blob: aff13f1cfb943c3812bcb04613bb50eaf90d4c98 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
* This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
* Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
* Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,
* version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
package com.sun.s1asdev.ejb32.ejblite.async;
import jakarta.ejb.*;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletConfig;
import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.naming.*;
import jakarta.annotation.Resource;
import com.acme.*;
@WebServlet(urlPatterns="/HelloServlet", loadOnStartup=1)
public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
System.out.println("In HelloServlet::init");
@EJB SingletonBean sb;
@EJB StatefulBean sfTimeout;
@EJB StatefulBean2 sfNoTimeout;
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
System.out.println("In HelloServlet::doGet");
try {
System.out.println("Sleeping to wait for sf bean to be removed ...");
System.out.println("Waking up , checking sf bean existence");
try {
throw new RuntimeException("StatefulTimeout(0) bean should have timed out");
} catch(EJBException e) {
System.out.println("Stateful bean successfully timed out");
System.out.println("Stateful bean with longer timeout is still around");
if( sb.getPassed() ) {
System.out.println("getPassed() returned true");
} else {
throw new EJBException("getPassed() returned false");
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
out.println("<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> JMS Servlet Output </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=white>");
out.println("<CENTER> <FONT size=+1 COLOR=blue>DatabaseServelt :: All information I can give </FONT> </CENTER> <p> " );
out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Context Path : </FONT> " + req.getContextPath() + "<br>" );
out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Servlet Path : </FONT> " + req.getServletPath() + "<br>" );
out.println("<FONT size=+1 color=red> Path Info : </FONT> " + req.getPathInfo() + "<br>" );
out.println("</BODY> </HTML> ");