blob: e7756a27e9d394587ba7a48e9e20ab0f1df5529b [file] [log] [blame]
This test, when run with 'all' target performs the following steps:
- build
- setup
- start-database
- startDomain
- setup-database (add jdbc resources and execute create.sql script on 2 resorces)
- setup-cluster (create cluster of 3 instances, enable resources in the cluster, and deploy the application)
- run
- run-recover (execute test for automatic transactions recover as a GMS notification handling)
Test inserts 3 rows from in1 into the default and xa database
Instance in1 is killed and restarted
Sleep 35 seconds to allow for all processing to go through
Expected result: 3 rows found in xa database when verified from in2
- unsetup
- unsetup-cluster (undeploy the application, stop and delete the cluster)
- unsetup-database (drop tables and remove resources)
- stop-database
- stopDomain