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enable-secure-admin-principal(1) asadmin Utility Subcommands enable-secure-admin-principal(1)
enable-secure-admin-principal - Instructs GlassFish Server, when secure
admin is enabled, to accept admin requests from clients identified by
the specified SSL certificate.
--alias aliasname | DN
The enable-secure-admin-principal subcommand instructs GlassFish Server
to accept admin requests when accompanied by an SSL certificate with
the specified distinguished name (DN). If you use the "--alias
aliasname" form, then GlassFish Server looks in its truststore for a
certificate with the specified alias and uses the DN associated with
that certificate. Otherwise, GlassFish Server records the value you
specify as the DN.
You must specify either the --alias option, or the DN.
You can run enable-secure-admin-principal multiple times so that
GlassFish Server accepts admin requests from a client sending a
certificate with any of the DNs you specify.
When you run enable-secure-admin, GlassFish Server automatically
records the DNs for the admin alias and the instance alias, whether you
specify those values or use the defaults. You do not need to run
enable-secure-admin-principal yourself for those certificates. Other
than these certificates, you must run enable-secure-admin-principal for
any other DN that GlassFish Server should authorize to send admin
requests. This includes DNs corresponding to trusted certificates
(those with a certificate chain to a trusted authority.)
--help, -?
Displays the help text for the subcommand.
The alias name of the certificate in the trust store. GlassFish
Server looks up certificate in the trust store using that alias
and, if found, stores the corresponding DN as being valid for
secure administration. Because alias-name must be an alias
associated with a certificate currently in the trust store, you may
find it most useful for self-signed certificates.
The distinguished name of the certificate, specified as a
comma-separated list in quotes. For example,
Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US".
Example 1, Trusting a DN for secure administration
The following example shows how to specify a DN for authorizing
access in secure administration.
asadmin> enable-secure-admin-principal
O=Oracle Corporation,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US"
Command enable-secure-admin-principal executed successfully.
subcommand executed successfully
error in executing the subcommand
Java EE 8 09 Aug 2017 enable-secure-admin-principal(1)