blob: 32c39349c376f80fcb39332331dd964868c3a7ab [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at
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# i18n Strings for to allocate a buffer bigger than the current allocated Java heap space.
ServerDirs.badDir=Directory doesn''t exist: {0}
## The parent directory of {server directory} doesn''t exist.
ServerDirs.badParentDir=The parent directory of {0} doesn''t exist.
ServerDirs.invalidState=This method call is illegal because the object is in an invalid state.
ServerDirs.nullArg=Null arguments are not allowed in {0}
InstanceDirs.noGrandParent=Server instances are required to have a grandparent \
directory for backward compatability. Here is the instance's directory: {0}
InstanceDirs.noNodeParent=No node parent directory found.
InstanceDirs.tooManyNodes=There is more than one directory ({1}) in the node parent directory ({0}). Cannot choose a default node.
InstanceDirs.noNodes=There are no nodes in {0}.
InstanceDirs.badNodeDir=The specified node directory doesn''t exist: {0}
## No instance directories exist in {node directory}.
InstanceDirs.noInstances=No instance directories exist in {0}.
## There is more than one instance directory {number of instance directories} in {node directory}. Impossible to choose a default.
InstanceDirs.tooManyInstances=There is more than one instance directory {0} in {1}. Impossible to choose a default.
InstanceDirs.badInstanceDir=The specified instance''s directory does not exist: {0}
Domain.noDomainsDir=Can''t find the default domains directory. There is no value for this system property: {0}
Domain.badDomainDir=There is no such domain directory: {0}
Domain.badDomainsDir=The specified domaindir is not a directory: {0}
## There are no domains in {domains directory}.
Domain.noDomainDirs=There are no domains in {0}.
Domain.tooManyDomainDirs=The domains directory {0}\ncontains multiple domains. Please specify a domain.\nAvailable domains: {1}
enterprise_util.retry_rename_failure=UTIL6046: Attempt to rename {0} to {1} failed after {2} retries