| type=page |
| status=published |
| title=create-connector-connection-pool |
| next=create-connector-resource.html |
| prev=create-cluster.html |
| ~~~~~~ |
| create-connector-connection-pool |
| ================================ |
| |
| [[create-connector-connection-pool-1]][[GSRFM00018]][[create-connector-connection-pool]] |
| |
| create-connector-connection-pool |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| adds a connection pool with the specified connection pool name |
| |
| [[sthref158]] |
| |
| Synopsis |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin [asadmin-options] create-connector-connection-pool [--help] |
| [--target=target] |
| --raname raname |
| --connectiondefinition connectiondefinitionname |
| [--steadypoolsize steadypoolsize] |
| [--maxpoolsize maxpoolsize] |
| [--maxwait maxwait] |
| [--poolresize poolresize] |
| [--idletimeout idletimeout] |
| [--isconnectvalidatereq={false|true}] |
| [--failconnection={false|true}] |
| [--leaktimeout=timeout] |
| [--leakreclaim={false|true}] |
| [--creationretryattempts=attempts] |
| [--creationretryinterval=interval] |
| [--lazyconnectionenlistment={false|true}] |
| [--lazyconnectionassociation={false|true}] |
| [--associatewiththread={false|true}] |
| [--matchconnections={true|false}] |
| [--maxconnectionusagecount=count] |
| [--validateatmostonceperiod=interval] |
| [--transactionsupport transactionsupport] |
| [--descrip[tion description] |
| [--ping {false|true}] |
| [--pooling {true|false}] |
| [--property (name=value)[:name=value]*] |
| poolname |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref159]] |
| |
| Description |
| |
| The `create-connector-connection-pool` subcommand defines a pool of |
| connections to an enterprise information system (EIS). The named pool |
| can be referred to by multiple connector resources. Each defined pool is |
| instantiated at server startup, and is populated when accessed for the |
| first time. If two or more connector resources point to the same |
| connector connection pool, they are using the same pool of connections |
| at run time. There can be more than one pool for a connection definition |
| in a single resource adapter. |
| |
| A connector connection pool with authentication can be created either by |
| using a `--property` option to specify user, password, or other |
| connection information, or by specifying the connection information in |
| the XML descriptor file. |
| |
| This subcommand is supported in remote mode only. |
| |
| [[sthref160]] |
| |
| Options |
| |
| asadmin-options:: |
| Options for the `asadmin` utility. For information about these |
| options, see the link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] help page. |
| `--help`:: |
| `-?`:: |
| Displays the help text for the subcommand. |
| `--associatewiththread`:: |
| Specifies whether a connection is associated with the thread to enable |
| the thread to reuse the connection. If a connection is not associated |
| with the thread, the thread must obtain a connection from the pool |
| each time that the thread requires a connection. Possible values are |
| as follows: + |
| `false`;; |
| A connection is not associated with the thread (default). |
| `true`;; |
| A connection is associated with the thread. |
| `--connectiondefinition`:: |
| The name of the connection definition. |
| `--creationretryattempts`:: |
| Specifies the maximum number of times that the server retries to |
| create a connection if the initial attempt fails. + |
| Default value is 0, which specifies that the server does not retry to |
| create the connection. |
| `--creationretryinterval`:: |
| Specifies the interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to |
| create a connection. + |
| If `--creationretryattempts` is 0, the `--creationretryinterval` |
| option is ignored. Default value is 10. |
| `--description`:: |
| Text providing descriptive details about the connector connection |
| pool. |
| `--failconnection`:: |
| If set to true, all connections in the pool are closed if a single |
| validation check fails. This parameter is mandatory if the |
| `--isconnectvalidatereq` option is set to true. Default value is |
| false. |
| `--idletimeout`:: |
| The maximum time that a connection can remain idle in the pool. After |
| this amount of time, the pool can close this connection. Default value |
| is 300. |
| `--isconnectvalidatereq`:: |
| If the value is set to true, the connections will be checked to see if |
| they are usable, before they are given out to the application. Default |
| value is false. |
| `--lazyconnectionenlistment`:: |
| Specifies whether a resource to a transaction is enlisted only when a |
| method actually uses the resource. Default value is false. |
| `--lazyconnectionassociation`:: |
| Specifies whether a physical connection should be associated with the |
| logical connection only when the physical connection is used, and |
| disassociated when the transaction is completed. Such association and |
| dissociation enable the reuse of physical connections. Possible values |
| are as follows: + |
| `false`;; |
| A physical connection is associated with the logical connection even |
| before the physical connection is used, and is not disassociated |
| when the transaction is completed (default). |
| `true`;; |
| A physical connection is associated with the logical connection only |
| when the physical connection is used, and disassociated when the |
| transaction is completed. The `--lazyconnectionenlistment` option |
| must also be set to `true`. |
| `--leakreclaim`:: |
| Specifies whether leaked connections are restored to the connection |
