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<title>Readme for the RMI over IIOP example</title>
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<h2>RMI over IIOP</h2>
<p>The RMI over IIOP example has a simple AccountManager interface to create an account,
(re)open an account and to get a list of accounts. The Accounts created has operations to
get the name on the Account and to set and get the balance in the account. A third java
class AccountData is used to represent information used to create accounts. This example
illustrates the use of RMI over IIOP and how we can use RMI over IIOP to pass native Java
classes (those not mapped from IDL) across the wire, in remote method calls. It also
illustrates the use of a RMI style remote interface and how one can use create CORBA
servers, but use RMI clients to access the CORBA servers.<br>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
From this example, you will learn how to:
<li>Use java2iiop to generate stubs and servants for CORBA interfaces described in Java</li>
<li>Use java2iiop to generate stubs and servants for RMI remote interfaces described in Java</li>
<li>Pass native Java classes like java.util.Hashtable around in remote invocations</li>
<h3>Directory Contents</h3>
<li><a HREF="rmi-iiop_java.html">Java example</a></li>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
Return to the <a HREF="../README.html">top-level examples page</a>. </p>