSIE');
if (ix == -1){
var foo = document.getElementById(treeId);"40em";