blob: e82d47904c5043814fe377f27a11001f84dcf32c [file] [log] [blame]
- Emebeddable EJB container: beans deployed wherever EJBs are deployed
- Transactional observers (JPA) - 11.7
- Use @Model in a JSF application -- 12.6
- test inheritance of @Named in the specialized alternative bean
- test injection of JMS topics, JavaMail sessions, Connector resources, Remote EJBs and web-services -- 14.1
- portable extensions: registering a bean (16.6), wrapping an annotated type (16.7), wrapping an injectiontarget (16.8), context interface
- use of CDI in embedded (refer issue 12658 for usecase)
- automated stress test (memory leaks and permgen issues) by deploy-use-undeploy of WicketExamples.war referred to in 11668
- automate test in