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<title>MonitoringRegistry Interface</title>
</head><body bgcolor="white">Provides for <b>collection of monitoring statistics from JSR77 compliant Stats implementations through the JMX API. </b>&nbsp;Various
J2EE server components can expose their JSR 77 compliant Stats implementations
to a JMX client with the help of this package. <br>
The J2EE server components register their <tt>Stats </tt>implementations through
the implementation of &nbsp;<tt><b>MonitoringRegistry</b></tt>
interface class that provides the ability to register and unregister components
to make them available (or unavailable) to JMX clients. The registration
implementation would introspect the <tt>Stats </tt>implementation, create a <tt>DynamicMBean </tt>out of the introspected parts, and exposes this derived management interface to JMX clients by registering the <tt>DynamicMBean </tt>with the <tt>MBeanServer. </tt>Any calls to the MBean's public API is delegated to the <tt>Stats </tt>implementation and the underlying <tt>Statistic</tt>'s monitored attribute value is returned. &nbsp;<br>
One can obtain an instance of this interface's implementation instance by
using the following code as an example:
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer;// (appserver-core
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext; // (appserv-core module)<br>
import com.sun.enterprise.server.admin.monitor.registry.MonitoringRegistry;//(admin-core module
-compile time dependency)<br>
final MonitoringRegistry registry = ApplicationServer.getServerContext().getMonitoringRegistry(); // returns an
registry.registerEJBStats( ...);<br>
The magnitude of monitoring and corresponding number of attributes involved
in monitoring is dependent on the level at which monitoring of each component
is set. A change in monitoring level to <tt>OFF, LOW </tt>or<tt> HIGH</tt>
from a prior setting results in a change in the extent to which monitoring
is performed for that component. Following each such change in state, the
J2EE server component has to unregister its previous <tt>Stats </tt>implementation. The <tt>MonitoringRegistrationHelper&nbsp;</tt> unregisters the <tt>DynamicMBean </tt>from the <tt>MBeanServer </tt>as a result. If the change in state results in monitoring level being either <tt>HIGH</tt> or <tt>LOW</tt>(i.e. not <tt>OFF</tt>), the component will now register a <tt>Stats </tt>implementation that reflects the higher or lower set of attributes that are monitored. The <tt>MonitoringRegistrationHelper </tt>will now generate a new <tt>DynamicMBean</tt> that will expose the revised higher or lower level of observed attributes as a result of the change in setting. <br>
<h2>Package Specification</h2>
The registration interface and its related classes are defined in the
<tt>com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.registry</tt> &nbsp;package. The following interfaces and classes are part of this package.<br>
<li><tt>MonitoringRegistry</tt> interface - declares methods to register, unregister and to find if a component's <tt>Stats </tt>implementation&nbsp; is already registered.</li>
<li><tt>MonitoringRegistrationException</tt> class - reports exceptions that may occur during registration or unregistration process.</li>
<li><tt>MonitoringLevelListener</tt> interface - interface provides <code>setLevel</code> method. Implementations will be notified of changes in monitoring level through this method.</li>
<li><tt>MonitoringLevel</tt> class - describes various recognized monitoring levels</li>
<h2>Related Documentation</h2>
The implementations and associated helper classes are defined in the<br>
<tt>com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.spi</tt> and<br>
<tt>com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.util</tt> packages<br><br>
See the associated package file for information on how client will access the
stats implementations.<br><br>
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