blob: 9b2a76b12d429eece63ae66d55504ba20d8a4b12 [file] [log] [blame]
Assumption : Two asadmin domains - domain1 with default port values and domain2 with following values are created, started and openESB product is installed on both the instances along with JMS Binding.
Domain2 : Expected values for ports are as follows :
instance port : 9080
admin port : 9848
jmx port : 9686
| | |
client -|-> servlet --> JavaEE SE --> JMS BC --|--> JMS BC --> JavaEE SE --> EJB Web Service|
Only one imq broker at 7676 ie. domain1 is used for creating queues.
Filestore /tmp/imqobjects is used for persistence.
Instructions to run the test case :
1. Start domain1
2. Create domain2 (step one is required so as to avoid port conflicts)
3. start domain2
4. install JBI on both domains
5. Install jms binding component on both the domains. To install on domain2 use "-Djbi.port=9686" as argument.
Execute asant