| pool after leak connection tracing is complete. Possible values are as |
| follows: + |
| `false`;; |
| Leaked connections are not restored to the connection pool |
| (default). |
| `true`;; |
| Leaked connections are restored to the connection pool. |
| `--leaktimeout`:: |
| Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for which connection leaks |
| in a connection pool are to be traced. + |
| If connection leak tracing is enabled, you can use the Administration |
| Console to enable monitoring of the JDBC connection pool to get |
| statistics on the number of connection leaks. Default value is 0, |
| which disables connection leak tracing. |
| `--matchconnections`:: |
| Specifies whether a connection that is selected from the pool should |
| be matched with the resource adaptor. If all connections in the pool |
| are identical, matching between connections and resource adapters is |
| not required. Possible values are as follows: + |
| `true`;; |
| A connection should be matched with the resource adaptor (default). |
| `false`;; |
| A connection should not be matched with the resource adaptor. |
| `--maxconnectionusagecount`:: |
| Specifies the maximum number of times that a connection can be reused. + |
| When this limit is reached, the connection is closed. Default value is |
| 0, which specifies no limit on the number of times that a connection |
| can be reused. |
| `--maxpoolsize`:: |
| The maximum number of connections that can be created to satisfy |
| client requests. Default value is 32. |
| `--maxwait`:: |
| The amount of time, in milliseconds, that a caller must wait before a |
| connection is created, if a connection is not available. If set to 0, |
| the caller is blocked indefinitely until a resource is available or |
| until an error occurs. Default value is 60000. |
| `--ping`:: |
| A pool with this attribute set to true is contacted during creation |
| (or reconfiguration) to identify and warn of any erroneous values for |
| its attributes. Default value is false. |
| `--pooling`:: |
| When set to false, this attribute disables connection pooling. Default |
| value is true. |
| `--poolresize`:: |
| Quantity by which the pool will scale up or scale down the number of |
| connections. Scale up: When the pool has no free connections, pool |
| will scale up by this quantity. Scale down: All the invalid and idle |
| connections are removed, sometimes resulting in removing connections |
| of quantity greater than this value. The number of connections that is |
| specified by `--steadypoolsize` will be ensured. Possible values are |
| from 0 to `MAX_INTEGER`. Default value is 2. |
| `--property`:: |
| Optional attribute name/value pairs for configuring the pool. + |
| `LazyConnectionEnlistment`;; |
| Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false. |
| `LazyConnectionAssociation`;; |
| Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false. |
| `AssociateWithThread`;; |
| Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false. |
| `MatchConnections`;; |
| Deprecated. Use the equivalent option. Default value is false. |
| `--raname`:: |
| The name of the resource adapter. |
| `--steadypoolsize`:: |
| The minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the pool. |
| Default value is 8. |
| `--target`:: |
| Do not specify this option. This option is retained for compatibility |
| with earlier releases. If you specify this option, a syntax error does |
| not occur. Instead, the subcommand runs successfully and displays a |
| warning message that the option is ignored. |
| `--transactionsupport`:: |
| Indicates the level of transaction support that this pool will have. |
| Possible values are `XATransaction`, `LocalTransaction` and |
| `NoTransaction`. This attribute can have a value lower than or equal |
| to but not higher than the resource adapter's transaction support |
| attribute. The resource adapter's transaction support attribute has an |
| order of values, where `XATransaction` is the highest, and |
| `NoTransaction` the lowest. |
| `--validateatmostonceperiod`:: |
| Specifies the time interval in seconds between successive requests to |
| validate a connection at most once. Setting this attribute to an |
| appropriate value minimizes the number of validation requests by a |
| connection. Default value is 0, which means that the attribute is not |
| enabled. |
| |
| [[sthref161]] |
| |
| Operands |
| |
| poolname:: |
| The name of the connection pool to be created. |
| |
| [[sthref162]] |
| |
| Examples |
| |
| [[GSRFM464]][[sthref163]] |
| |
| Example 1 Creating a Connector Connection Pool |
| |
| This example creates a new connector connection pool named |
| `jms/qConnPool`. |
| |
| [source,oac_no_warn] |
| ---- |
| asadmin> create-connector-connection-pool --raname jmsra |
| --connectiondefinition javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory --steadypoolsize 20 |
| --maxpoolsize 100 --poolresize 2 --maxwait 60000 jms/qConnPool |
| Command create-connector-connection-pool executed successfully |
| ---- |
| |
| [[sthref164]] |
| |
| Exit Status |
| |
| 0:: |
| subcommand executed successfully |
| 1:: |
| error in executing the subcommand |
| |
| [[sthref165]] |
| |
| See Also |
| |
| link:asadmin.html#asadmin-1m[`asadmin`(1M)] |
| |
| link:delete-connector-connection-pool.html#delete-connector-connection-pool-1[`delete-connector-connection-pool`(1)], |
| link:list-connector-connection-pools.html#list-connector-connection-pools-1[`list-connector-connection-pools`(1)], |
| link:ping-connection-pool.html#ping-connection-pool-1[`ping-connection-pool`(1)] |
| |
| |