blob: fee9ff242e94d21922b192f836cff4f8ea3a0eba [file] [log] [blame]
* Test to make sure that administed objects defined in ra.xml (without @AdministeredObject annotation)
are also considered for @ConfigProperty annotation
* Test to make sure that multiple admin objects are created (one with Interface_1 and
another with Interface_2 with all config properties
* Test to make sure that only one admin object is created (an admin object Interface_2 & MyAdminObject_3
should not be created)
* Test to make sure that only one admin object is created (one specified as 'implements' Interface_3 as no "interfaces" attribute
in annotation is specified)
SimpleResourceAdapterImpl_1 & SimpleResuourceAdapterImpl_2
* This @Connector should not be considered as component definition annotation.
if there are multiple @Connector annotations,one that is a class as specified in ra.xml should be considered
Refer @Readme annotation in the source code of RA (ra/src/connector) for complete details as there are cases that are
not explicitly tested but documented.